Xu Keyang was shocked: "what do you mean, eh?"

"What do you mean by that?" Ji Yisheng did not deny, "I am with her."

Xu Keyang

Maybe it's the first time that I've met someone who can do this kind of thing frankly. I haven't even dodged my words. It sounds a little proud.

Xu Ke almost couldn't hold his breath.

"She is not related to me." Ji Yisheng explained lightly.

"But people will think so." Xu Keyang wants Ji Yisheng to be sober. "Ah Sheng, what's hard to find? You have to find someone so dangerous. Do you know it at home? I'm afraid I won't agree if I know. "

In fact, everyone knows these principles.

Ji Yisheng also knows.

But when he fell in love with Ji Yisheng, no one could help him. He never regretted what he chose. In the end, Ji Yisheng just listened to Xu Keyang's roaring on his mobile phone and didn't retort.

For a long time, it was Xu Keyang who roared tired: "I don't care about you. If you really want to be with her, you should keep a low profile. You are doomed not to be like normal lovers. Besides, during this period of time, I advise you to separate, so as not to be caught. Those people are not fuel-efficient lamps. "

"I know." Ji Yisheng light should be.

"You know a fart." Xu Keyang scolded directly, "if you know, will you still submit your marriage application today? When Lao Zhang talked to me, I still laughed that Lao Zhang must be dazzled. "

Ji Yisheng's marriage application is only known to the leaders in the brigade.

These leaders also valued the friendship between Ji Yisheng and Yu Qin. They could find Yu Qin in private at most, but they would not say much to others.

But if we really approve it, it will be known to all.

"I submitted it." Ji Yisheng does not deny, "but it's useless."

"It's no use, you pay it back!" Xu Keyang hates that iron is not steel, "you say you, how did you get involved with Su Mianhuan."

Ji Yisheng didn't speak.

All of a sudden, Ji Yisheng heard the sound of the doorknob turning outside the door, and his cigarette butt between his fingers was instantly put out: "I still have something to do, I'll talk about it later."

After that, Ji Yisheng hung up directly.

When Ji Yisheng turns around, he sees Su Mianhuan's figure in front of him.

The little girl was wearing pure cotton pajamas, her head was down, her hair was half dry, and she stood in front of her.

Ji Yisheng looked at it for a while and then said, "blow dry your hair."

Su Mianhuan flat mouth, but directly: "I want you to help me blow."

With that, Su Mianhuan just stood in the same place. Ji Yisheng was quiet for a while. He walked directly towards Su Mianhuan, took her to the bathroom door, took the hair dryer and blew her hair without saying a word.

Until Su Mianhuan's hair was completely dried, Ji Yisheng put away the hair dryer and said, "it's very late. Go to bed."

With that, Ji Yisheng turns around and really wants to go.

As a result, a pair of small hands just grasped Ji Yisheng's little thumb. With one effort, Ji Yisheng stopped and looked at Su Mianhuan, his thin lips pursed. But this time, Ji Yisheng didn't speak.

Su Mianhuan hummed: "I want to sleep with you. I can't sleep without you."

Su Mianhuan said casually.

But Su Mianhuan knew very well that it was really hard to fall asleep without Ji Yisheng. When he lived in the army, he had to go back and forth for a long time to fall asleep alone in the dormitory.

Either send a text message to Ji Yisheng, or talk to Ji Yisheng on the phone for a while.

In those years in the United States, Su Mianhuan couldn't fall asleep at all without the help of drugs at the beginning.

After being with Ji Yisheng again, these problems seem to disappear. As long as you hold him and listen to his strong heartbeat, Su Mianhuan will soon fall asleep.

Most of all, there is no nightmare to haunt yourself.

It's never been relaxing in a long time.

As a result, Ji Yisheng's words came coldly: "I don't want to get rid of my relationship. Now I'm running to sleep with me, eh?"

This man is really beautiful——

That's not what I mean.

Looking at Ji Yisheng's calm face, Su Mianhuan was even more aggrieved. She took Ji Yisheng's hand so carefully, and then whispered: "I don't mean that. It's not only because it's not suitable now, but also because we haven't met each other. Maybe one day you will find that I'm not suitable for you."

Ji Yisheng squints at Su Mianhuan.

Su Mianhuan's voice was even more humming and evasive: "we are going to get married now. If you regret it, you will have a lot of trouble. It's better to be like this now. At least there's room for it, isn't there? "

Su Mianhuan is lying.

Ji Yisheng quiets down and looks at Su Mianhuan like this. The seriousness in his eyes can't be more direct.

Su Mianhuan felt guilty after seeing it.

Suddenly, Ji Yisheng light mouth: "will you regret it?"

Su Mianhuan looked up at Ji Yisheng in amazement. Ji Yisheng continued to say word by word: "will you regret being with me? Maybe when you study abroad, you can foresee better and more like-minded people. At that time, you will regret why you entangled with me, an old man who is so much older than you. "

Yu Qin's words rang in Ji Yisheng's mind again and again.

Su Mianhuan didn't know whether it was to ease the atmosphere or for other reasons, so she said vaguely: "I can't decide, so let's not get married first. At least we'll get married when I graduate from college. "

Ji Yisheng just looks at Su Mianhuan.

Su Mianhuan sighs silently. Suddenly, she stands on tiptoe and kisses Ji Yisheng on his thin lips. Her previous evasion is gone, but she becomes calm: "Ji Yisheng, I never regret meeting you, and I never regret what I did. In my opinion, meeting you is my greatest luck."


"If I could, I would like to stay with you all the time. As long as you don't leave me, I won't let go. But the premise of all this is that you have to be good. For me, it doesn't matter whether I get married or not. The important thing is that you're by my side. That's enough. "

Su Mianhuan's words are direct and sincere.

Beautiful big eyes looking at Ji Yisheng, without a trace of fun and perfunctory ingredients, seriously put their own ideas out.

Then, seeing that Ji Yisheng didn't speak, Su Mianhuan sighed, "are you still angry with me?"

The voice falls, Ji Yisheng kisses Su Mianhuan's red lips directly, swallowing all the sounds in the kiss.