Chapter 394

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
That's it?

In this way, Lawson's trip was futile. I wonder if Jiang Bao is his twin brother? Why does Jiang Bao want to cover up and refuse to tell the truth? If so, it's a good thing to have more brothers in this world.

"Jiang Bao, where is your hometown? People are looking for you sincerely. You don't have to lie... "Instinctively, I'm worried about Lawson.

Jiang Bao stares at me, looks at me up and down, as if he saw me for the first time: "Song Yao, you are divorced, don't you still have something to do with your ex husband? Divorce, don't go back. Some beautiful women like you are chased by men. If you like, go, I'll invite you to the cinema! "


I wanted to get rid of him, and he came and tugged at my elbow again.

"I'm here for business, not to play with you."

"What can I do? I'll be with you. I'm here to see the car, but I didn't expect to meet you. It's my predestination with you. It's a pity that I don't go out for a stroll on such a wonderful day! " He is still a familiar look, and he smiles at me.

"Go to someone else."

"I'll take a fancy to you." He was more ungrateful and wanted to carry my bag.

I'm not happy“ Jiang Bao, I'm not the kind of woman you think. I'm casual and boring. "

"I know." He shrugged indifferently.

"What do you know about me?" It's just a casual acquaintance.

"I know you have a small factory. You have been divorced twice. I know how old you are and what month you were born in..." Jiang Bao, like a family treasure, scared me. He... He followed me, investigated me? How else would you know so much?

I was angry and said to him in a loud voice, "why do you investigate me? You and I are not even friends! You really, really piss me off This man is a rascal. Even if he opened an antique shop and boasted that he had some antique knowledge, I decided that he was a rogue.

"If I can make you angry, I'll be very happy. It shows that I still have some weight in your heart. "


The more he said it, the worse it became.

I angrily out of the room, Jiang Bao also closely followed“ Let's just go to a movie. Why are you so mean? "

I looked at him and thought, "if I go with you, would you like to tell me your real life?" If you take this as a condition and set him up, it's also worth it.

Jiang Bao stared at me, eyes black: "Song Yao, it seems that you still care about your ex husband! But am I really like him? Why don't I feel it at all? As far as handsome is concerned, Lawson is inferior to me. What's more, I'm tired of his self righteous style. How can I be like him? "

I sighed: "like not, you don't think others have eyes."

"Song Yao, I'm ahead of you. If you want to go to the movies or shopping with me, I'll answer whatever you ask. I have nothing to hide from you. "

"Why do you have to watch movies and go shopping?" I frown. That's what women like.

He just laughed at me and said, "I don't understand, do I? I'll tell you when I go. " With that, he took out his mobile phone and reserved two movie tickets through the Internet“ Yes, gunfight movies, Hong Kong movies. I like them. "