"Good." Feng Sinian nods and calls the servant to carry Qiao Chuan upstairs. Feng Sinian gives Qiao Chuan a dose of tranquilizer and wants him to have a good sleep. Otherwise, Feng Sinian is wary of Qiao Chuan waking up suddenly. If he doesn't have a good rest, Feng Sinian is really worried about Qiao Chuan's health.

Qiao old son guarded in Qiao Chuan's bedside, a sigh.


Ji orange waited a long time to wait for Fuxing.

Maybe she didn't wait very long, but in such a place, every second is suffering, and a minute is extremely long for her.

When the bucket of ice water poured down from the top of his head, Ji Chengcheng saw the figure of Fu Xingzhou slowly walking down the stairs.

At that moment, she suddenly thought of Satan.

The devil in Western mythology.

Born the appearance of God, but has a devil like heart.

This man is.

"I said Ji orange opens her mouth slowly. Her voice is hard to hear and small.

But she knew that she didn't need to repeat the second time. The man stood quietly in front of the cage and looked at her coldly.

"you let me out first." Ji began to talk about terms.

She can't rashly say an address. After all, Su Nian is really dead. Ji Chengcheng doesn't know where Su Nian's body is. How can she tell him.

But she's figured out how she's going to get out of here.

She firmly believes that this man definitely thinks Su Nian is not dead, otherwise he can't be in such a state, or when he caught her, he should have killed her instead of keeping her till now.

Fu Xing state didn't open his mouth. He just turned his eyes to Ji orange.

In fact, he didn't look at Ji orange all the time. Suddenly, he looked at Ji orange. Ji orange's inexplicable body trembled.

She can't see anything from the man's eyes. This is Ji's first time to face such a person.

In front of him, it seems that you can't hide all your careful thinking. All of a sudden, Ji orange is even afraid that men have seen through her lies.

But fortunately, the man cold mouth, "address."

"If I say the address and you bring people back, what if you don't let me go?" Season orange licked dry lips said, lips have been cracked, so with the tongue lick, very painful.

She frowned.

The man seemed impatient and turned around.

Ji orange was startled and yelled, "I said, I said, but I have to make a phone call."

She was afraid that if the man left, she would never be able to call him again.

The bodyguard at the door came over and handed a mobile phone to Ji orange.

Ji orange slightly surprised at the man's back, seems to be surprised why this man is so bold, not afraid of her to call the police?

But when he touched the mobile phone, Ji also understood that this man could make Ji's company bankrupt in one day, and his power was unimaginable.


the idea is just to think about it. If Ji Chengcheng really calls the police, she thinks she may really have to die here.

Slowly dial out a number, she nervously put the mobile phone next to her ear.

There rang for a long time, and finally when Ji's heart was about to sink, Liu Song's low voice rang, "hello?"

"Liu Song!" Ji Chengcheng shouts as if he had caught a straw.

Her voice was ugly because she didn't drink water. It was even more frightening to shout like this.

But Liu Song on the other side of the phone just gave a little meal, narrowed his eyes and said with some uncertainty, "orange?"

"It's me, Liu Song. Something happened to me." Ji said quickly.

"What's the matter?" Liu Song put down his fishing rod and stood up.

I forgot when Liu Song didn't like to see any activities, and he didn't like to take charge of Liu's family affairs. Liu Taihua scolded him several times for this, but Liu Song didn't want to pay attention to anything.

He grew up with an idea, an idea that supported him all the time.

He wants to be with Ji orange and make the girl who grew up together become his wife.

But he couldn't.

It's not because he can't stick to it, it's because he suddenly began to doubt that the girl he has loved for many years is really what he likes?

Liu Song used to really like Ji orange. He thought he would like Ji orange any way.

Like that time, he thought, even if it really can't stop Ji Chengcheng from marrying mu Rufeng, as long as Ji Chengcheng and mu Rufeng divorce, with children or not, he will.

If Liu Taihua doesn't allow it, he will cut off the relationship with the Liu family.

But then, on that day.

He found out something about Ji orange in France, and suddenly he began to waver.He loves Ji orange and can tolerate everything of Ji orange, but it doesn't mean Ji orange can always treat him as a monkey

she couldn't figure it out. She began to think about their past and recent events. He didn't know anything about them and didn't ask