Chapter 719

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
Xinjiang, what a remote place.

When going to Xinjiang, many women say that they are going to marry people who have been soldiers for many years but have not yet got a wife. Xiaoxian doesn't believe it. Didn't the leader say it? The purpose of going to Xinjiang is to transform and let these women who have been in the mud continue to be human beings.

In the car, only Xiaoxian was crying, crying all the time. The farther the train goes, the closer she gets to shunmin. Maybe not in my life. Will shunmin be shot? And will she really force her to marry those soldiers? A woman advised her not to cry, this is life, who told people to have guns in their hands“ I think it's good to go to Xinjiang. At least others don't know our identity and what we used to do. Anyway, all the people in my hometown have died. When I go back to my hometown, I have to be drowned by their spittle

They are chirping, looking at the scenery outside the window, Xiaoxian wants to die. When the train arrived at a post station, there was food beside the post station, and some passengers went down to buy food. Xiaoxian excuse said to go to the toilet, away from the vision of a PLA soldier. She found a window in the toilet. The window is big enough for one person to go in and out. Well, just jump! Jump to death! Xiaoxian bit her teeth, climbed out of the window and rolled to the ground with a thud. Fortunately, the train was covered with lush weeds. She rolled in the grass and suffered a slight injury, but her ankle didn't break. Fortunately. She hid in the grass in horror, worried that the soldier with the gun on the train would come down to search. He really came down. Xiao Xian did not dare to move. She hoped the soldier didn't find her. But he did come this way.

What should I do? At this time, suddenly someone jumped on the track. It was also a young girl. There was a lot of noise on the train. The little soldier hesitated for a moment, turned and left. Xiao Xian held her breath nervously, but she didn't dare to breathe. She was lucky, but why didn't the girl want to live? Is it the same as her? Xiaoxian slightly raised her head and found that the girl was dead. Several people were carrying her, as if they were discussing where to bury her. After a while, the soldiers dug a hole and put the girl in. It was rammed smooth and there was no trace. In a few days, the place where the girl is buried will grow luxuriant weeds to cover everything.

The train is far away. Xiao Xian tried to stand up and walk a few steps forward. It hurts. But feet can still walk. She doesn't know where she is, but she is sure that this is not Xinjiang. Xinjiang is far away. People in Xinjiang look different from those in the mainland and speak differently. She guessed that it should be in Shaanxi. Because, not far from here, she saw some shops selling large pieces of mutton buns. Young master said, Shanxi people eat noodles, also eat mutton steamed bread. But she had no money, not a cent. If you want to go back to the place where shunmin was locked up, you have to beg and walk on your two feet.

Xiaoxian, I really walked back. It's really begging. Along the way, many men took her in and wanted her to be their wife. In these days, men want a wife, and public security is still good. There are no ruffians. When she was given food, she ate it, finished it, said thank you, and went on the road. She repeated to every man who wanted to marry her: "I have a man. I'm married. I've just been cheated. Now it's hard to escape. I want to go back to my man. " She said devout, often see people in the heart can not bear.

When she went to the city where shunmin was imprisoned, she was told that shunmin was not here. He had been sent back to Xicheng and served in the detention center of Xicheng. Knowing the news, Xiaoxian immediately rushed back to Xicheng. Of course, she still has no money. Along the way, she relied on singing. She sings the local melody of Xicheng, which is a little close to Huang Mei's opera, tactful and pleasant to listen to. When she returned to Xicheng, she met shunmin. After life and death, shunmin changed his prison sentence. He was especially reluctant to give up on Xiaoxian's visit. The two men held their hands tightly until the police kept urging them.

Xiaoxian continued to wait in Xicheng. Waiting for shunmin to be released one day. She believes that one day will come. Xiaoxian has no job. She has been asking for help for many times. She can continue to be a maid. But that society was liberated. The people were the masters of the country, not the dictatorship of the exploiting class. The working people liked to do everything by themselves. No one wanted a maid. Well, how about going to work in the factory instead of being a maid? She knew that after liberation, many new factories were built in Xicheng, including embroidery factory, food factory, meat factory, match factory and flour factory. Li's old house has also been transformed into a kindergarten. Xiaoxian passed by, listening to the children's singing songs inside, her heart was very complicated. There was an orphanage near Li's old house, an orphanage owned by a foreign woman. It's said that the foreign woman was shot and is said to be a spy. The orphans who have grown up inside are scattered in various factories, and they have a unified surname: the party. All the orphans are party members.

I wonder if they remember that kind foreign woman and the Chinese girl with glasses? No one knows, orphans scattered in the crowd, has not been in contact with the partners. The rolling torrent covered their tired figure, and then, nothing could be seen. But the orphanage is still there, and the orphanage has been expropriated as the office of the city government, sitting at the desk where the foreign woman used to sit, using her quill pen.

Xiaoxian asked the government to give her a job. She said she came from working people. A young lesbian came up and asked if she could read? She is literate, and the characters are taught by the young master, but the time is short, and she doesn't know a few. At most, she is the level of the second grade of primary school. The lesbian suddenly asked her what was the relationship between her and the Li family's old house next door“ I see your introduction. You said you were a servant girl in the Li family. Is that the Li family? "

Xiaoxian said without any precaution.

"How long have you been at the Li's?"

"It's not a short time." Xiaoxian did not speak, as long as it involves the young master, she will not lie, the original restoration of history“ My parents died when I was five years old. My aunt sold me to the Li family when I was eight years old. I worked as a servant girl in the Li family and was in charge for 15 years This period of history is real.

"And then?" The female comrades continued to ask.

"And then..." Xiaoxian wanted to say, but she was driven out and entered the kiln, and then... She was with the young master. But it's chaotic to say that. She didn't want to tell others that she was sold into the kiln, just to protect herself“ Then, a lot of things happened. "

"What's the matter?" Lesbians are in hot pursuit.

At this time, the government canteen temporary workers into a one-piece office to deliver food. One by one, aluminum lunch boxes came. Once opened, there is white rice, cabbage and fat, very greedy. Xiaoxian hasn't had such a meal for a long time. For a moment, she said to her female comrades, "can you ask for a bowl for me? I'm hungry

The lesbian was surprised to hear that. She helped her eyes and agreed. The warm food came over, and Xiaoxian half squatted on the ground and began to gobble it up. yummy! It's really delicious! White rice, delicious! Fat meat is also a lot of oil! After dinner, Xiaoxian suddenly wants to cry.

Someone came to collect the lunch box. It was a short man who collected the lunch box. Xiaoxian and he looked at each other, the man exclaimed, the first to recognize Xiaoxian: "you, you are not Xiaoxian?"

"Are you acquaintances?" The lesbian watched Lao Zhang warily.

Lao Zhang nodded. With Lao Zhang's introduction, many things are avoided“ Leading comrades, she is the servant girl of the Li family, but when the Japanese came, the Li family and his wife died in the hands of the Japanese, and the Li family was ruined. She married the son of the Li family

The lesbian nodded: "so you are the successor of that old house?" What's the meaning of this?

"No, leading comrades, I am not. My man is still in custody. " Xiao Xian is very calm. Where does she know the current policy? Many policies have changed. The government is going to return the expropriated houses of the capitalists, as well as their deposits in the bank. The so-called unity of workers, peasants, soldiers, students and businessmen.

"Still closed, what crime?"

"The government said he was a spy of the Japanese. But you think ah, my man's parents were killed by the Japanese, how can he work for the Japanese? He told me that he was sneaking in to get revenge from the Japanese, and he also killed several Japanese. Comrade, he is meritorious! " Xiaoxian is still pleading.

Lao Zhang is also sympathetic“ Comrade, it's true. She's not lying. Young master Li is a patriotic young man with good character. " Lao Zhang didn't dare to talk, so he left.

The lesbian asked Xiaoxian to sit down and talk, then took out a comb from the drawer and began to comb her hair. Instead of cutting short hair like other cadres, female comrades have long hair. After Xiao Xian was sold to Li's family, she combed her wife's head and put her hair back in a bun. She felt that the long hair of a lesbian in a bun was very beautiful, so she boldly said it. The female comrades were surprised, but they didn't scold her or say it was bourgeois style. She also laughed: "really? I'll see if you comb it. "

In this way, Xiaoxian combed her hair in a bun, very carefully. What's more, she didn't know that this lesbian was not an ordinary female cadre. She was the wife of the new mayor of Xicheng. When the bun was finished, the lesbian took a photo at the window and blurted out: "you combed it beautifully!"