Chapter 108

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
The way he looked at me was shining.

I know that although he and I are not lovers in love, they are still attached to my body. In the short term, he should not break with me. To put it another way, Lawson is not tired of me. He still has something new about me.

I said no, I'm not used to it. Lying on the hard desk, I'm down, he's up, playing office temptation, my brain will always jump out of the "S.M" these two letters.

He told me that behind the screen of my desk, I press an invisible automatic door, open the door, there is a bedroom for rest, but now the furniture manufacturer has not delivered the customized leather bed, so I have to be wronged first.

Ha ha... What luoweisen thought is really thoughtful!

"So I have to give in?" In my heart, for his calm attitude of controlling everything and exerting freely, it's a bit gloomy.

I hope it's me who's in charge.

If only it could turn things around.

Although lowerson tried to erase the subtle difference between him and me, I could still feel it with a raise of hand and a shot.

He and I are not equal.

I'll give it up and let Lawson do whatever he wants with me.

Luo Weisen advocates American simplicity, so the desk in the new factory office is made of hard granite, and the chair is also made of stainless steel metal. It really hurts my back when I lie on it. This is not as good as my office in the old factory. Although the desk is full of papers and I can't lie down, at least lowerson will sit on the big soft chair, take some cushions and pull me to him, so that I can lean comfortably.

Looking at me grinning, Lawson told me to bear it, first bitter, then sweet.

"When the bed comes, we can do whatever we want."

It seems that he regards the new factory area of Weisong shoes industry as a "Palace" where he can linger.

"Later, if you want to see me, I'd better go to your apartment. It's not good. " I said that when the factory moved, people would come to me from time to time in broad daylight. If you do this... I will be very passive.

I don't want to tell him: in this way, I also lack dignity.

He listened, said nothing, and then began to dress. When Lawson finished, he came to help me zip up my skirt“ Song Yao, let's go back. I'll take you home. By the way, your will hasn't been signed, has it? "

"No All right, now, that's the question.

"So... Did your so-called family members come to you with the surname of song?"

"Yes." I told him honestly that I had a half aunt named song Ruirong. She asked me to give up signing. She was very arrogant and looked very difficult to get along with.

Hearing this, Luo Weisen gave a smile and touched my ass: "Song Yao, I've investigated. You're really not very good. If you want to sign successfully, you have to fight from her. It's not easy to get the legacy. "

"How did you... Investigate?" I'm a little curious.

"Ha ha... Recently, the jewelry industry in Xicheng has caused a lot of trouble. Your aunt went on the market by backdoor and got the White Wolf empty handed. With God's help, she killed several old jewelry stores in a month. To be honest, at this time, I just hope you work honestly and earn money for me. I don't want a song Ruirong to break your mind. "