Chapter 356

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
But Xie Yingfei asked me to help her, handed me a bag of rations, and told me: "this bag of dog food is finished, almost I have come back from abroad."

I asked her how long she was going.

"A month."

"So long?"

"Go to Italy to write a travel manuscript, while playing, while writing... Half happy, half painful..." she spread her hands, made a helpless look, "who told me to eat this bowl of rice?"

"You, what's the name of this dog?"

"The ball."

Although I don't like to have a dog, I have accepted it in my heart. She entrusted the dog to me on the basis of her trust in me. I think she's looking at a big place for her dog.

"All right."

As soon as she heard it, she was very happy and told me the dog's habits in detail. I go in one ear and out the other, only nodding absently. I suddenly became concerned about her personal affairs. That is... What's the relationship between her and he Zhongyu? I haven't heard a word for such a long time. Maybe I have died of nothing?

I asked tentatively: "what happened to you and my cousin..."

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "No. I see. He's not interested in me. Song Yao, he still thinks about you. I see. You and Lawson are divorced. It's time to marry him. From the beginning, you've got the wrong person. "

"Don't be kidding."

"Where are you kidding? I've enlarged the pattern, and you should change your pattern. Listen, sisters, in my opinion, you will be 100 times happier to marry he Zhongyu than to marry Luo Weisen! After all, you've been divorced. You don't need to find any true love. It's more important to find someone who loves you than anything else! "

This said, the ball broke away Xie Ying's arm, quickly, quickly, toward the peach forest, the blink of an eye on the invisible. Fortunately, I have a fence here. No matter how naughty the dog is, it's still in the fence. It's easy to find it.

"I'll ask you to look after my dog." She patted me on the shoulder.

After Xie Ying left, I tried to get along with the ball. But it's really naughty. It escaped from Xie Ying's small apartment, entered the broad peach forest, enlarged its vision from the narrow space, and released itself. It's really a little carried away. Seriously, I'm really bored. A few times, I really want to send it to the pet center for a few days. But now that I have promised Xie Ying, I have to stick to it and continue to raise it. Xie Ying's dog doesn't know what breed it is. Although it's not big, it has sharp teeth. When I feed it, I always worry that if I am not careful, I will be bitten by its sharp teeth.

Now I think it's the right choice to send this dog to an experienced pet center. Because, the next thing that happened was because of the dog. Once this happens, it is irreparable.

That day, Xu Yan suddenly called me and said that he would come to see me. I was stunned. I'm officially divorced from Lawson. I don't think I need to say anything to her. If she has a plan, she can do what she wants.

Her first sentence is like this: "Song Yao, yesterday was my birthday. Luo Weisen gave me something. Would you like to have a look?"

Ha ha, her address to me has changed from "Mrs. Luo" to "Song Yao".