Chapter 49

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓
Even if I was too tired to have time to rest, I didn't forget to go to the police station to call the police.

Xu Yafang deliberately took away my father's heart saving pill and abused and humiliated a critical patient. In essence, she has violated the law.

I have to file.

Just yesterday afternoon, the discipline of Xicheng detention center called me again. In a very bad tone, I asked me to visit Gu Yuanhao. I was in a huff and scolded the discipline on the phone.

I said, people are busy. Who the hell will have nothing to do and spend time and energy to see a scum who has bullied and tortured himself??? You put yourself in my shoes? What would you do if it were you? Don't tell me, it's your job. Everyone has a job! You want to reform the prisoners, but I have to work hard to make a living?

I'm done. The tone of discipline was very bad. He said that for my lack of cooperation, he would use coercive measures.

I'm even more angry.

I hung up with a click.

I'm very depressed. It's been more than two months. Why is Gu Yuanhao still in custody? Why doesn't the court sentence him? I'm always worried about the long night and many dreams, and there will be changes after a long time. Because Wang Xue told me that even if Gu Yuanhao was down, he would still get help from some noble people. Wang Xue also pointed out that the noble man was a powerful figure in Xicheng, not a mayor, but also a director.

At first, I didn't pay attention to what Wang Xue said. But as time went on, I was really in a bit of a hurry.

If I want to ask about this, I have to ask Lawson.

But after the last dispute, I was estranged from him. Several days later, Lawson didn't give me a phone call or a text message.

I won't rush to him unless something happens.

I went back to my blue bay apartment and had a good bath.

When I came out of the bathroom, my hair was still wet, and I heard someone knocking at the door.

My hair bristles.

Intuition tells me that this is either Xie Ying or Luo Weisen.

But if Lawson really wants to find me, he will usually contact me in advance and let me be ready. And, as he said, I won't come to my apartment for future dates.

So... The person here must be Xie Ying.

I hesitated, pretended to be calm, and opened the door.

That's right. It's Xie Ying who stands outside the door with a black mask.

When she saw me, without saying a word, she pulled out my driver's license from her bag and threw it at me. I didn't get it, so I dropped my license on the ground. I bent down, picked it up and put it on the cupboard.

I want to ask Xie Ying to come in and talk.

"You, come in."

It's late autumn now. She is also wearing a thin pair of jeans and a casual jacket. I think she is cold.


She shook her head, refused me and turned around.

But unexpectedly, Xie Ying thought about it and turned her body around. It seems that she and I have something to say.

"Song Yao..." Xie Ying said. She stroked her hair and looked gloomy. I went back to her and kept in touch with Luo Weisen, which was a great blow to Xie Ying.

"Come in and say what you want to say!"

I reached for her.

She broke away from me.

"No, it's at the door." Xie Ying spoke very fast. She warned me, "I know that you are in a hot fight with Luo Weisen. You may not listen to me. But out of concern for you, I still want to say one thing. You can't cover Lawson. The Luo family will never allow him to find a divorced woman with a bad reputation! To put it bluntly, he's just playing with you. When I get tired of playing, I will kick you! Really, listen to my advice and cut off contact with him as soon as possible

I was silent for a moment.

A strange feeling welled up in my heart. Some moved, some... Sorry.

"Song Yao, wake up. How dare you say that Lawson really has feelings for you? He just saw that you were a divorced young woman and knew that you were lonely. He just played with you for nothing

When I heard that, I gave her a bitter smile and poured her a cup of tea.

"I heard all you said. You're right. Lawson is playing with me. I know it from beginning to end. "

Xie Ying was stunned.

She was puzzled: "since you know, are you still like this? Just wait for him to play you enough and kick you, then you will be willing to

She said I don't know my brain circuits, I don't know what I think.

"Xie Ying, to put it bluntly, I am his shady mistress. No, to be more precise, it's gun friend. He helped me, helped me deal with a few difficult things, and asked me to use my body to be his mistress. From the beginning, I knew what was going on. So... It's not what you think. "

I know the propriety. I don't think about what I can't get or what I don't want.

I thought that after listening to my explanation, Xie Ying's mood would be a little relaxed. For me, she took out her heart, I also took out my heart, we all treat each other sincerely.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ying still frowned and slowly shook her head, saying that I was dishonest and didn't tell her the truth.

"Song Yao, I don't believe it! That day, you got into lowerson's arms. With such a pathetic posture, the ghost could see that you were not willing to be his mistress! "

"I, how can I have it?"

I'm in a hurry.

In fact, I always like freedom and advocate independence. I don't like to hear such words as "little birds depend on people" and "pathetic". But Xie Ying now describes me.

I'm not really that kind of person.

If I want to rely on a man, I can choose not to go out to work and not be a professional woman.

"You have it! Look at you, in the arms of Lawson, with that intoxicated look, I can guess how much he makes you feel in bed! "

I was really surprised by Xie Ying's words.

"Song Yao, you are divorced. It's said that before looking for the next marriage, women will open their eyes and bet on themselves... How many people in Xicheng want to marry Lawson, you don't know! Dare you say that you really don't want to seduce him into marrying him? "

With that, she hit the bar again.

I realized that no matter how I explained it, she couldn't listen. She is preconceived to believe that I am a heart to catch luoweisen, good wind scenery to marry him, a wash the previous marriage brought me shame!

If we continue to argue like this, we are bound to quarrel again.

A phone call saved me.

"Miss Song, I'm the Secretary of the shoe factory. There is an accident in the factory. A worker's hand is broken by the machine. Can you come here now? "


As soon as I heard it, my scalp became numb and I immediately said that I would come right away.

To manage a factory, we have to deal with many temporary emergencies. It's really a test.

In my hurry, I forgot that the secretary that Uncle Zhang provided for me was a boy who had just graduated from University, while the one who called me was a woman's voice.