Ye Jiahe gratefully laughed at the photographer, then stood up and personally sent the photographer out: "thank you for your hard work."

"No, that's what we should do." The photographer is neither humble nor overbearing.

It was not until the photographer left that ye Jiahe got up and came back.

Zhang Ma prepared the fruit, ye Jiahe ate a few mouthfuls, and went back to the room.

When he lay on the soft bed again, ye Jiahe found that he didn't seem to have hallucination for a long time. Ji yisasa, who had been in pain before, also disappeared in an instant.

So, it's really a good thing, right.

Ye Jiahe couldn't help laughing.

Looking at the mobile phone, he wants to call Ji yisasa, but he is afraid of disturbing Ji yisasa. Ye Jiahe thinks about it, gives up, and turns around to prepare Ji Yijie to send a message.

In addition to just landing to Ji Yijie sent a message, ye Jiahe has not contacted Ji Yijie.

Ji Yijie is called away by Feng Qiquan, who is always with Feng Qiquan.

As a result, when ye Jiahe was ready to send messages, suddenly saw the official account of WeChat jumped out of the hint. Then, several official account of the public jumped out.

The content is as like as two peas, and even the title has not changed.

It's like a prepared manuscript.

Ye Jiahe's heart beat faster.

Her hand just opened the contents of the document and looked at it quietly.

It's all about Li Qin.

In the long report, it is the picture of Li Qin's infidelity, the chaotic relationship between men and women, involving all the bad aspects of Li Qin's drug taking and so on.

Li Qin was thoroughly suppressed, there is no room to turn over.

Below every official account is the voice of criticizing Li Qin, which involves drugs. No one can forgive Li Qin. The dying Li family is deeply implicated because of Li Qin.

After that, there is no room to turn over.

Li Qin was charged with a number of charges and was directly detained. What Li Qin faced was the death penalty.

However, the death penalty is not executed immediately, but a little bit of patience and willpower in the reprieve, so that you completely collapse.

Ye Jiahe watched it for a long time.

She knew that all this was done by Ji yisasa.

Even before ye Jiahe had time to ask Ji yisasa.

Her hand slightly grasped the mobile phone, but before she could digest it, ye Jiahe's mobile phone suddenly rang. She took a look at the call, which was su Mianhuan's.

Ye Jiahe picked it up.

Su Mianhuan's light voice said: "second uncle is really cruel. But he's very handsome and very happy. "

Ye Jiahe Leng next, a time did not respond.

Then ye Jiahe knew that Su Mianhuan was talking about Li Qin.

Since Li Qin was found by Ji yisasa, Ji yisasa has never mentioned anything about Li Qin to Ye Jiahe. Ye Jiahe didn't ask much. She knew that Ji yisasa would deal with it.

And now the news reports have come out, Li Qin can not have room to turn over, including the whole Li family, have completely disappeared.

Su Mianhuan's sudden call makes Ye Jiahe quiet.

All of a sudden, she reflected that Ji yisasa did more than what she saw on the surface.

After a moment's silence, ye Jiahe said, "did you say something about Li Qin?"

"Well." Su Mianhuan didn't deny, "but I bet that the second uncle won't tell you the process and content. That process is really exciting. In my opinion, it's deserved to take revenge on herself for all the disgusting things she has done for so many years. "

Su Mianhuan spoke freely.

Ye Jiahe was stunned.

Before he had time to speak, Su Mianhuan said quickly: "after the second uncle took away Li Qin, how did she prescribe medicine to you? How did the second uncle treat Li Qin? You suffered a lot. Li Qin had to pay back a hundred times. Even when you were imprisoned, Li Qin tasted it once."


"You know, the tolerance of Chinese people to drugs is zero. The Li family wants to struggle to death. If something like Li Qin happens, it's impossible in their life. It's completely over. "


Su Mianhuan said a lot about Ji yisasa picking up Li Qin.

Ye Jiahe listened quietly.

Ye Jiahe didn't think about many things when she was imprisoned. She knew how painful it was at that time. Even if the wound was slowly healed, the unforgettable feeling would make people tremble when she thought about it.

Now, the one who bears all this is Li Qin.

Ye Jiahe can't express sympathy. She can't be a virgin. She can only watch quietly. Li Qin is responsible for everything.

Su Mianhuan is still excited.

"Jiahe, are you listening?" Su Mianhuan suddenly calls Ye Jiahe, who has been quiet for a long time.

Ye Jiahe said, "I'm here."

"The second uncle made the reprieve of Li Qin's death." Su Mianhuan continued, "I heard Er Shu and a Sheng say that death is too cheap for Li Qin. Waiting for death is the biggest torture. Er Shu won't let Li Qin have any problems during this period of time. In such a long torture, Li Qin can't survive or die."

When Ji yisasa said these words, he was very insipid.

But it can be chilling.

In prison, everything will happen. In such an environment, people will be completely driven crazy. The crazy devil has to stay inside and guard the iron window all his life. That's really the biggest punishment.

Later, ye Jiahe didn't care much about what Su Mianhuan said.

Until Su Mianhuan hung up, ye Jiahe was very quiet and motionless.

The mobile phone's wechat jumps out, Ji Yijie's voice: "Ji yisasa has finally become a second person."

What happened three years ago is obvious to Ji Yijie. And now everything, not only Ye Jiahe, even Ji Yijie seems to vomit a bad breath.

Ye Jiahe looks at the voice of wechat and laughs.

Her fingers beat neatly on the screen.

Jiahe: [so are you going to call him daddy

Ji Yijie also changed into characters.

Party B: [consider]

Jiahe: [in fact, you still like him very much, and you've already called him in your heart. You just hold your breath and don't admit it

Xiaob: [hum]

Then wechat is always in the state of input.

But Ji Yijie didn't type a word again.

Ye Jiahe knows that Ji Yijie thinks again and hesitates to delete what he wants to say. Ye Jiahe doesn't expose Ji Yijie's idea.

In the end, the phone quieted down.

After a long time, Ji Yijie jumped out of the new wechat.

Xiao B: [will you come to see Zhan Ting tomorrow

Jiahe: here

B: OK, I'll go to bed. Good night

Finally, Ji Yijie did not speak. I ended the conversation directly and simply.