Even, Xia Wan began to wonder, if she really took Dongdong, could he take care of Dongdong so well? She began to hesitate.

Besides, Gu Chengyuan entered the reexamination room for a period of time. When he came down from the machine, the doctor in charge of his examination didn't look good.

Gu Chengyuan stopped for a moment, then walked over, "doctor, how's it going?"

The doctor in the white coat looked at him. "To tell you the truth, you are not in a good condition."

Gu Cheng Yuan hidden smile, "it doesn't matter, what you say straight."

The doctor also sighed, took out the examination of the CT image only to show him, "you see here, there are several pieces of congestion in your brain, just stuck in an important place, and the brain is unusual, there are blood clots is a very serious thing, because of the location, there is no way to accept the operation."

He said, his face also took a bit can't bear, "so this can only rely on your own body absorption, if you can absorb, it's OK, but if you can't absorb, you may be blocked by blood vessels at any time, and then life-threatening."

Gu Chengyuan's expression is very calm, but after hearing this, he can't keep it any longer. After all, anyone who hears that his life is in danger at any time will not be calm. But he didn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything. After he came out, he had cleaned up the expression on his face, which was the same as when he went in.

"How's it going?" See him come out, summer late hurried forward to ask.

"I'm ok. The doctor says I'm well recovered and I'll be OK soon," Gu said, calm. He looks at Dongdong who only reaches his waist. During this period of time, Dongdong looks at him closely. He just doesn't know what to say. Up to now, he can't and dare not give Dongdong a promise.

This promise is too heavy for him to bear. What he is seeing now is actually a big tree that will collapse at any time. Maybe as long as a little factor, people will fall to the ground.

But he is still thinking about his children, he fell, Dongdong can only be exposed to the public at present, no shelter, no protection, he will face thousands of hungry wolves, waiting for the opportunity.

Dongdong didn't know his psychological activities. Seeing his father come out and say it's OK, he cheered, "great, Dad's OK, you can see dad all the time in the future!" He is really happy because of Gu Chengyuan's recovery.

His wish is very small, as long as his father can always accompany him safely, he can have a carefree life, healthy and happy growth. But that's Gu Chengyuan's situation. If his situation is really like what the doctor said, once he left, Dongdong was still so young, lost his father and had a mother, Gu Chengyuan knew very well what his son would suffer, which made him hate very much.

He has many enemies in his life. Those people can't do anything to themselves, and even dare not rush to do anything because of their snobbery. But if they are gone, they are all mercenaries, and they will never let go of their young.

What about Dongdong? Who will Dongdong depend on? His expression broke in an instant, extremely ugly, but he took it back the next second.

Summer night's heart is cool, she has been watching Gu Chengyuan, so that moment of expression change she can see clearly, Gu Chengyuan's face is too ugly, do not want to recover, he absolutely did not tell the truth!

Gu Chengyuan's expression has been hovering in Xia Wan's mind. When he comes home at night, Xia Wan still thinks about it. He is still hesitating, she does not believe, Gu Chengyuan said nothing.

Normal people can guess what they do after they recover from illness. Even if they are not happy, they can't show that kind of terror, mixed with worry, despair, and some guilt that they can't accompany.

Xia Wan thought, this is not normal at all.

Xia Wan was really worried. She felt that Gu Chengyuan's expression was too ugly at that time. She didn't feel happy to recover at all. On the contrary, she was not much worse than those who were dying.

Thinking of this, Xia Wan's heart is cold. She can't imagine that Gu Chengyuan will die one day. She can't wait any longer, but if she has a chance, Gu Chengyuan won't say. It's no use asking. Xia Wan doesn't plan to ask Gu Chengyuan. But the other way will take time. She thought for a long time, but she had no choice but to ask Fang bin for help.

"Late summer? How do you call me? What can I do for you? "

"Fang bin," said Xia Wan anxiously, "can you do me a favor?"

"What happened?" Fang Bin said and asked, "if you can help me, I will help you."

Xia Wan was relieved“ It's like this. Today, I accompanied Dongdong to the hospital. Gu Chengyuan came out and told us that it was ok, but his expression didn't want to be OK at all. So I want you to help me to investigate Gu Chengyuan's case in which hospital. "Fang bin was stunned in the same place. In order to meet Xia Wan today, he began to prepare very early. When it was time, Xia Wan said he had something to do. As a result, it was for that Dong Dong.

But he saw that Dongdong was the son of Xia Wan. This time he came again. Last time it was Dongdong, this time it was Gu Chengyuan himself. Fang bin couldn't tell what it was like to be reasonable.

Why is Gu Chengyuan again? The name is like a magic spell. It has been around him all the time. Every time something about him is related to Gu Chengyuan, there will be no good result.

Every time, as long as he wants to do something and want something, Gu Chengyuan will be involved. Gu Chengyuan will really become his disaster. Fang bin didn't understand what Gu Chengyuan relied on before. Now he wants to understand that Gu Chengyuan relied on the late summer, but it happened that he couldn't give up the late summer.

Fang bin didn't speak for a long time. Xia Wan wondered, "Fang bin?"

"Summer evening," Fang bin called, "do you remember what you told me when you came back?"

Summer late Leng for a while, some reaction can't come over, oneself isn't again and Fang bin say this matter, "you say this do what, I now ask is this matter, do you help?"

Fang bin refused, "I won't help you with this matter. Xia Wan, have you forgotten your original intention?"

"Can you not mention it," said Xia Wan angrily, "it's a matter of life and death. Can you help or not?"

"What does life matter to you?" Fang bin is also angry, "late summer, you have been lost in Gu Chengyuan's rhetoric, your heart is lost! Late summer

"Fang bin, what's the matter with you? You didn't look like this before?"

Fang bin was silent for a while, "whatever you think, I won't help to find Gu Chengyuan's case." After that, I hung up. This summer evening also don't understand, but she is not reconciled, and then call to show that the other party has turned off.

Summer late a time Leng, she never thought, Fang bin will refuse himself. Instant but self mockery, she and Fang bin have nothing to do, why can't refuse. She is too greedy. She is used to Fang Bin's protection, so she is used to it.

Besides, Fang bin hung up and held his head. There was no movement. For a long time, transparent water drops down. I swam a little bit below.

I can't tell what it's like. The heart is aching. Later, it's numb. He feels pain. It hurts everywhere, but he doesn't want to take care of it.

He remembered the first time he saw Xia Wan. It was a long time ago. At that time, Xia Wan was just taken away by Tang Yi. For individual reasons, Tang Yi couldn't take care of her in person, so he asked himself.

At that time, he only agreed to take care of Xia Wan based on Tang Yi. At that time, Xia Wan was intoxicated by Gu Chengyuan. At that time, he should have no aesthetic feeling, but Fang bin could make him see it. He saw Xia Wan talking to a tree, and then she laughed.

It's that smile, gentle and compassionate. Fang bin left Xia Wan and began to take care of her. When Xia Wan was ill, he followed her all the time. At that time, Fang bin spent a lot of effort.

Sometimes she even stopped going to the company and took care of Xia Wan wholeheartedly. When Xia Wan got better, her memory revived. When she remembered everything, her heart was filled with hatred. Fang bin was also with her, and everything was up to him.

In fact, Fang bin doesn't agree when Xia Wan wants to return to Gu Chengyuan in another capacity. But Xia Wan insists that Fang bin doesn't want to say any more and agrees. Step by step, Xia Wan gets closer to Gu Chengyuan and gets farther away from him. Unfortunately, he only wants to understand this truth until now.

Even sometimes, Fang Bin thinks that if Xia Wan doesn't recover all the time, then he can stay with him forever, but he still can't bear it. He remembers that Xia Wan paid so much in those painful days when he was abroad. In order to come back, how can he be willing to stop it? Therefore, this is the current situation.

In fact, Fang bin also thought about giving up, but when he thought that there would be no end of summer in the future, he felt the pain in his heart like a needle. Such a day, too painful, like a dark, life, sooner or later can not feel everything, suffocate and die.

Fang bin couldn't accept it.

So he didn't give up. He thought that as long as he was there all the time, Xia Wan would always see his own good, but the result was so cruel. Without Xia Wan, because he was worried about Gu Chengyuan's illness, it was just like exploring. It was too abnormal. He began to panic. He was afraid that Xia Wan was accepting Gu Chengyuan, and he couldn't accept the result.

He likes summer evenings, and he doesn't know when to start, but the love is fierce. It's rooted in his heart to love summer evenings, and he can never give up.As for Gu Chengyuan, Fang bin has never regarded him as an opponent, just because he hated what he did to Xia Wan, who hated Gu Chengyuan at that time.

He only thinks that it's time that hinders him from being with Xia Wan. He thinks that as long as he has time, he can get Xia Wan, but the reality is so cruel.

Gu Chengyuan did such cruel things to Xia Wan, but Xia Wan had little hatred for him. He didn't know before, but now, when Xia Wan easily put down his hatred to take care of Cheng Yuan, he knew.

He never believed in the fate of heaven, he did not believe that Gu Chengyuan and Xia Wan's fate is inseparable. What if Xia Wan falls in love with Gu Chengyuan again? Now that the two of them have missed it, they have no chance. Love is only possible if we persevere.

As for Gu Chengyuan, he has done that kind of thing to Xia Wan, and he doesn't deserve Xia Wan at all. Fang bin tells himself that Xia Wan will be his own. As long as he insists, he will take care of Xia Wan all his life.

"Gu Chengyuan." Han Bing opened her lips and vomited these three words. A trace of shyness climbed to the top of the brow.

I don't know when Gu Chengyuan became an irreplaceable person in her heart. Han Bing can remember clearly.

Gu Chengyuan every moment of happiness, anger, sadness and happiness. His eating habits, his dressing style, his way of doing things. She is also very concerned about every woman who has a relationship with Gu Chengyuan.

He would smile when he thought of it. If you have nothing to do, your eyes will stare at Gu Chengyuan's office door, try to say one more word with him, and feel his every look and every action. In Han Bing's heart, there is no better man than Gu Chengyuan.