Chapter 35

Name:Why we meet so late Author:芳苓

I had a spasm.

Gu Yuanhao's right and wrong make my reputation bad, don't they?

In my heart, I think of what he said to me in a state of madness: Song Yao, no matter how I treat you, I will never give up loving you.

His words are contradictory. The foreword doesn't match the Afterword. It's ridiculous. I didn't take them to heart.

Love is respect and understanding.

But Gu Yuanhao said that he loved me, but in action he wanted to make me stink, and there was no chance to turn over.

Now, I don't have time to hate and investigate. First of all, I have to appease Xie Ying.

"Xie Ying, listen to me!" I eagerly took her hand and asked her to sit down and listen to me.

"No, I don't want to hear it! I knew you lied to me. You pretended that you didn't know Lawson and asked me to return my cell phone? Ha ha... At that time, you had sex with him! "

Xie Ying said that she didn't see it. I would perform. She said that I would play with my friends for several years. I didn't expect that I would get in her way.

I looked at her with a sad face and said nothing. Yes, she has reason to be angry. Because... Lawson is the man she loves. I'm still married. I should know how to avoid suspicion.

I'm not supposed to pretend that I'm not in the mood and have sex with Lawson.

This more or less hurt Xie Ying.

But I have to explain. I really have a problem. The first time I went to bed with Lawson, it was purely out of the need for revenge, and it was to let go of hatred. The second time, I couldn't help it. Gu Yuanhao put me in a quandary. I had to commit myself to Luo Weisen at the cost of my body.

"Xie Ying, I just want him to help me! Do you know why I asked you to borrow money? That's because Gu Yuanhao moved all the property in my father's name. Not to mention that, he borrowed a million yuan loan in the name of my father. Just at noon today, the usurer came to collect money... I didn't have 20000 yuan to defend myself, so I wanted to ask you to borrow money! "

I told Xie Ying all about what happened when I met Luo Weisen.

Then I sighed heavily: "believe it or not, that's what happened. When I was too worried to know what to do, Lawson appeared. I only have to catch him... Only he has the ability to help me... I just want to get through this, the rest, I really don't want to! "

I think I am sincere enough, Xie Ying can understand me.

Unexpectedly, after listening to it coldly, she still gave a cold smile: "Song Yao, I used to say that you are cowardly and don't understand the customs. I think you are very bold and avant-garde? What else do you want to explain? As soon as I turn around and leave, do you have to go to Lawson again? "

I was stunned.

She's right.

"Can't you solve your own problems? Do you have to trouble people? Do you know that lowerson's relationship is in a gap period, and there is no fixed woman around him, so you take this gap and deliberately seduce him to catch him

No, it's not!

I kept shaking my head.

My improper handling of the matter has hurt Xie Ying's heart.

I'm very sorry. I don't want to lose her.

"Good! I'm not going to find Lawson! I'm not going

I don't want to go to him! If you ask for help from others, you have to be pinched by others. You can't be hard, and you can't lift your head all your life!

I shivered and bit my lip.

Xie Ying listened and kept silent for a long time. Then she frowned at me and scolded, "why do you have to do that? If there is a shortcut, you have to take a curve. Are you stupid? "

I'm confused.

She was even more hateful to scold me: "all this, what do you want me to say?"? Why don't you go to Lawson? Gu Yuanhao is a mad dog! If you catch people, you will bite them! Do you want your father to know and be angry to death? "

After listening to her, I stood still.

My heart, very, very excited.

Xie Ying... I'm not wrong. She's really my good sister and best friend!

"Pa..." she suddenly pulled out a stack of RMB from her bag, threw it in front of me and urged me: "go? Is there no money? I'll give it to you

She stared at me with a look of resentment and anger.

With tears in my eyes, I held Xie Ying tightly in my arms, choking and speechless.

"Fool! For me, I'll hold Lawson's thigh, too! Who doesn't hold who fool

Xie Ying patted me on the back.

I don't want her money. She saved money to buy a house. Xicheng's house price is getting higher and higher. It's really not easy to buy a house on one's own. Even if I have to leave now, I'm not going to find Lawson.

It's not tomorrow. Gu Yuanhao is still dancing. Luo Weisen won't give me any news.

I'm going to justice. Lawyer shen wants me to sign. I'd better be there before five this evening.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and Xie Ying followed me in.

She looked at me in the mirror, combed my hair, and looked gloomy“ Song Yao, to be honest, you look better than me. "

She suddenly said this to me, I can't help wondering.

"I can't do more than make up, but you've been meeting people all the time. If you want to put on some make-up, embellish, and change your appearance, you will surely be fascinated by many people! " With that, Xie Ying laughed at herself again, saying that she had a bad memory“ I forgot, at school, you are the flower of your department! A man's eyes are better than a woman's when he looks at the beauty of a woman! "

And I laughed bitterly.

Women are sensitive. I know what she meant.

"Xie Ying, I am still married now. Once I get divorced, I am divorced. Luo Weisen is a single diamond Wang Laowu. He has such good conditions that he won't take a fancy to me. And I also have self-knowledge. It's a deal, a deal that's coming to an end. " After the deal ended and Gu Yuanhao was punished, my life would return to the origin.

Xie Ying avoided my eyes.

"Song Yao, no one can say anything about the future! Seriously, I really want to hit you, hit you hard! But... Who makes us good sisters? As good sisters, for the sake of a man, no matter how good the man is, the boat of our friendship will turn, like a conversation? Besides, I have a secret love for Lawson. Secret love and overt love are two different things. To put it bluntly, shaving is hot. But if I'm his girlfriend tomorrow, if you do this, I'll never forgive you! "

Xie Ying sighed, stroked her hair in front of the mirror, bit her teeth, deliberately clenched her fist and beat me, making a fierce appearance.

I think she's more lovely. At the same time, I am more ashamed of myself.

I could hear the jealousy in her words.

I had sex with the male god she admired, which reminds any woman that she would not feel comfortable.

not to do anything more than three times.

In order to respect Xie Ying and the friendship, I can't do those stupid things any more!

Xie Ying's colleague, a young cameraman, kept calling her, saying that she still had time, so she had to go to the countryside, otherwise the leaders would be hard on her.

Xie Ying gave me a deep look: "sister, I'm gone."

She carried her bag and went downstairs in a gust of wind.

I calmed down and went to justice law firm. When I got there, it was already 4:30 p.m. Lawyer Shen asked me to sign a power of attorney and told me that he would appear in court tomorrow.

"Thank you."

"No. I have been entrusted by Mr. Luo, and I will handle the case perfectly. "

Mr. Luo? Lawson?

Also to... He said he would help me.

So, let's finish everything as soon as possible!

When I signed and planned to ask lawyer Shen for more details, a woman's wailing voice sounded in the corridor outside the lawyer's building: "Song Yao... Yao Yao... Are you there? Are you there? "

I was surprised.

The woman's mouth kept repeating these words, like a fly.

The sound is familiar to me. Yafang Xu! It's Yafang Xu who is looking for me!