So called a few, Dongdong just blankly opened his eyes, but the expression is still residual fear, see summer evening, rushed to the past, almost cry.

"Mom, it's terrible. I dream of many monsters. I'm the only one!"

Summer late very distressed him, quickly patted him on the back, "well, well, Dongdong good, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mother is here with you, absolutely won't leave you alone!"

Dongdong is still in shock. She hugs Xia Wan tightly. Gu Chengyuan comforts her. After a while, she relaxes.

"Mom." Dongdong buried in the arms of the late summer, the voice is stuffy“ I had a long dream

Xia Wan and Gu Chengyuan look at each other, and then gently say: "Dongdong has a dream, can you tell her mother?"

Dongdong nodded, this is good, "I dream of my father's winery inside a box, there are many snakes, only Dongdong a person there, I called you for a long time, did not promise me."

Xia Wan frowned, "you've seen too many movies. How can you dream of a box?"

"I didn't," Dongdong said. "I really dreamed of a box. In the winery my father bought, there are many snakes in a box. It's so scary!"

Gu Chengyuan listened and asked him, "what box are you talking about? Tell me what it looks like

Dongdong thought for a moment, "it's a big blue box. It seems to be made of iron. There is a small box in it. There are many snakes in it. They are all entangled together."

Dongdong describes the big box, but Gu Chengyuan's face is more and more ugly. When Dong Dong finished, he didn't show a smile.

"Well, don't go to school today. Let's have a rest at home." With that, he took a look at Xia Wan. Xia Wan comforted Dong Dong and asked about the box carefully. Then he went out with him.

After going out, Gu Chengyuan was really waiting. His face was not good-looking. Xia Wan went and sat down, "what's the matter? What's wrong with that box? "

Gu Chengyuan looked at her, dignified expression, "Dongdong said the box, sounds like an ancient coffin."

Xia Wan's face suddenly changed, "do you mean that what Dongdong dreamed of is true?"

Gu Chengyuan nodded and sighed, "it seems to be true. I don't know what this man is going to do with his dream to Dongdong."

Summer evening can not sit, she stood up and walked several times, expression is very anxious, "then how to do? Will Dongdong be affected? Is there any solution? "

Gu Chengyuan shook his head. "I can't see anything. It's very strange. I haven't been to the winery in the countryside since I bought it. I don't know what's going on inside. Now, there should be something in it."

"But what does this have to do with Dongdong?" Xia Wan cried, "how can Dongdong have such a dream? What can we do? "

Her Dongdong has been very unfortunate. The problem of sleepwalking in front of her has not been solved yet. Now she has such a dream again. Xia Wan has broken her heart.

But there is no way. Now that things have happened, they must find a way to solve them. Otherwise, who knows if they will have such a dream in the future?

Gu Cheng Yuan frowned and asked Xia Wan, "what else did Dongdong say?"

"He said that there were carvings on the box, valuable wood, some bottles and so on. If it was a coffin, those would be funerary objects."

Gu Chengyuan was thoughtful. According to this, the owner of the coffin was a rich man, but some of the coffins had carvings on them, which means that they are very rich and must have status, otherwise they can't do it.

"Now that he has entrusted his dream to Dongdong, let's dig it out and see if we can find anything."

Summer evening a listen to some of the levy live, "is this not good?" It's too much to dig other people's graves.

"No, he entrusted his dream to Dongdong just because he wanted us to dig it up for him, or if there was something he wanted to entrust to us, that's why he had this dream." Gu Chengyuan said, his brow also loosened, "we set out, go back to see what's going on."

Gu Chengyuan is not that kind of procrastination. At the moment, he asked Xia Wan to call Dongdong, but he didn't pack up his things, so he had to leave after driving.

However, I don't know how long it will take to go back this time. Xia Wan took Gu Shuang with him. In a hurry, he packed up Gu Shuang's things and got into the car with his child in his arms.

This matter must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise two people will only be more and more afraid of blocking in the heart, and they do not know whether this dream is a one-time or has been, one-time is OK, afraid of Dongdong dream every day, that kind of words is very bad for Dongdong's spirit.Worried about this, they drove to a winery Gu Chengyuan bought in the countryside.

This winery was just bought by Gu Chengyuan. He bought it because the place was good, the environment was good and there was little pollution in the countryside. However, Gu Chengyuan has been here. He just found a worker and ran it himself. This time Gu Chengyuan passed, and the person in charge was also surprised. He thought that he had done something wrong before he attracted the leadership.

Some time ago, a landslide happened. At that time, the winery was destroyed for more than half of the time. The person in charge was frightened and couldn't sleep for several days, so he was afraid that it would be blamed on him.

But he is not a God. How can he know why the winery collapsed? It's a good place. So many people have been working here for a long time, but when he is on duty, this kind of thing happens. It's typical that he is not strict in management.

He simply didn't mean to ask for him. He just set aside a sum of money to repair the winery, and then everything went as usual. He didn't say that he would be dealt with, so he was at ease.

Because of this, he was very grateful to his boss. After all, he needed the job very much, but the boss didn't dismiss him, which was a great help to him. He always kept it in mind.

This time he knew that he was coming, so he was waiting. Yikaihua Temple thought he was coming to inspect, but when he saw that there were still children in the car, he knew that he had guessed wrong. Now he went to greet him respectfully, trying to leave a good impression.

But at the moment Gu Chengyuan was not in the mood to accept him. He told him that he wanted to find a group of people to start work in the winery and dig something.

The person in charge did not dare to neglect, so he went to the village under the winery to find someone. The terrain of this winery is high. It is half a mountain. There is a village up and down. Most of the people in this winery are also people in the village.

He is not slow. In the afternoon, we found all the people, and even the tools were ready. Gu Chengyuan didn't delay. He got out of the car and took Dongdong to turn around in the winery.

"Try to remember where you found the box in your dream? I'll get someone to dig him up. Maybe. " Gu Chengyuan said to Dongdong.

Dongdong walks with him in the winery and looks around. He is a little confused. When he looks at this place, he finds that it is very strange and not the place in his dream.

"How's it going? Can you find it there? "

Gu Chengyuan asked him, looking at his expression and seeing that Dongdong didn't mean to identify him, he continued to move forward. When they had finished most of the winery, Dongdong found a place for the second time.

"This is it, Dad. I remember it." Dongdong pointed to the place where there was a tree. It was half dead. The leaves were yellow and fell to the ground. There was no other tree on the ground. It was convenient.

The most important thing is that Dongdong clearly remembers here. In that dream, he found the box here, so he recognized it at once.

Gu Chengyuan looked around. This is pure open space. Maybe it was used for loading when people came to the winery. Anyway, there is no important warehouse around, so we can start digging directly.

Gu Chengyuan determined the place, sent Dongdong back and informed those people to start construction. The people he was looking for were all found nearby. The people in this place were sincere. At the same time, because Gu Chengyuan's winery had found jobs, which were much better than farming, and their wages were high, they were very grateful, knew how to be grateful, and would not talk nonsense.

Gu Chengyuan thought very well, but the workers dug in this place for a day and found nothing.

Gu Chengyuan was not surprised by this result. He told them to continue digging. He turned around and took Dongdong, Xiawan and Gu Shuang to burn incense in a temple not far away.

Xia Wanyi never believed in this before, and Gu Chengyuan didn't believe in these illusory things much. But this time, Dong Dong's dream broke his cognition.

The son doesn't speak, the strange force is confused. These days, because of Dongdong's affairs, although they started to come to the countryside immediately, they didn't stop on the road in summer evenings. They have been searching for similar things on the Internet. There are many such supernatural events, but most of them are written to attract people's attention. They are all fake and can't be taken seriously. The other part is also endless, summer late nothing found. But we all know that.

But they also have to believe it. After all, Dongdong is just a child. If he didn't really dream about it, how could he tell in such detail the style of the ancient coffin and the pattern on it.

Gu Chengyuan privately checked that these were all used by ancient dignitaries, and they were all true. However, this pattern was not disclosed to the public. Dongdong could not have been told by others, but he made it clear that it might have been caused by this dream.

It's a bit mysterious, and there's no scientific basis for it, but that's what happened. Now Gu Chengyuan and Xia Wan have to solve it to ensure their son's safety.Dongdong was a child. He didn't provoke anything and couldn't run around. He was very good. This time, it was Xia Wan and Gu Chengyuan who provoked such an existence.

It's said that the hurt is in her son's body and the pain is in her mother's heart. Xia Wan feels like this now. She would rather find something for herself than risk her son.

But things have happened. There is no way for the summer evening to solve it as soon as possible, so that Dongdong can suffer less.

In their previous lives, they never believed in anything beyond the scope of science, let alone burning incense and worshiping Buddha. This time, for Dongdong's sake, they have to try something.

Because she wanted to climb the mountain, Xia Wan didn't take Gu Shuang with her, so she left her there to be taken care of. He and Gu Chengyuan took Dong Dong Dong to the mountain on foot.

They all say that they are sincere in this way. Although they don't know whether it will work, they still have to give it a try. Three people step by step up the mountain, in the temple which is said to be very popular incense on a stick of incense, Gu Chengyuan also donated a lot of money.

At last, Xia Wan knelt in front of the Buddha statue for a long time. He prayed silently in his heart, preferring to transfer everything to himself and read a lot. Finally, he kowtowed respectfully and left.

In this temple, people who donate sesame oil money will get a small wooden elephant, which is said to be carved in sandalwood and has been polished in front of the Buddha. Vaguely can also see is a Bodhisattva, above the string, can hang anywhere. Xia Wan did not think much about it, so he hung the rope around Dong Dong's neck.

"I hope this will protect you." Bless you a safe life, not to be disturbed by evil, always happy to grow up, get all the good.