"He did it with his children." Su Nian touched the little doll.

Li Hanchuan will say to her, "his friends said that his own children do, want to be appreciated by others."

"He's married?"

Zhou Xiaoli's reaction is the same as Su Nian's.

The appearance of Li Hanchuan is a new dream lover.

And Li Hanchuan has never had any gossip, which is a fatal advantage.

No one will think that Li Hanchuan has been married.

"I have the same reaction as you." Su Nian raised her eyebrows and put the doll away again.

Zhou Xiaoli took a breath, "that's really a pity. I want to see people like him. They will be taken down in the end."

There is an advertisement on TV. Zhou Xiaoli looks up and says to Su Nian, "do you think he looks good?"

"Is he half blood? Or the native of country a? "

"I don't know." Su Nian shakes her head. She stands up and goes upstairs. After thinking about it, she looks down at the small box in her hand and says slowly, "his eyes are very good."

"Then I know." Zhou Xiaoli twisted her eyebrows, looked at her back and said, "I've seen the photos, too. My eyes are very good, so I want to ask you if you think his face is good."

"You take off his mask." Su Nian went upstairs and left a message.

Zhou Xiaoli immediately counseled and cried, "I don't care for him."

Just at this time, her cell phone rang.

Song Kehan's call.

In fact, the relationship between Zhou Xiaoli and song Kehan is good now.

After all, Zhou Xiaoli has no friends around her and has an interest relationship with everyone.

It's good to chat with song Kehan and have dinner occasionally.

"Hello." She got through.

Song Kehan is sitting in the car, looking at the amusement park not far away. He has a mobile phone in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. He seems a little nervous.

He stopped for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "lawyer Zhou. Are you free? "

Zhou Xiaoli is not only free now, but also very free.

Because she and Sunian have not reached an agreement now.

How to start again.

How are they going to solve this start-up fund.

She said she would like to start her old business in China, but Sunian didn't agree.

Then she is even less likely to agree with Sunian to make money to do things she doesn't like.

Even Sunian's favorite singing, she didn't want to see it turned into singing for profit.

They haven't reached a consensus on this yet.

Zhou Xiaoli took a look at the present program on TV.

It's a variety show.

She looked back at the fruit tray in front of her and said, "yes, what's the matter?"

Song Kehan stopped again for two seconds, then said softly, "I want to invite you out to play."

His words are not smooth.

In fact, the relationship between adults is not complicated at all. It's very direct.

If you want to get married, go on a blind date. If you want to have a kidney, you can have a one night stand directly. But if you want to love, it's not very simple.

Song Kehan used to go to nightclubs, and he saw too many scenes.

He accompanied the girls to the streets many times, bought many orders and went to luxury stores many times.

But I've never been to this amusement park.

He just drove here. He was a little tired. When he wanted to have a cigarette, he suddenly saw a couple on the side of the road.

Looking very young, it seems that he is still a student.

They're sharing a cone.

Song Kehan looks at their simple happiness. He looks up at the amusement park and suddenly thinks of Zhou Xiaoli.

In fact, after meeting many girls, song Kehan and Zhou Xiaoli will find that she is actually a very simple woman.

He even felt that he could control Zhou Xiaoli.

For Zhou Xiaoli, if there is no desire, it is false.

But his desire for Zhou Xiaoli is not strong. What he wants more is that Zhou Xiaoli can be by his side.

The receiver was silent for a while, and Zhou Xiaoli asked, "where are you going?"

"Boat and horse amusement park." Song Kehan's tone is weaker.

He even thought that Zhou Xiaoli would refuse him directly, and that he was naive.

But Zhou Xiaoli's reaction this time is different from Song Kehan's.

She said, "you wait a minute."

"Good." Song Kehan was a little nervous.

Zhou Xiaoli turned off her mobile phone and went upstairs with it.

Sunian is sitting on the sofa in the room.

Zhou Xiaoli can think of it.

Sunian must have always been like this when she was alone in the room."Song Kehan's call." Zhou Xiaoli pointed to her mobile phone. She sat beside Su Nian and said, "let me go to the amusement park. Shall we go together?"

Zhou Xiaoli's idea is very simple.

Sunian will love amusement parks. She really does.

Maybe no one else thought of it.

Just like she would be surprised that Li Hanchuan got married.

"No Su Nian shook her head. She motioned to the book on the table, "write songs."

"Wait and write?"

Zhou Xiaoli frowned.

"You go." Su Nian takes a look at Zhou Xiaoli's mobile phone.

Her note to song Kehan is full name.

"If you don't go, I'll go." Zhou Xiaoli wriggled her eyebrows to go downstairs, "OK, you can write a song. I'll go back to my room."

"Go and see with him." Sunian sat up straight.

"The amusement park is fun."

"It's fun. Aren't you going yet?"

"I'll go next time, and you'll go this time."

"I don't like to be with him."

Zhou Xiaoli looked down at the mobile phone screen, but her voice was much smaller than the previous words.

"Try it." Su Nian had a faint smile on her lips.

Maybe now their situation is too pessimistic. Zhou Xiaoli looks at Su Nian's smile and always feels very sad.

She sighed, "let me see."

Zhou Xiaoli walks out of the room, and Su Nianfu sits on the sofa again.

Quietly looking at a place.

On the first floor, Zhou Xiaoli turned on the mute button.

"What are you going to play there? Are there many people? "

"Not many people." Song Kehan quickly replied, "what do you like, what do we play."

Zhou Xiaoli sighed deeply, "in fact, I want to go with Sunian. She likes these, but Sunian doesn't want to go. She let me go."

Song Kehan listened to Zhou Xiaoli's words here, and silently said thank you to Su Nian.

Sunian has helped him several times.

But song Kehan is not sure whether Su Nian is optimistic about him. After all, according to Su Nian's vision, he can't stand in line.

So he didn't make any big moves all the time. He just kept the relationship with Zhou Xiaoli.

Today is to see the amusement park, but also just to see the couple, the mind came up.

He licked his lips and asked tentatively, "that week the lawyer Shall I pick you up? "

"No Zhou Xiaoli refused.