Chapter 701

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
The picnic didn't end until dark.

dishes and wine cups from dinner were piled up at random. Of course, I can't bear to let my mother clean it alone. The obligation of all participants to clean up. I really don't want to spoil the scenery of Taolin.

This is a gift from my grandfather.

He didn't get love in his life, but he gave me this peach forest which symbolizes love. This is the long cherished wish of his old people. Now, his granddaughter is really happy.

Happiness is not easy to get, it needs to strive for, but also needs the help of the time, place and people.

Lear, who had drunk too much, winked at me and said he would come back tomorrow.

I know that recently, his business in Xicheng has been gradually on the track. He is at ease, not so anxious, and has gradually gained self-confidence in front of Xie Ying.

Xie Ying's parents are actually very opposed to the marriage. No matter how prominent Lear's family is in Johannesburg, South Africa, it's just because Lear is a mixed race and geographically so far apart that they have no way out to object.

In addition, Xie Ying's parents worry that once a child is born, the child may inherit Lear's invisible gene. What if it is a black man? These are all problems.

But this can not beat Xie Ying, she is determined to marry. In her words, what's wrong with having a black child? I love black, black pure, black health.

"No, you won't come tomorrow." I can't serve you every day. My mom can't serve me either.

I also want to have a few quiet days.

Not everyone likes to be disturbed every day, not even the best friend. People have their own private space.

If it's Xie Ying, I'd like to break this example, but Lear can't.

But it can be seen that Lear sacrificed a lot in order to marry Xie Ying. Although the Lear family does not reject Xie Ying, the daughter-in-law of the East, Lear's parents are still opposed to Lear's resignation as acting mayor and going to the Far East, an unfamiliar China, to expand his family business.

Love is more powerful than anything else.

Lear came to Xicheng to engage in heavy metal trading, including diamonds and gold mines. His ability to run the company is good. Of course, because he was not familiar with the Chinese market, he spent a lot of time consulting Mr. Luo Weisen.

Lear, in Chinese words, is not ashamed to ask. As for Luo Weisen, he is really like a teacher who knows everything and says everything. He always responds to Lear's request. They talk for half a day. No, I have to prepare tea, snacks and even cooking for them.

Yes, Lear loves my cooking.

Even if I'm bored for a while, I'll make some dish rice, which is the most common kind of preserved pork, green vegetables, shredded radish dish rice. With some pepper, Lear will enjoy it. As soon as he came to Xicheng, Lear fell in love with the "old godmother" which is a unique Chinese food accessory. He mixed the old Ganma in the vegetable rice and ate it in three big bowls. Regardless of his image, he devoured it. According to Xie Ying, Li Er just likes to eat old godmother, and three meals a day are inseparable from it. She jokingly told me: "Song Yao, I think the old godmother is more important to lear than to me."

Lear looks like a white man. But my baby Taobao's eyes are poisonous. When she babbles, she sees Lear coming from a distance and always yells: "Uncle black, uncle black..."

That's right. Taobao calls him "Uncle black.".