
“The number you have dialed is not in service at this time…”


Eunwoo hung up his phone and sighed briefly.

“Is she not done at work yet?”

Eunwoo was waiting for Sun on the first floor of the Consencio building. He looked at the entrance and muttered to himself. At that time, he noticed Ari coming through the entrance in a hurry.

“Huh? Hey, Ari!”

Eunwoo gladly called her excitedly, but Ari seemed to be looking for someone else.

Eunwoo approached her with wonder, and Ari finally hurried to see him like she just noticed him.

“Dr. Park.”

“Ari, what’s going on?” Eunwoo read her expression anxiously and asked.

“… Have you seen Sun here?”

“I’m supposed to see her here, why? What’s going on with her?”


After contemplated many times, but she decided to open her mouth carefully.

“I can’t contact her since she said she was going to see Mr. Woo. I don’t know what else is going on…”

Ari spoke with a worried expression while biting her lip. Eunwoo’s face sank seriously when he heard this from Ari.

“When was it?”

“It’s been about thirty minutes. I’m sure she hasn’t gone far…”

“I’ll look for her.”

Before Ari’s words were even over, Eunwoo moved ahead.

“Dr. Park!”

Ari hurriedly called Eunwoo again, but he was already far away.

“Did I say something that I shouldn’t have said again…?”

Ari’s was about to cry as she watched Eunwoo walking away.


After reaching the exit of the building, Sun walked away.

She bled from her heels and bumped into people, but she continued to walk. She was frustrated, and she wanted to escape the space where she was with him quickly.

‘Why, why…?’

The more she pushed him out of her mind, the more struggle and heartache came to her.

Misery and relief were intricately mixed together, and her tears quickly filled her eyes. She shook her head and tried to dry her tears, but it wasn’t easy.

She wiped away her tears with her hands, but the tears flowed down her cheeks faster than her hands could wipe.

She wanted to run away, but she didn’t know where she could escape.

A world that had turned cold with her tears.

She wiped away the tears with her hands again, and she stumbled into a small jagged stone.


She closed her eyes with silent screams. However, at that moment, someone grabbed her flailing arms and pulled them.

Luckily, she didn’t fall, but she was thrown in someone’s arms.

When she closed her eyes in amazement, she slowly opened them. His firm chest muscles were taught and firm before her eyes. She looked at the man’s eyes. Her eyes were widened once she recognized his face.

“Dr. Park.”

“… Are you okay?”

Eunwoo struggled to hold his breath.

Where did he come from? His heavy breathing brushed over her skin.

“Oh… yes. I’m fine.”

She seemed awkward and tried to get out of his arms, but Eunwoo braced his arms and embraced her even harder.

She was so surprised and opened her eyes wide in his arms.

“… I was worried about you. I thought something happened to you.”

His tender voice sank in her ears.

He held her tighter in his arms like he was convincing her that she was safe.

Sun’s small body was submerged in his broad chest. It was awkward, but she didn’t hate it.

‘… It’s warm…’

That was the first thing that came to her mind at that moment.

The warm and hard embrace of Eunwoo gave her a strange sense of relief. Her beating heart could finally relax in his arms after a day of relentless ups and downs.


“Hah, Hah.”

After turning the corner of the building, Gyeonhui took a sharp breath.

“Is she an athlete? Why is she so fast?”

He looked around with a firm expression. That was when he saw a man and a woman embracing under the street light in the distance.

Of course, he thought it would not be her, and he tried to turn his head like he was uninterested.

However… The silhouette of the woman was somewhat familiar.

He turned his head again and looked at the man and the woman. They slowly moved away and looked at each other’s eyes. It unraveled under the streetlight that the woman’s face was, in fact, the woman that he had been looking for all along.

The man holding her was Eunwoo.


Something seemed to be trapped on the ground.

“… Cheonsun…”

Gyeonhui, with a firm expression, clenched his molars like his lower jaw would be crushed. He started walking towards them fast.

A few minutes later.

It could have been a few seconds, but Eunwoo’s hard embrace didn’t seem like it would cease any moment. He probably wouldn’t have loosened his grip if she hadn’t said something.

“Dr… Dr. Park?”

When Sun reluctantly called Eunwoo in a low voice, he released her from his arms.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

“Oh, there were some things that I had to take care of.” Sun smiled awkwardly and glossed over her answer.

“Did you see Mr. Woo?”

Sun’s eyes widened after hearing Eunwoo’s question.

“I saw Ari.”


Sun’s expression crumpled in embarrassment. If he had seen Ari, then he already knew the whole situation.

“… I just had something to check.”

Eunwoo’s expression sank this time after hearing her words.

With a shallow sigh, Eunwoo raised his head and opened his mouth with a firm expression.

“Is there more you need to talk about with Mr. Woo?”

“… No. I don’t have anything else to say.” Sun shook her head and replied.

“I think Mr. Woo still has something more to say to you.”


On Eunwoo’s words, she turned her head and followed Eunwoo’s gaze.

In the distance, she saw that Gyeonhui was approaching them at a rapid pace with his eyes fumed like a growling ember.


With a slight sigh, Sun’s expression sank. Eunwoo, who was staring at her still, slowly opened his mouth.

“Let’s run away.”


Instead of answering, Eunwoo gently held her hand. She was a little surprised but looked up at him. She soon read his thoughts and slowly nodded.


Eunwoo led her hand with a smile.