Chapter 722

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
My mom and dad have no family background in common.

My mother is willful, vain and courageous. But my father is timid, cowardly and self abased. I guess my dad knows my mom and she's still in his own house. My grandfather is an expert in a certain field, and he has a lot of talents all over the world. Although he had a hard time in the cultural revolution and his second wife died, his life is still good, or he would not be able to afford a nanny. What's more, ten years of catastrophe has passed, the wheel of history is rolling forward, and soon reform and opening up will usher in the brilliant 1980s. My grandfather is not only a prestigious professor of higher education, but also a leader in Xicheng jewelry industry and a shareholder of several jewelry companies. Life is really comfortable. But in such a family environment, the family status of my aunt song Ruirong and my father Song Ruixiang is still quite different. Song Ruirong was born to his grandfather's ex-wife, and Rong Ruixiang was born to his later wife. This is a kind of contradiction. Half siblings usually have a bad relationship. What's more, my grandfather's stepwife is only living together, which is why song Ruirong called my father a wild seed.

Because of my mother's death, because of my grandfather's words at home, my father lived a very depressed life. He thought that grandfather was the murderer, but he didn't dare to fight rashly. He just left home in a passive way. Wang Huilin, 19, must be curious about her employer's family. Although my mother is a domestic helper, she doesn't stay at her employer's house. She just has lunch at noon, and she cooks by herself. But grandma is her only daughter. Wang Huilin must go to grandma's place to eat at noon. The employer will not be stingy enough to worry about opening her mouth at noon.

Well, in front of the door, my mother had enough to eat, just met with the employer's son. Wang Ruixiang, thin, wearing glasses, book, head down, never a happy look on his face. My aunt song Ruirong is different. She is fat and short. She is proud and careless. She has also heard of my mother. Song Ruirong, who claims to be a top student, must not look down on the problem girl. My mother, of course, doesn't care. She may be envious of her employers' good financial conditions and their father. After all, she had never met her father. In her growing up, the role of father is missing. It affected her life.

Maybe my father heard my mother crying in the flourishing Wutong tree. Lonely as he is, he is not indifferent. He may have noticed my mother's beauty and Aunt Zhang's beautiful only daughter. No, the role should be interchanged. Maybe my father is crying under the Wutong tree. My mother walked over and came out to comfort him with the most basic sympathy, and he said a few comforting words. But it's impossible to know what's going on. Anyway, my father and my mother knew each other. One is high school students who drop out of school and take only one digit test in mathematics, the other is excellent graduates from institutions of higher learning.

I suddenly realized that my father and my mother had a common language at first. One of them has no father, the other has lost his mother, and they are all lonely children. My mother said that my father worked at that time, had some money, and often took her to dinner. When eating, some writers say that yin and Tao lead to women's heart, but maybe the stomach. At the end of the 1980s, the material life was not very rich, and the residents could eat enough, but it was impossible to eat a lot of fish and meat every day. A girl in her prime, whose body is in the period of development, is certainly salivating for delicious food.

"That meeting, I also took the medicine. I still remember the restaurant your father took me to for the first time. Of course, it's not here now. He took out a few bills and told the shopkeeper that he wanted the same braised pig's feet, the same braised meat, the same braised prawns, the same braised fish and the same three delicacies soup. It's delicious. You know, what good food can I have with your grandmother? But if you don't starve me to death. Especially the braised pig's feet, I ate a whole plate, a plate of bones, anyway, is to eat, I also forget to be embarrassed