Xia Wan doesn't want to stay in the hospital. For his wife's sake, he spends a lot of money to invite all the people back to his home, which is also overbearing enough.

This incident also made him realize how much he cared about his wife. Of course, Han Bing soon knew.

"What do you think?" Guo Qi asked her that he came here specially to tell Han Bing the news. He knew that Han Bing was still thinking about Gu Chengyuan, so he had to find a way to make Han Bing die.

"No feeling." Han Bing said coldly.

Guo Qi laughed and said, "I hope you don't cling to Gu Chengyuan alone. It's clear that you can have a better choice."

"Do you say you're good?" Han Bing sneers. But she is not hard, only their own know, at the beginning of hearing about it, Han Bing only a true feeling.

How much Gu Chengyuan likes the summer evening, she doesn't know. She has already guessed it. Now she just feels a little uncomfortable.

After chasing Gu Chengyuan for so many years, she always felt that only she was worthy of him. In the end, she was nothing. Her efforts and efforts are all troubles in Gu Chengyuan's eyes, which are the roadblocks to prevent him from being with his lover.

Now think about how ridiculous you were. He thought that as long as he worked hard enough, he could take Gu Chengyuan away from him. He even paid such a heavy price for it. In the end, it was a joke.

There has never been anything worthy of, only like it or not. If you love someone, you will naturally love everything about him. You will never be separated because you don't deserve him. As long as Gu Chengyuan likes it, she can give anything and do everything. Who dares to say that Xia Wan doesn't deserve him?

Gu Chengyuan is like this, what he wants, has never been unable to get. What he doesn't want, there's no way to give it to him, just like himself.

Guo Qi didn't get the answer he wanted in the end. He didn't want to force Han Bing. That's not his style. It's his effort that he can tell Han Bing the news this time.

Han Bing doesn't like him, but Guo Qi never gives up. He seldom likes a girl, so he won't give up easily.

Time is not so fast and slow, the weather is getting warmer, willows sprout, flowers bloom, warblers sing. The due date of late summer is also here.

Summer late know priorities, even if no longer like the hospital, but for the sake of the belly of the child, she was admitted to the hospital.

Late summer's stomach has been big, high uplift. It's very difficult to stand and walk at ordinary times. When she enters the ward, it's hard for her to sit and stand.

Gu Chengyuan's joy began to fade. As the summer evening became more and more uncomfortable, he was also worried. Now it is difficult to sleep for several hours at night. After a while, he had to get up to see the situation of the summer evening.

The due date of delivery arrived as scheduled, but Xiawan's stomach didn't move at all. After the doctor came to see her, she suggested a caesarean section, but Xiawan didn't want to. She knew that it was better for the child to have a natural birth. The child born by caesarean section was weak since childhood, and Xiawan didn't want to lose her child on the starting line.

Xia Wan insists on giving birth naturally, but Gu Chengyuan can only rely on her. What's more, he knows that he can't persuade Xia Wan. After waiting for a few days for the baby to move, Gu Chengyuan can't wait any longer. Every time he looks at Xia Wan's big belly, he is frightened. Gu Chengyuan goes to the doctor and finally decides to give birth now. Xia Wan also knows that it's time for the baby, Waiting too long is not necessarily a good thing, agreed to the doctor with oxytocin to help production.

The time was set in the morning. Xia Wan was pushed into the pre delivery room by the doctor, and Gu Chengyuan certainly followed. After taking oxytocin, Xia Wan began to feel uncomfortable. Her lower abdomen bulged with slight pain. After waiting for more than an hour, the amniotic fluid broke and the labor began.

At the beginning of the summer evening still hold on, but more and more pain, even if has experienced once, also pain of her face pale. She thinks she can break a bone in her mouth now!

With the aggravation of labor pains, a nurse checked it again, but shook her head, "you've only opened two fingers now, and you have to wait for a long time. You'd better bear your strength and eat something to supplement your strength first."

Xia Wan has experienced it once and knows what the nurse means, but now she is in great pain and has no strength to eat. Gu Chengyuan has been comforting her. When Xia Wan is in severe pain, she pinches her hand. Now Gu Chengyuan's arm is full of blue and purple marks, but he just holds Xia Wan's hand tightly without saying a word.

Gu Chengyuan didn't know how painful it was to have a baby until now. The last time he gave birth to Dongdong in the late summer, he accompanied him. But at that time, all he thought about was something else, and he didn't notice the state of Xiawan at all. Maybe he did, but he only thought about his hatred. Where would he care if it hurt?Only this time did he know the pain. Looking at the severe pain of summer evening, his heart also shrank into a ball, very uncomfortable.

At this time, the nurse came to check the situation for the second time. Maybe she was rude. Xia Wan cried out in pain. Gu Chengyuan was angry and glared at the nurse: "how do you do things! I don't know. Lighten up! "

Although the little nurse had some experience and was scolded by her family members in the past, Gu Chengyuan was not a stranger. She was so scared that she was scared.

Xia Wan was in severe pain at this time. After suffering from the slow battle, he took Gu Chengyuan's hand. Gu Chengyuan was a little bit more astringent. But when the nurse came to check, he was always afraid of Gu Chengyuan. Xia Wan sighed.

"Chengyuan, go out first, I can do it myself."

Gu Cheng Yuan frowned, "no, I want to be here with you."

Xia Wan endured the pain, "you will affect the nurse's work here, and it will distract me." after a pause, she said, "I have no problem myself, no matter how I say I have had Dongdong."

Originally, Gu Chengyuan had to insist, but he began to hesitate after hearing the last sentence. Originally, he intended to stay to comfort Xia Wan, but if he stayed, Xia Wan would be distracted. He still insisted that it would do more harm than good.

"Don't worry about me." Pain hit, summer night to bite teeth, and then forced to persuade.

Gu Chengyuan immediately felt distressed. Originally, he suffered from the summer evening, but now he has to endure the pain to persuade himself. He didn't dare to delay, so he quickly stood up.

"Then I'll go out and wait for you. I'll be outside. If Xia Wan can't help it, call me."

Xia Wan nodded, waiting for him to go out, while the little nurse also breathed a sigh of relief, "should have let him out long ago, you didn't dare to shout when he was here."

Xia Wan reluctantly laughed, but the pain came, and she couldn't speak directly.

Xia Wan's situation is not good. Gu Chengyuan waited outside for several hours, but he didn't see Xia Wan go to the delivery room. At that time, the cry of pain came out intermittently.

Gu Chengyuan was very anxious, but he was afraid that going in again would affect Xia Wan. He stood rigidly outside the ward, but listening to Xia Wan's depressed pain, his heart also hurt, just like a knife.

At noon, Xiawan is pushed into the delivery room. The doctor looks serious. Xiawan has been in pain and tears. Gu Chengyuan encourages her in a hurry and watches Xiawan enter the operating room.

After that, it's evening.

Gu Chengyuan's heart has been cool through, the whole person stood there rigid motionless, from the original heartache into numbness.

He even thought, the child can't, but he can't lose the summer evening, the doctor inside has been working hard, he can still hear the cry of summer evening outside, the pain is extreme, it is crying blood! All hit in Gu Chengyuan's heart.

It wasn't until all the lights in the hospital came on that he realized that it was completely dark outside.

The door of the operating room suddenly opened, a nurse quickly stepped out, looked around, soft voice asked: "who is the family of summer evening?"

Gu Chengyuan moved for a moment, hoarse voice, "safe?"

"Having a daughter, mother and daughter are safe. Congratulations. " The little nurse just came out to report the good news. Even though she saw many new lives and deaths, the joy was still accompanied by every new life. When she said this, her face was also with sincere blessing. After she finished this sentence, she hurried in.

Since Gu Chengyuan heard that mother and daughter were safe, he took a long breath. And then there's the late joy.

The child was wrapped up and carried out. He just gave Gu Chengyuan a look and was carried away. The child had just been born and needed to be put into the incubator for observation for a period of time. There was not much time for parents to see it. As for being able to hold his own child by hand, it would have to wait for stability.

As Xia Wan was born very well, although the birth process was difficult, her baby was also very strong, and she only needed to observe for one day. As for Xia Wan, she was too tired to wake up when she was put on the hospital bed.

Gu Chengyuan has been guarding the side of Xia Wan. Xia Wan sleeps all night and wakes up the next day. The first thing she does when she opens her eyes is to find the child she just gave birth to.

The advantage of natural production is that after the child is born, she doesn't feel any pain. The previous severe pain disappears with the arrival of the child. Xia Wan feels this way now. Except for being tired, she feels very good and has no pain at all. Gu Chengyuan insists that she stay in the hospital for two days. Considering that the child had to be observed in the hospital, Xia Wan agreed.

Xia Wan gave birth to a daughter. Gu Chengyuan was the happiest. He was the one who saw Xia Wan suffer. Now that the child is born, he has long abandoned his dissatisfaction with the child. He holds the child every day and is unwilling to let go.Summer late out of the hospital after the start of confinement, Gu Chengyuan take care of her every day, in addition to holding her daughter.

"Summer evening, I think my daughter's name is Shuang, Gu Shuang!" Gu Chengyuan came to find Xia Wan with a smile on his face.

"Gu Shuang?" Summer evening read again, also smile“ Yes, it sounds good. It's Gu Shuang. "

Gu Chengyuan decided his daughter's name, so he wanted to find her. Naturally, he didn't see her.

"Where's my baby girl? Is he being carried away by Dongdong again Speaking of the back, Gu Chengyuan's face turned black.

Xia Wan laughs. In addition to Gu Chengyuan, the youngest daughter Gu Shuang's arrival is the most popular. This little guy also stays by his sister's side all day. He doesn't want to move except to go to school. In contrast, Xia Wan, a mother, has the least time to hold her child.

Father and son are just like each other. When they see their daughter / sister, they can't walk. They fight with each other all day long. They fight for Gu Shuang's ownership.

For a while, Gu Chengyuan went into his study. Seeing that the opportunity was rare, Dong Dong came back from school and took his sister away.

Gu Chengyuan himself was sulky for a while, and went back to his study with a calm face. He didn't know what he was paying attention to.

Xia Wan couldn't manage two people, so she started the confinement with peace of mind, but then there was another problem.

In Xia Wan's memory, the separation of the two people was always in her mind. At the beginning, how to not mention it, but the consequences were enough for her to remember all her life, and even involved a lot of people and things. At that time, the feeling of helplessness and fear had been engraved in his mind, followed by many regrets.