Chapter 509

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
"No way." Chuan turned me down coldly again.

That's right. How can she end her love affair with the man named Wen Qigang, leave the United States alone and return to Xicheng to join Luo Weisen? It can be seen that her determination to leave is determined. But I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I don't think what Chuan said is all true. I vaguely remember that lowerson told me that Chuan broke up with her boyfriend because of her boyfriend's cheating and was caught by her. When she was sad, she broke up and left the sad place of America.

"Chu an, do you have any misunderstanding with Wen Qigang?"

Her reaction is very fierce. She shakes her head and keeps shaking. I'm a passer-by. I saw a clue from Chu an's shaking his head. I took a look at him. Luo Weisen patted her on the shoulder: "Chuan, actually I have contacted Wen Qigang. You misunderstood him. He's just scraping people. Scraping, must be to take off the coat. Wen Qigang understands your character. He didn't come back to find you. He just wanted you to calm down... "

"I don't believe it! But even if it's true, so what? In my heart, the person I care about most is not Wen Qigang, but you luoweisen! How I wish my child were yours With that, Chu an was sobbing again. Listening to her sobbing, I just realized that whether she is Chinese or foreign, whether she has received American education or Chinese traditional education, as a woman, the biggest dream is to hope that a man will love her wholeheartedly. On this basis, women can advocate women's rights and equality between men and women.

I understood her pain“ Chuan, I ask you, if I really give up Lawson to you, will you really be happy? "

"Ah?" She was a little surprised that she didn't understand me.

I cleared my throat, and in a loud voice, I motioned to Lawson not to interrupt me: "I'll give Lawson to you. I don't believe it. Will you be really happy? "

Now she heard clearly, blinked at me, as if to test what I said.

"If you really want to go down the road, and don't bump into the south wall and don't look back, then I have no choice. In order not to kill people, I can only let you have lowerson! Well, would you like to? "

She looked me in the eye for a long time.

She did not speak. I didn't say either. I'm waiting for her to speak first.

She finally had a reaction. She laughed at herself, then sneered a few times and sighed: "Song Yao, are you sarcastic? Are you showing your generosity and selflessness? Do you think that if you do this, I will appreciate you? No, you're humiliating me. It just makes me hate you more. " She shook her head and looked back at Lawson. "I don't like the handouts. If I want to get Lawson, I have to get his people and his heart. Alas, even if I fell in love with him in those two years, he did not touch me

It really surprised me. Why didn't Lawson touch him? Then he's really a gentleman. However, if a man likes a woman, there is no doubt that he wants to possess her body. It seems that lowerson is really not interested in Chuan.

My heart is even more sad. People in this world are just strange. For example, some people, although they only meet with some people once, feel that they have met before, that they are congenial, that they will fall in love at first sight, or that they will fall in love with each other for a long time. And some people, no matter how many people they meet, are only destined to be friends in their lifetime, and will not arouse any sparks. It has nothing to do with Chuan's beautiful appearance and excellent or not“ When Lawson doesn't touch you, he respects you! This proves that in the face of uncertain future, this man respects you! In that case, why do you have to profane a beautiful friendship? You know, there are more than one kind of feelings in this world. Long friendship can sometimes surpass short love

She was stunned and seemed to be a little sober.

"Chu an, song Yao is right. In my heart, you have always been excellent. Otherwise, when I come to America to deal with things, I won't find you first. " It's Lawson who said that.

Chu an then said sadly, "really? In your heart, I still have weight? "

"Of course."

"Chuan, you and Lawson were good friends, but they are still friends. You just took a little detour, but now you have turned back! Right? "

Her eager eyes darkened again“ Ha ha... I look back? Do I really look back? I don't know. I don't know what to do now? Many, many things I don't know! " She kept shaking her head and scratching her hair, "my head hurts. I'm going to split up! Song Yao, should I really turn back? " Her eyes were full of supplication again.

I just smile at her, smile sincerely: "yes. As long as you look back, you will get two friends. Nothing has changed, just like you just came back to Tin City from America! " I held her hand tightly. She hesitated for a moment, trying to get rid of me, but I didn't let her. I stubbornly held her and passed the warm power of my palm to her.