Chapter 663

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
So I have to see this African man.

I believe that my own vision is not bad, can distinguish at a glance, which is slag man, which man can marry.

"Sister, I'm going to hang up. He'll call me later. I don't want the line busy. "

"All right. But you've only known him for a few days, and you still have to be reserved. " I warned again.

"Yes, I knew you would say that. But if you do meet him, you'll be immediately moved by his passion and charm. Really, this is a very interesting man. You would say, is he a liar? In fact, he is not. Elder sisters, this man came to Xicheng to travel and meet his friends. He's rich. His family is very rich in Johannesburg, South Africa. "

"Ha ha... Is this what the man told you? Don't be brainwashed! Don't forget, you are a journalist, you have a keen anti reconnaissance ability

"Ha ha... Thank you for reminding me. But I can assure you with my personality that he is not a liar! If you want to see him, you will make friends with him, too

"We'll talk about it then."

Xie Ying quickly hung up.

Seriously, I'm really curious about the man Xie Ying said. If Xie Ying is right, will this person know Lear? If Lear knew him, could I learn something about his character and exact family background from Lear's words? I do this for Xie Ying.

Well, when Lawson comes back, I'll tell him that.

At eight in the evening, it rained in Taolin. The rain was drizzling, the grass was moist, the lilac blossomed and withered, and I couldn't lift my spirits. I turned on the lights in the room one by one.

When I went into the kitchen looking for a glass of milk to drink, suddenly, inexplicably, I felt a little scared. This has never happened before.

Yes, I'm afraid.

I didn't forget that I was the only one in the big peach forest. If, at this time, an uninvited guest, with a sharp blade, suddenly burst in, then, I have no power to resist. In the past, I might be able to fight with gangsters, but not now. I'm pregnant and three months old. Although I don't show my heart very much, I don't care to look at other people's clothes and can't see it. But once I spend my heart and soul fighting, it's bound to be bad for my baby. I have a great chance of miscarriage.

I shook my head, stroked my hair and warned myself not to think any more. When Lawson is not in Taolin, I like to be alone. If it goes on like this, I'll get to work.

But I have a bad feeling. As soon as I raised my head, I found a black shadow on the window. This is the shadow of man, not a wild cat or a wild dog, or my eyes are wrong.

I hesitated, opened the window and had a look.

It's dark outside, in the shadow of the light, but you can't see anything. I thought about it and closed the window again.

I opened the refrigerator and continued to drink milk. When I turn around and throw the milk box into the trash, I feel wrong. It seems... The shadow on the window is still there! I'm really scared! It's true, it's true! The man was standing by the window behind me. What I saw was the shadow of the window behind me in the light!

"Ah..." suddenly my scalp felt numb, and I couldn't help exclaiming.