"You're boring." Zhou Xiaoli's face drooped, but she was finally dragged out of the car by Su Nian

and Su Nian entered the hospital one after another

hospitals are always overcrowded

Su Nian has lived in this hospital for a long time. The places she visited today seem to be full of memories, including No.1 middle school, a university and here

it's true that, as vosgow said before, he was absent from her past

only here, when we recall the Third Hospital, can we finally have the shadow of Xingzhou

in the previous memories, no matter how you recall, mu Rufeng was the only one

Su Nian took Zhou Xiaoli to the 18th floor

Kama is in the Department of Fuxing state. This is not Nanlai. If he has been standing outside the Department, it is not suitable, so he is in the Department