Chapter 87

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
In my anxiety and extreme anxiety, I went to the hospital with lowerson.

Considering my dad's mood, I looked at him and whispered, "just wait for me in the garage. No, you don't have to wait for me. " If my dad gets better, of course I'll stay with him. If my father really can't, then I have to stay in the hospital to handle some things.

Luo Weisen sighed and patted me on the back: "Song Yao, you go up first."

Five minutes later, when I staggered out of the elevator and headed for my father's ward, I saw sister Liu waiting outside the door. She took my hand and said, "Miss Song, you've finally arrived. Hurry in..."

Looking at sister-in-law Liu's eyes, I understood everything.

I pushed open the door of the ward.

My dad had a tube in his nose and he was looking at me with a faint breath.

My heart aches to the extreme.

My dad saw me, he wanted to call me, but he couldn't make a sound.

I held my dad's hand tightly and choked in my voice: "Dad... I'm here..." I felt so sorry that I would not have allowed lowerson to go to any party if I had known that.

My dad's fingers are shaking. He's pointing in the direction of the nightstand.

My heart moved.

There is a pile of photos on the bedside table. I took a few photos to have a look. Sure enough, sister-in-law Liu was right. These photos were taken by Luo Weisen and me. I was wearing an apricot evening dress and nestled close to him like a bird.

Instantly, my chest burst!

Besides Xie Ying, who else can take these photos?

Xie Ying, Xie Ying, I have no grudge against you. If you hate me, then you should come straight at me. Why do you want to show these photos to my father! Do you know if you do this, you will really force him to death!!!

My dad really can't. The attending doctor came in. He whispered to me for a while and told me, "in fact, your father's situation is not optimistic all the time. But he was afraid of you, so he told me not to tell you the truth. No matter whether there is external stimulation or not, he will not be any better... "


When I heard this, I burst into tears.

He knew that he was terminally ill, but as long as I came, no matter how painful, he tried to put on a relaxed smile. I don't know, every day I give my father breakfast, although he in front of me, barely eat, but as soon as I leave, he will not control the whole body twitch to vomiting. In order not to let me have any detection, my father not only kept it from me, but also from sister-in-law Liu.

My dad's hand trembled at the picture in my hand. His eyes were fixed on me, his face was ruddy, and he spoke as if in retrospect“ You... You... "

I know what he means.

I held his hand tightly: "Dad, don't say it. I know what you say. You want me to leave Lawson, right? I promise you. From now on, I will not have any contact with Luo any more... "

But when my dad heard that, his eyes blinked, his lips murmured, and he shook his head.

Just then, the door opened.

This is Lawson who came in. As soon as I saw it, I was in a hurry. Didn't I tell him not to come up? Is he deaf? Why don't you listen to me? At this moment, my father met with Lawson, which was even worse.

I pushed him out.

My father miraculously said a complete sentence: "my, you let Mr. Luo in."

I listened and had to let go.

This is my dad's first and last meeting with Lawson.

Looking at the two of them looking at each other, my body has been shaking.

Seeing this, the attending doctor made a gesture to show several nurses to follow him out first.

"Dad, Lawson is here. What do you want to say to him?"

My dad just stares at Lawson and says nothing. Suddenly, shaking, he held out his hand, and lovison grasped his thin wrist.

"Lawson, I don't care what's going on with you and my daughter. Please don't hurt her... Treat her well... Can you promise me? " This is my father's last words in the world.

Luo Weisen half squatted down, looked at my father, nodded heavily, and told him seriously: "I will. Don't worry, uncle. I'm sure I'll get it right. "

When my dad heard this, he grinned at the corner of his mouth. He couldn't see whether he was crying or smiling. Then, he gradually released lowerson's hand, and his turbid eyes were staring at me again. He was silent for a moment. He wanted to talk but stopped, and suddenly tilted his head

"Dad... Dad..."

I threw myself on my dad and shook his body. I called for doctors and nurses... But it didn't help. My dad couldn't survive.

Lawson stood in silence for a few minutes in front of my father's bed, then hugged me tightly“ Song Yao... Song Yao... "He just called my name, but let me cry.

I watched as my dad was covered with white leaflets by the medical staff and pushed out of the ward to the hospital morgue.

My heart is more painful.

I was hugged by Lawson, and tears had soaked his chest.

"Luoweisen, from now on, in this world, I am a lonely person. I'm so sad, so sad... "

"No, song Yao, you are not alone, you still have me, I will accompany you!" He gave me a kiss on the forehead and wiped my tears“ I'll help you with your uncle's funeral. "

It was the hardest time of my life.

The death of my father has hit me more than the divorce of Gu Yuanhao and me.

The death of relatives will always shock the soul and stimulate the soul.

For this, I am grateful to Lawson.

In my father's funeral, Lawson has been with me and helping me with the management. He frequently appears in my side, does not avoid any one person.

A week later.

Holding a bunch of holly, I went to the cemetery where my father was buried. When my father was alive, he often told me that if he died, I would go to see him and not buy any flowers. A bunch of holly that is not afraid of the cold is enough.

Behind me, follow my mother.

My mother said that a bad couple, my father has died, those old grudges are also when there is no longer“ I'm not going to hate a dead man. " My mother took off her sunglasses, and her tone was dull.

To be honest, I hate her fickleness.

Today, Lawson was going to send me. But I won't let you. I want to talk to my dad alone.

Lawson, after all, he is an outsider.

Standing in front of my father's tombstone, my mother didn't mean to leave.

I see. She has something to say to me.