Chapter 737

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
So Shun Bo remembered her. He regretted that he didn't ask her name.

However, Shun Bo and his younger brother managed to walk to Gaotian. Looking at his tired, sweaty, yellow and skinny father, Shun Bo was more distressed and regretful. I haven't seen you for a few days. Why is Dad so thin? Does Dad have enough to eat? Yes, dad must not have enough to eat. If I had known this, I and my brother would have saved some food and would not have finished the half cake.

"Dad..." Uncle Shun called Dad.

Li Xiaofu also saw his son. But he didn't dare to stop ploughing. Later, Liu Mazi's dog is coming. This dogleg is more annoying than Liu Mazi. He always comes to Li Xiaofu several times a day. It's not that the plowing here is bad, it's that we have to plow again there. But in this way, Li Xiaofu's work was in vain. When Li Xiaofu saw his son, he was very happy and surprised, but he immediately took a breath, waved and told them: "you... Go back."

"Dad, if you can't do it, let's go home early." Shun Bo really pities his father. My father is tired to death, and I have no father. I have no mother. Now my brother and I are going to be orphans. "

"I can't, son. Dad can't go back because he hasn't finished his work." Li Xiaofu touched the faces of his two sons and sighed, "come back, have you finished everything at home?"

Originally, Shun Bo wanted to say that he had finished eating, but he changed his mouth. He couldn't let his father worry. Younger brother, although you are small, you have a big appetite. Shun Bo thought: even if there is no food to eat, it doesn't matter. He can dig grass roots, fish in ponds, catch shrimps, catch hares and pheasants in the woods, and exchange money“ Dad, we have food at home. All the food you left for us is still there. "

Li Xiaofu really believed it“ That's good. That's good. Just have something to eat. When dad is finished, he will go home and get together with you. "

In this way, Shun Bo and his younger brother really had to leave.

"Dad, take care of yourself." I don't know how, Shun Bo's eyes overflowed with tears. He felt sorry for his father. How can we make dad live a good life? Shun Bo just wants to grow up in one day. When I grow up, I can help my father.

When he got home, Shun Bo immediately got motivated. But he found that things were not what he thought. There are fish in the pond, but it's someone else's. There are pheasants and rabbits in the forest, but they are also the property of the landlord. He had to go to the wasteland to find some wild vegetables and fruits to satisfy his hunger. Shun Bo panicked. If it goes on like this, without food, his younger brother will starve to death.

Seven year old Shun Bo really has no idea. He was afraid that his brother would starve to death. Well, it's just begging. He thought, but I'll go out begging for two months and wait for my father to come back. Begging is still dangerous. It's said that there are bandits nearby. If something happened to him, he would starve to death. Shun Bo begged his neighbor to help him find a job of herding sheep and manage two meals a day. When he has dinner, he will share it with his brother.

Shun Bo really found the job. That family is not a big one, nor is it a landlord or a rich peasant. But there is grain in the family. One of the husband and wife is half blind and the other is lame. They can't see the distance clearly and it's inconvenient to herd sheep. They can only do some odd jobs at home, such as feeding chickens and pigs. There are some goats that need to be led by a shepherd to eat grass. They didn't have two daughters. Seeing that Shunbo was still smart, they told him: "two meals a day, two steamed buns in the morning, brown rice and a big sweet potato for lunch. There was no need to lead sheep for dinner, so they didn't care about dinner." Shun Bo was very happy to get the job.

He held his brother in his arms and told him to be obedient. Every day when he comes back, my brother brings delicious food. The next day, Shun Bo went to herd sheep. He will save one steamed bread in the morning and one sweet potato for lunch, and bring it back to his brother in the evening. But other times, my brother is hungry. Shun Bo has a way. Every morning, he cooks a pot of porridge. Although the soup is thin, his younger brother will not starve to death. In the corner, there are some wild taros he dug up, which can also be eaten. In this way, Shun Bo was relieved.

In fact, herding sheep is hard work. There are a few sheep bullying, very disobedient, often use the horn against Shun Bo's butt, make Shun Bo pain cry. But he endured the pain. He is not lazy, and eagerly leads his children to places with abundant water and grass. It's spring now. There's plenty of grass. Sheep don't worry about food. In a few days, he became familiar with sheep. One day, Shun Bo danced the whip to drive the sheep down the slope and sent them back to the owner's pen. He went home as well. Unexpectedly, on the way, he met lilac again.

Shun Bo called her. But clove busy on the way, as if did not hear, but go faster. Shun Bo was in a hurry“ "Hello... Hello..." he called several times.