Chapter 734

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
I think I seem to have forgotten someone.

Yes, he is Shun Bo. Simple, but smart Shun Bo was also young. People have their youth. Well, when I was the youngest, I loved or was loved.

As I mentioned earlier, Shun Bo once had a lover. This woman is old now. She works as a nun in a suburb of Xicheng, accompanied by green lanterns and ancient Buddhas. That's interesting. Who is this woman? What is called? Why do you have to be a nun? Why does Shun Bo not marry all his life? Is he waiting for the nun? But my life has been wasted.

I once thought about Shun Bo and wanted to ask him about his past. But he avoided me and did not answer. I'm not gossip. Instead, Xie Ying asked me to help her find some information. She wanted to write about the lives of some people outside the house, such as monks, nuns and Taoists.

I don't know why Xie Ying gave me this arduous task( I'm not a reporter. Or do I have more channels? However, I admire Xie Ying. After she got married, she never quit her job to be a full-time wife. She still works in a newspaper with a small salary. She gave me the reason: love work, love interview, love writing. Yes, I believe in her. She never lost herself. Even if we had estrangement before, she hated me as much as she did, and she always loved work. Her marriage to Lear is more open-ended. Lear is in business in Xicheng and occasionally returns to South Africa. So there's a difference. But they trust each other and run in well.)

But she gave it to me, let me ask, and I fell in love with it. I think of Shun Bo and what he loved all his life. Ha ha... Is that so? I hope I'm right. However, Lawson agreed. The woman who recites sutras silently in the nunnery is indeed Shunbo's lifelong love. I asked Luo Weisen, but he also said that he didn't know much about Shunbo before. To be exact, he only knows Shun Bo after 30 years old, but little about his life before 30 years old. Shun Bo came to Luo Kang as a messenger when he was 30 years old.

"You'd better ask him yourself. I think he'd rather talk to you about some things. "

Right now, I'm in the old house. After the death of Luo Kang, the old house was under the management of Bo. In the future, he will die here. I don't know what it means to shun Bo to guard an old house without Luo Kang? But he was devout. Every day, I still get up at six, eat at eleven and lie down at eight. The law of life is the same as when Luo Kang was alive.

"Shun Bo, tell me your story. Is it really comfortable to hold it in your heart?" I took a sip of tea and looked at the garden behind the house and the pond. The lotus in the pond is even more luxuriant. However, my heart, or can not help but feel sad. After all, Xu Yan is lost here, a corpse two lives. I turned my face and looked at the majestic and merciful portrait of Luo Kang on the wall. My voice was softly: "nunnery, do you still go often?"

I was in a trance when I heard that for more than 40 years, Shunbo would go to the nunnery to deliver rice and noodles. What's strange is that he sent them, and the people in the nunnery also accepted them. Then I'm even more strange. It seems that they also talk to each other. If not, is it still a silent relative, with a look?

But when I finished my tea, Shun Bo still didn't mean to talk to me. I can't help feeling depressed.

Outside, it seems to rain. I think I'd better go. He asked me to stay and said that he had made up some bamboo gadgets, all of which were crickets, grasshoppers, cicadas and so on, to give to my daughter Taobao. I took it. First of all, Shun Bo will not be happy if he doesn't accept it. In fact, all these things at home are full of Taobao's toy boxes; Secondly, Taobao really likes these.

Shun Bo's face softened“ Grandma sun, this kind of rain won't last long. We have proverbs in our hometown. The clouds are like mountains and the sunset is brilliant. The clouds are like scales, and the rain is pouring down on the city. The clouds in the sky are big and big, and the rain will stop soon. "

I really checked Shun Bo's words. After a few minutes, the rain stopped. Well, I have to go even more“ Granny sun, since you really want to ask me, I don't want you to come here for nothing. Do you still have tea? I've made some horseshoe pastry myself. Why don't I treat you to pastry and tell you slowly at the same time? "

This... Really surprised me. Although I still can't get used to him calling me "grandma sun".

"Shun Bo, do you really want to? If it's forced, you'd better keep it in your heart. " It is cruel for him not to say it, but I insist on it.

"No, it's better to say it. I don't want to hold it for a lifetime

He stood up slowly, opened the curtain, and the fragrance of flowers came out of the window. Shun Bo's eyes were cloudy: "this is the fragrance of Gardenia. Despite my father's opposition, I insisted on planting a lot of Gardenia beside the water in the backyard, but he let me do whatever I wanted. " He finished, but he laughed.

The dim sum is here. It's really made by Shunbo himself, with the smell of old sesame roasted.

I spent the whole afternoon listening to shun Bo's story. After listening, I am very sad, sad to tears. But I didn't prepare a tissue. The woman in the nunnery, Shun Bo called her lilac. Clove is also a nice name. Although she is called clove, but her favorite is gardenia.

"In our hometown, the most common and worthless is gardenia. Every family, in front of and behind the house, who doesn't plant Gardenia? I like it too... "Shun Bo murmured again.

Clove is the daughter of the landlord. However, Shun Bo said that it was probably not rich peasants. Or even the rich peasants are not rich peasants. They are just rich middle peasants. I don't understand. After all, I'm not from that era. Shun Bo told me that after liberation and land reform, the state gave the peasants an assessment of who was the landlord and who was the poor peasant.

"Well, what's the name of the poorest family?"

"It's called chinong, that is, no house, no land, no body, no division, nothing."

Landlords, rich peasants, middle peasants, poor peasants and red peasants are divided from top to bottom according to the amount of land and property. Shunbo's hometown is in a place called Hebeng village in Northern Jiangsu Plain. Why is it called clam? But the shape of the village is like a big black clam. Even if there are landlords in Hebeng village, compared with today's village, it is also very poor“ The landlords in Hebeng village can't compare with those in Xicheng. Even if long-term workers are invited to roll noodles, dumplings and steamed buns, the landlords themselves are reluctant to eat them. They eat porridge and porridge to save dry food for long-term workers. If a long-term worker doesn't have a dry meal and has no strength, he will also complain about his master's stinginess. You have to do two meals a day. At night, you'd better make oily saozi noodles. That's the only way to stay hungry. "

I asked Shun Bo, have you ever worked for a long time?

"No. My father did it. Before liberation, I was almost five or six years old. I was too young to do long-term work. " But shun Bo also said that the poor children in the countryside know well early, even if they are really four or five years old, they can help their families do a lot of things. For example, planting vegetables, pulling grass. What's more, I'll wash and cook“ My father is a long-term worker of Dingxiang family. At that time, everyone called him laoniutou. My father, no matter what he does, is not afraid of hardship and fatigue. He is really like an old cow. "

This is also shun Bo's memoir. I really want to pull Xie Ying to come here and listen to it together, with pen and paper and computer. From Shunbo's tone, I know that he is full of feelings for his father.

"Where's your mother?"

"After my mother gave birth to my second brother, she got postpartum wind and died. My father is both a father and a mother. " Shun Bo's voice choked“ Hebeng village is the poorest in my family. In order to bury my mother, my father asked lilac's parents to borrow a lot of burial fees. It's very profitable. It's the price of five Dan of rice. He has no choice but to stay in the Liu family and work for a long time. " Dingxiang's surname is Liu.

Shunbo said that in Hebeng village and even in Fugui County of Wangzhuang Town, there are many poor households who work long-term jobs to help their owners get food. But no one wants to go to the Liu family to help. Why? But lilac's father, Liu Wenxian, nicknamed Liu Mazi, is a miser. The Liu family is a real landlord. At home, there are dozens of acres of paddy fields, dozens of acres of high fields and tens of acres of dry fields. When it comes to busy farming, the landlords of other families just wait for long-term and short-term workers to report, but only the old Liu family is left out in the cold. In addition to hoping for more food, long-term workers expect to eat well.

But shun Bo's father, Lao Niutou, had to go to Lao Liu's house. Because I'm in debt. When he worked as a long-term worker, he didn't get a penny and a grain of rice, and he did farm work for two months. Liu Mazi's abacus was full of pearls, and he owed three loads of millet instead. Think about it. It's killing. Laoniutou is a loyal and honest farmer. He only knows honesty all his life. Since his boss asked him to go, he had to go. How about two sons pay the debt? Shun Bo was seven years old and his younger brother was only three.