Chapter 266

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
It turns out that whatever you fear, you come.

Luo Kang did not come to the hospital to see me that afternoon, as Luo Weisen said. But I came to my home three days after I was almost recovered and discharged.

I remember, it was afternoon. I'm trying to grow an African Jasmine in the garden behind the yard. From parturition to discharge, it took me a whole month to adjust and recuperate. The business of the company has to be put aside for the time being.

That's when Mr. luokang came.

As always, the old man was on crutches and followed Shun Bo. He looks in good spirits. It seems that he and his eldest son Luo Jingxing tore each other's family ugliness and made headlines repeatedly, but he doubled his fighting spirit and enjoyed it.

"Song Yao, the tea tree you planted has been blooming."

That's a bit superfluous. Before, he used flowering as a metaphor, and I had to spread the branches and leaves for Lawson as soon as possible. But now, my child is gone.

I invited him to sit on the stone table in front of the yard and made him a cup of Tie Guanyin, which I recently loved. Shun Bo saw that the old man wanted to talk to me alone, so he went to the car to wait.

I guess this posture, the old man will not stay here for long.

"You must have something important to see me."

Luo Kang took a sip of tea: "you are very smart."

"It's not smart, it's human." At his age, he came to my house in person. Of course, he had something important to do. If you comfort me when I lose my child, you can ask Shun Bo to bring a gift for him.

Luo Kang pondered: "good. I like you to be direct. I've come to you, actually, behind Wesson's back. "


"In my heart, I have regarded you as my granddaughter-in-law. Therefore, you and I should have the same position. My bad son, I won't give him any money. So you have to help me

My heart, is a click.

How can I help you I said it very obscure.

"It's very simple. You rest at home. I'll arrange a woman for Weisen. As long as she's pregnant, after she gives birth to a baby, you'll take care of the baby. I'll give her some money and send her away Luo Kang spoke very slowly.

Suddenly, my heart is a sudden pain.

Sure enough... He Zhongyu guessed it right.

I said with a wry smile, "grandfather, you are in a hurry. It's not that I can't have children. He and I will have children sooner or later. "

"I'm on the point, and I have to. Time can't wait. " Seeing my mood swings, Luo Kang comforted me, saying that he would go to the countryside to find a woman, only focusing on simple temperament, good health, obedience, and would not bring me trouble and trouble.

My heart sneered, but the face is still light: "grandfather, now the 21st century."

Luo Kang's face was slightly embarrassed: "it's the same in the 21st century. Out of respect for you, so grandfather came to communicate with you specially, so as not to make you unhappy. " He also made a compassionate look of charity.

Actually, I don't care what Locke thinks. In my heart, I only care about one person's opinion. That's Lawson.

"Does he know?"

Luo Kang stopped for a moment, looked at the tea tree I planted, and said, "is this the seedling of your new species? pretty good. In fact, it doesn't matter what kind of saplings you plant. The most important thing is to blossom and bear fruit. "

The old man said what he said and finished.

I still stubbornly: "I just want to know what Wilson thinks?"

Luo Kang didn't look at me and avoided looking out of the yard: "his surname is Luo, and he has my Luo Kang's blood on his body. I'm in trouble. He can't help me