Chapter 503

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
What is she doing here?

By this time, the guests had already dispersed.

Besides, isn't she in poor health these days? Since she got drunk that day, she didn't come to work in the group on the pretext of poor health. What, now what's she doing here? Are you well? Or, knowing that the marriage of the Luo family has been ruined, and knowing that Xu Yan has been injured, did you come to me alone?

However, does Xu Yan have anything to do with her? Does she want to give Xu Yan a breath? Anyway, I didn't know what Chuan meant before she got out of the car. But no matter what she says to me, I'm not afraid. Under the tempering of this melting pot of life, my song Yao's heart has been tempered strong enough.

I'm waiting for Chuan to get off.

Chuan slammed the door, faced me, stopped for a moment, and then walked slowly towards me.

She seems to be looking for Luo Kang, because she has several boxes of gifts in her hand. But I'm not going to let her see Locke so late. I went forward and blocked her“ Chuan, I remember that you were not invited to today's wedding banquet. "

"What does the wedding banquet have to do with me? Besides, even if the media doesn't report it, everyone knows that today's wedding of the second young master of the Locke family has been ruined. Because the bride can't bear to insult, she wiped her neck in a rage. "

"Yes? It's not what you think. You are just an outsider and have no right to guess what happened to the Luo family. Come on, are you here to see the old man? If you want to see me, I'm sorry to tell you that the old man has rest. You can tell me what you want to say

When she heard that, she glared at me and snorted“ Song Yao, what I want to see is Luo Kang. What are you and I pestering about? "

"I'm from the Luo family. I'm the granddaughter-in-law of the old man. I have the right to do so for the sake of his health. "

"Joke! You get out of my way, I have a very important thing to find the old man! You can't afford to pay for the delay! "

"What's the matter?" I'm impatient.

"It's important, but I can't let you know!"

"If you want to see the old man, I'm not in your way. But you have to tell me what's going on! Is it a national event, or is it going to war? " I make sarcastic remarks.

Chuan laughed and sneered at me: "well, since you have such a strong curiosity, I'll tell you. I've got the baby of Lawson! Do you think it's important? Shall I tell the old man to please him? "

what? As soon as I heard it, my blood rose. I didn't believe her. How could Lawson sleep with her? It must be Juan. She lied to me! I will never be fooled by her!

She said quietly, "I knew you wouldn't believe it. In fact, I was surprised. Because, I have congenital tubal infertility, I can't get pregnant. You must be curious how I got pregnant with Lawson's baby, right? Let me tell you. It happened on the first day of my return home. I put sleeping pills in his wine, he fell asleep, and then i... you know. When he woke up, he had only slept for an hour. He didn't know anything. Originally, I would not say it, just as a secret, I will always hide in my heart. But God, it's just to help me, just to send me a child to reward me at this time. Lawson doesn't know about it, but I don't want him to know the first one. When the old man is happy, it's OK. The old man has always liked me. I know that. "

I was really stunned by Chuan's words.

Is it true what she said? I don't believe in the bad luck of Lawson. There are always women with ulterior motives around him. However, I shook my hair, and I was not sad at all. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Anyway, Lawson didn't take the initiative.

This similar bridge section, Xu Yan has not done? Ha ha ha, I have enough immunity.

So I shook my hair, gave Chuan a smile and clapped my hands: "great! I'm worried that Lawson doesn't have a child. I'm just catching up

"You, who are pregnant with children, are you happy?" Chuan glared at me.