Chapter 717

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
No, it's not just tumbling, they're even wrestling, using all the strength of their life. When shunmin arrived at the moment of sprint, Xiaoxian was even more excited and frightened. This is the first night of her life. Her young master, like a horse and an ancient general, bravely marched forward with a sword. He will win, whether it's on her or in that mysterious organization.

After the excitement, the two were fresh and fresh. Xiaoxian is still guilty. Shunmin touched her hair and said, "when I come back, I will marry you." Before leaving, he left a little money for Xiaoxian, but she didn't want it.

The Anti Japanese war in Xicheng was in full swing. Xiaoxian has been waiting for the news of shunmin. She didn't know in which organization everyone had to take a brand new name. Xiao Xian can't find out. If you can't find out, you will be disappointed. But even though she was disappointed, she still waited stubbornly. The swing laughed at her. Say that a man who is a whore still wants to be the wife of a hero in the Anti Japanese war? you must be dreaming! Xiaoxian blocked her mouth with pig manure.

Don't all the heroes of the Anti Japanese War walk on the streets to welcome the people's flowers? Why can't you see your young master in the crowd? The swings hit me viciously. Yes, Xiaoxian has been waiting for seven years. She stood in the street countless times, looking out at the crowd, expecting her name to be suddenly called behind her back; Or at a corner, when I look back, I see shunmin's face. She did not know that shunmin was indeed resisting Japan, but he joined the underground party and organization. On the surface, he worked in the Xicheng Education Institute in the Japanese army city, but in essence, he was trying to rescue the progressive students who were arrested by the Japanese army in prison. But it's just a stain. Because the Communist who introduced him to the underground organization is dead. Others don't know who he really is. Therefore, once the anti Zhang victory, shunmin because of this period of history of working for the puppet army, will be arrested.

Yeah, why not catch him? It's good for him to shed blood and tears while others are fighting against Japan in the battlefield. He is young and lives on idly, killing his own compatriots. Who can we arrest if we don't arrest such a traitor? When a few people howl, shunmin becomes a traitor. If you are a traitor, you will naturally be put into prison. Death penalty is not death penalty, but it is not much worse than death penalty. Shunmin soon became seriously ill. What he hoped for was to see Xiaoxian. He is in Xicheng prison, but Xiaoxian is in the next county.

How does Xiaoxian know shunmin's whereabouts? Thanks to the old chef of the Li family. After Lao Zhang left the Li family, he still worked as a cook. After several errands, he found a job in prison as a manager and served the criminals in prison. When Lao Zhang saw shunmin, he was surprised and called out: "young master?" Shunmin plucked the grass from his face and looked at Lao Zhang dully“ Is it really you, young master Lao Zhang can't believe that the young master who has always been jealous of evil is a traitor. It's impossible.

Lao Zhang sympathized with the young master. Every time he had a meal, he secretly stuffed meat into the bottom of the meal. Lao Zhang's wife happens to be from the small town next door. Shunmin asks Lao Zhang to inquire. He asks Xiao Xian to go to the small town. Xiao Xian listens to her own words. She doesn't have her own news and won't leave without permission. Lao Zhang really went to inquire. Lao Zhang is not bad. Relying on the fish steamed bread that Lao Zhang secretly stuffed in, shunmin's face will be better and dysentery will be better. He can't die. For Xiao Xian, his life is worth money. Besides, shunmin thinks that he has been wronged, and he wants to appeal.

Later, shunmin came out of prison smoothly. As for how to get out, Xiaoxian never told him why. So far shunmin has no idea, no, until he dies. Xiaoxian came to the prison to visit shunmin. Unfortunately, the warden took a fancy to her. The warden threatens Xiaoxian that if she wants to release her man from prison, it's very simple. Just sleep with him a few times. Xiaoxian initially refused. But the warden sneered: "you've been a whore, too. How did you become so high? I'll give you three days. "

Xiao Xian gave in. She took the initiative to find the warden, in the warden's unsound office. Half a mile away from the office is where shunmin is being held. The warden is a pervert who takes off Xiaoxian's clothes and insults her by various means. Xiao Xian was tortured for three days and nights, and she was almost dying. Shunmin was released. The warden found an opium dealer to impersonate him. This year, shunmin 27, Xiaoxian 23, or good years.

They decided to get married. Unexpectedly, the Anti Japanese war passed, and soon the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were at war. There was almost no room for the people to breathe. This time, shunmin told Xiaoxian that he would join the PLA. Xiaoxian agrees, makes shoes, sews clothes and sends shunmin to register. She felt that she could get married a little later. Anyway, they all live together. Shunmin joined the army smoothly, and no one investigated his history. He also joined the party. In a flash, the hard four-year War of liberation has finally passed. The foot of the swing was cured by an old Chinese medicine doctor and left with a peddler. When she left, the swing didn't get rid of her hatred. She set fire to Xiaoxian's house.

Xiaoxian has returned to Xicheng. She rents a house. This fire, Xiaoxian will have to accompany the room east money, this is not a small amount. Li's mansion has been confiscated and can't be taken back. Xiaoxian had to live in the street. She set up a stall to sell some needlework. Swing with a big belly, but also deliberately around Xiaoxian's stall, ha ha to laugh. However, swing did not lead a good life, because of dystocia died, a corpse two lives. The evil will be rewarded. After four years of waiting, Xiaoxian didn't wait for the news of shunmin. For four or nine years, all the people's Liberation Army (PLA) and amiable PLA comrades stationed outside the city, but she didn't see shunmin. Shunmin, my shunmin, where have you been?

The first thing that Xiaoxian thought was that shunmin was dead? After all, it's a battlefield, not to mention so many people died in the war of liberation? Thousands of bones. But she didn't receive shunmin's death notice, which is even more puzzling. She went to inquire, and the result made her collapse. A chubby lesbian told her: "Li shunmin, as you said, is a spy who broke into our army. Now he is in prison, you can still visit him."

what? spy? Xiaoxian really can't stand steadily and is going to faint.

Why did the national government and the liberation government say he was a spy? Will spies go to war or die?