Chapter 388

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
Sure enough, he stopped for a moment, as if thinking.

I said with a faint smile: "cousin, you'd better think more about Xie Ying. She has a crush on you. Before, she had a secret love for Lawson, but now, she has a secret love for you. I don't want to take her heart again. I'm afraid she'll hate me for the rest of her life. "

"Song Yao, we're talking about us. Don't pull on other people." After saying this, he took my arm and said that it was not suitable to talk about marriage in a bar. It was better to go to his car.

In the car, quiet.

I laughed“ Cousin, don't bother. I'll tell you for sure that I won't agree. I'm too old to be angry. I won't marry Xu Yan just because Luo Weisen wants to. Song Yao won't do such a stupid thing. "

"I know you're sober."

"What do you say? All boring? If we go on like this, you and I have no relatives to do! "

"Come on. I don't think you're related at all, or I'll propose to you? " He has great strength. He has already picked me up and walked out of the bar with one hand.

It worried me. I felt like he was forcing me.

Drinking is the only pleasure I have left, and he wants to deprive me? Besides, what right does he Zhongyu have? Why does he interfere with me? As a so-called cousin, ha ha

But is that a proposal?

What about the ring? What about flowers?

By the way, he proposed to me before, and he was very serious. It seems that I have asked more than once. Once, my aunt song Ruirong also participated. It's funny, but it's influential.

When I think about it, I feel a little emotion in my heart.

In any case, he Zhongyu was sincere to me from beginning to end. With him, although the lack of passion, but I can really get a relative calm.

I just looked at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? It's not the first time you've met me? " He was a little uncomfortable. His face was a little red and his eyes were bright.

I said, "what? Afraid I'll see you? However, what you... Said has some truth and merits. But I don't want to hurt you. I won't give you an answer now, but I'll think about it when I get back. I'm responsible for you, but I don't want you to be someone's double. "

At this time, I have been dragged to his car by him.

I look at the bustling street and ask myself: Song Yao, do you really want to make a choice at the fork of life?

But it's clear that my heart can't hold other men.

He Zhongyu even laughed“ Song Yao, I'm not in a hurry. I can see that Luo Weisen is preparing to live with Xu Yan for a long time. It's a pity for you, but it's also my chance. I'm not in a hurry. I can wait. "

I was speechless. He Zhongyu's words hit me hard in the heart.

Of course, I have thought that in this life, of course, Lawson will not live alone. There must be a gentle and obedient woman, red sleeve fragrance to accompany him. But I didn't expect that this woman would be Xu Yan.

This is forever.

If I were selfish, domineering, savage, vicious, and just for my own sake, I would not divorce now. I hung my head down and let my hair cover my face.

But he Zhongyu reminded me in a low voice: "Song Yao, look!"

He showed me a couple coming across the street.

"What do you want me to see?" I'm bored.

"Lawson! Luo Weisen's side follows a woman, she is... Xu Yan? " He Zhongyu didn't meet Xu Yan. He asked me in a low voice and cautiously.