Chapter 763

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
I did it on purpose.

It's a man. You should come with me. Nowadays, the world is changing, where there are one night stands, multi night stands. Or does he really look down on me? But after I worked, I boasted that I had learned to dress up with sister Cao. I was no longer the tomboy's dress before. Sometimes when I went out, I would not be able to meet people.

I asked one more question: "do you have a girlfriend or a wife at home?"

If it's the same, I'll leave immediately.

But he told me honestly that he didn't. He is single. well! That's to say, it's meant to stimulate me! I have to hook him even more. Not to mention that, the man looked at me in confusion, looked at me from top to bottom, and asked if I knew him?

I immediately shook my head. I don't know. I don't know the name.

"Do I know you?"

I'm more confused. Isn't that a contradiction? I don't know him. Why does he know me? What's the origin of this man? For a moment, I was a little nervous.

"You don't need to know me. Let's meet by chance. Don't ask anyone. If you really want to get to know each other in a roundabout way, such as friends of friends, you should not do many things. "

I'm honest enough.

"You have to?" He saw that I was shivering by the night wind, and he took off his coat to put it on my shoulder.

I gave him a resentful look. This man is a good girl Teaser! If you want to refuse, you have one thing to say, but another thing to do. I excuse that it's not cold. I don't need your clothes. I want to return it to him.

I don't know what happened. He... Caught my hand.

This person is not reconciled, came again: "are you sure, you don't know me?"

What kind of talk is that! If I want to know you, do I dare to be so blatant? I just want to, four years of asexual marriage away, I really can't stand it. Before divorce, you have to find a man to indulge.

"Of course I don't know you!" I'm in a bit of a hurry. I can't. I might as well go to the next prey“ Handsome man, if you don't like it, I won't force it. "

"What do you want to do?" His voice was low, his brow locked, and he didn't seem very happy.

"Find someone else!" I belched and tried to push him away. He was so tall, standing there, in my way.

"Are you looking for someone else?" There seemed to be a snort in his nostrils, trying to be sure again.

I didn't care. I shook my long hair: "as I said, I'm here to have fun. You can't satisfy me, of course I'll find someone else! These three legged toads are hard to find. There are many men with two legs

I'm dangling to go that way. But before I took a few steps, my high-heeled shoes sprained and I almost fell. The man grabbed me“ Woman, you are abandoning yourself

"Well! It's up to you! "

"No! It's so late that you'll meet a villain by yourself. Say, "where do you live? I'll take you home!"

Man's voice is really nice. It seems... Where have you really heard of it? Ha... Can't it be my dream?

"I won't tell you where I live. If you want to be straightforward, take me to open a room! "

He stopped talking and pursed his mouth.

I know it's shameless to say that. But I'm Frank enough.

"You really want that?"

I'm on fire. In a bar, I can't understand more. Is he really stupid, or is he pretending to be stupid?

"I'm lonely. I want someone to accompany me! I'm holding fire in my heart. I can't do without it! You're going to keep on talking. See, there's a traffic policeman on duty over there. I'll sue you and accuse you of insulting me! "

Why is it so difficult to make an appointment?

I just think, is it yourself or not enough initiative? Is it necessary to take the initiative to stick up the body, so that he really feel that I am enthusiastic! I smile cunningly, raise my head, put my arms around his waist, and put my full chest close to his chest: "are you sure you don't want to? At least it's a beautiful day now... "

As Xie Ying said, I have a small face, but I have a good figure. The concave of the concave, the convex of the convex. I don't believe it. If I stick to him, he won't feel at all. Unless he's gay.

"You let go!" The man seems a little embarrassed. It seems that the traffic police beside the guard box also noticed us.

"No! Give you one last chance! I gave it to you for free... "I couldn't help burping again, but it tasted terrible.

He made a decision.

"Since you tell me your address, I'll take you to the hotel first. You should always go to bed!" He took my hand and took me to the nearest hotel.

What does... Mean? Do you want to open a room or let me stay in a hotel?