Chapter 368

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
I don't want Xie Ying to stab luoweisen's scar again. It's too cruel.

In fact, in my opinion, Luo Weisen should also marry Xu Yan, which is humanitarian. However, Su Cheng's gossip reporters still asked Luo Weisen, digging a hole to ask him whether the failure of his first marriage had something to do with the confidant Xu? The press conference was held by Luo Weisen. He allowed reporters to ask questions at will. When reporters found this opportunity, they were not polite. I read the last line of the newspaper. It was a bold bold line to the effect that Lawson regretted his marriage with me and thought it was the biggest mistake he had ever made in his life. Moreover, in front of reporters, he declared that it was time to marry Ms. Xu Yan. To marry her is the wisest choice.

But Xie Ying had to go.

"Sister, I can't let Lawson misunderstand you. It's clear that... It's me who conceals something from you. You don't know anything. I hurt you... I'm sorry for the child... "Xie Ying's expression was very painful“ I must go to that child's funeral. I want to express my guilt. "

But I still stopped. Xie Ying is not happy“ Do you mean to make me feel bad all my life? If I don't go to the funeral, I don't want to express my shame. When will I go, you say? " She also questioned me.


"What's wrong! Avoidance is not the solution to the problem! You can't top everything up! Of course, you treat me like this. I'm very moved. It proves that you treat me like a sister! Since you are so affectionate and righteous, I can't do nothing! I will avenge you

"Xie Ying, it's no use! He has preconceived that everything is my plan As a matter of fact, I have wronged Lawson by saying so. After all, he gave me a chance to defend. But after thinking about it, I decided to eat this dumb loser. After all, it was a human life, a lively little life. I could feel the pain in Lawson's heart, so I accepted whatever he said.

"Are you going to live a lifetime with this dumb ass on your back?"


"You..." Xie Ying sighed deeply. She suddenly hugged me and stroked my hair. Her voice was gentle: "you listen to me. Of course I will go to him to restore the truth. I'm not good, but I didn't expect that Taolin land would be so quiet, and there would be children playing in the past, and it would be lowerson's children.... "

Many things are such coincidences.

"At least, don't go now!"

I know Xie Ying's temperament, and I can't stop it in the end. But at least when Luo Weisen and Xu Yan get married and have a wedding, and everything calms down, she can go to see her again. I feel even worse at the thought of it. Yes, I'm not going to Xiaoting's funeral. I know they hate me, they hate me, they can't invite me. But I changed my mind. Let me present a bunch of flowers for Xiaoting.

Xie Ying promised me.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, suddenly, I got a call from Shunbo.

His voice was very old. He asked me, why did young master sun have a child for no reason? What's more, he was an unfortunate child who died young. When I heard that, I couldn't help laughing bitterly. Luo Weisen is really tight lipped. For such a long time, Luo Kang and Shun Bo really didn't know anything about it. If it wasn't for this time that he deliberately wanted to make public his marriage with Xu Yan, no one in the world except Xu Yan's parents knew that he had a son.

I think the reason why Xu Yan is willing to marry Luo Weisen must be approved by her parents. Xu Yan's parents must be sad when Xiao Ting is gone.

"Shunbo, everything is like what you read in the newspaper. Lawson has decided to remarry. This is his true happiness. Bless him I said so much and hung up.

But obviously, Shunbo still has many questions to ask me.

He should have heard a little bit that I had something to do with the death of Lawson's child.

I don't want to explain.

This kind of thing, the more explanation, the more unclear. I'm willing to be blackmailed.

I stayed up in the peach forest for three days. It was the day when Xiaoting was buried, so I drove to a flower shop nearby to order flowers. I didn't expect that on the way, the car couldn't start anyway. I tried several times, but I still couldn't. I just dial the garage, but the line is always busy. I was going to stop taxis on the road, but I didn't have one.

It's a suburb near Taolin. It's very partial. There is very little traffic on the road.

I want to call Xie Ying, or my mother will do. But the cell phone is off, and the power is used up. I can't help it. I just hope there will be passing vehicles on the road as soon as possible. I ask them to take me to a busy street and let me take a taxi to Xiaoting's funeral.

These days, my mother did not come to harass me, calm let me nahan. Normally, my mother should have been the first to ask me about such a big accident. But none of them. Later, I learned that my mother had gone to Xishuangbanna with a few friends before Xiaoting's accident and came back a month later. No wonder it was so quiet.

I waited anxiously for almost half an hour, and finally a car sped past me. I yelled and waved: "stop... Stop..."

The owner of the car seemed to hear my voice and turned the car around again. When he rolled down the window and looked out at me, I was greatly shocked! No, it's a heartbeat that almost missed a beat! How is Lawson!!! It's impossible!!! He's at the funeral right now, and there's no reason why he'll be here!!!

Finally, I let go of my tense heart.

He's not Lawson!!! He's just like Lawson!!! But this person's appearance, also full has 90% to look like Luo Weisen!!!

I breathed a long breath, and when my chest calmed down, I asked, "this gentleman, my car is broken. Can you give me a ride? I'll give you the money! " I won't let a stranger help me in vain. Closer to see, although this man looks very much like Luo Weisen, but the temperament is very different. Lawson is noble, respectable and dignified. But the man in front of me gave me the first feeling, but it was a bit cynical.

He got out of the car, shaking the car key in his hand, and went straight to me. He didn't speak, but looked at me askew. As soon as my eyes narrowed, I seemed to be a little interested in me. Not only that, he whistled, smoothed his hair, and said frivolously, "beauty, I'm happy to help you! Say, where are you going? Don't mention money. It's vulgar to mention money! "