Leng buting gets the hint that the magic calculation is completed, and Qin Zha is stunned.

This calculus seems a little fast?

There is a hint that please wait patiently. Only a few hours have the result come out?

After a careful look at the tips, Qin Zha saw that Zhenwu Wanxiang had decided to complete the conversion, and he couldn't help picking his eyebrows.

The three supernatural powers that disappear on the status bar are two immortals and one demon.

One of them, the magic power of the magic way, which he didn't use several times because of its strong lethality.

The heart of Lingxi sword is limited because it needs to put all the thoughts into it. He only used it once.

In contrast, Zhenwu Wanxiang Jue, which can instantly recover its loss, is used very frequently.

At present, Zhenwu Wanxiang is determined to complete the transformation first, which is a surprise for Qin Zha.

Although there are as many as 100 spiritual collaterals in his body now, he doesn't want to drain himself as he used to, but the powerful recovery method can undoubtedly be used as a trump card.

At least he doesn't have to worry too much about wastage.

It is not difficult to see from the notes of Hunyuan Vientiane that this martial arts supernatural power is an upgraded version of Zhenwu Vientiane.

Although Hunyuan Vientiane has a limited range of 100 meters and a cooling time, it is clear that this method can transform aura into chaotic force with high efficiency.

This is exactly what Qin Zha needs at present.

It's true that all things are infinite in scope and can absorb a lot of aura, but after he has the power of chaos, his weakness has gradually emerged.

The aura absorbed by Zhenwu Wanxiang must rely on his own transformation, which can only be transformed into chaotic force after being compressed to one tenth.

Under such restrictions, Qin Zha could not recover as quickly as before.

Although there is no limit to the absorption range of Zhenwu Wanxiang Jue, there is a limit to the absorption range of his personal use.

Seven levels of realm, a hundred ways of Lingluo.

If he absorbs aura within his ability, his conversion efficiency can't completely fill the chaotic power in his body, unless he uses the talent return to assist.

Once he uses his talent, the absorption range is meaningless.

After all, Guiyuan's aura burst is centered on him. He can absorb it at the moment of aura burst.

In this way, the Hunyuan Vientiane effect, which can transform Reiki into chaotic force with high efficiency, will be obviously better.

As for the cooling time, it's not a big problem.

It has been said before that it is very difficult for him to drain himself with his current strength. It is almost impossible to drain himself again after recovering once in a short time.

Race: Witch (atavism 51%)

magic weapon: Heaven breaking stick (chaos thunder punishment)

talent: Heaven and man in one, return to yuan, devour spirit

potential point: 0

Magic value: 111

chaos value: 111

Lingluo: 105 (chaos)

supernatural power: 150

realm: Martial Arts level 7 (Magic)

supernatural power: Blood burning, true self determination, heaven opening and chaos Yuan Wanxiang

after a little review of the status bar, Qin Zha saw that Catherine and Shu Wenhan had eliminated the barbecue and struggled to get up.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Katherine had just finished a barbecue, but she was still in the middle of something. She wanted another one.

It's easy and comfortable to improve yourself by eating delicious food.

She certainly wants to eat more on the premise that she won't be held to death.

But seeing that Qin Zha had already slowed down, she gave up the thought.

Compared with eating more barbecue to further enhance the body, the eighth level pathway is more important for her.

I clapped my little hand, Catherine said.

"Enough rest. Let's go."

With that, she took the lead on the road to heaven.

Shu Wenhan had a barbecue and got a lot of promotion.

However, as an orthodox immortal, his physical body is not weak, so the promotion is not obvious.

So he didn't care as much about barbecue as Catherine did.

Seeing that Catherine had taken the lead, Shu Wenhan set foot on the way to heaven.

Qin Zha also quietly followed, and the three went to the Tongtian tower together.

As the three are all seven levels, the road to heaven does not limit them.

However, in order to be on the safe side, the three people chose a relatively safe walk and did not rush to the imperial air.

The existence of the road to heaven is very strange.

It seems like a short journey, but it is relatively long and far away.

Even if dengtian road has no restrictions on the seventh level, it is obviously not a wise choice to be reckless on the road.


Almost half an hour later, the three walked safely through the whole journey to the bottom of Tongtian tower.

Standing in front of the low door leading to the first floor of the tower, Qin Zha reached for the door handle and looked at the two people.

"The first floor of the tower is empty, but we will be teleported when we enter the door. The transmission process is instantaneous, accompanied by a lot of space turbulence, so you are ready. "With that, Qin Zha pushed the door open.

Just like when he came, the low door didn't need much effort to open.

After the door is opened, you can see the vast golden space.

Seeing this, Shu Wenhan and Catherine looked at each other and released their powerful Qi to protect themselves.

Space turbulence is not a big problem for two people.

But it is necessary to protect it.

They don't have Qin Zha's strong and abnormal body, and it's not easy to bear the baptism of space turbulence without protection.

One after another, Shu Wenhan made a "please" gesture with a smile and said to Catherine.

"Ladies first?"

"Ha ha."

Catherine gave him a white eye and looked at Qin Zha.

"Don't be stunned. You are thick skinned. We will follow you."

"All right."

Qin Zha nodded and walked through the low door without any confusion.

When he had only four steps, he dared to break through the sky tower. Now he has seven steps. How can he be empty?

As Qin Zha walked through the low gate, the scene changed, and he was in the familiar mysterious garden.

Looking up, things in the garden have not changed at all, and the central building of the vast flower field is still there.

Stopping in front of the low gate, Qin Zha's eyes scan back and forth in the garden, but he didn't wake up.

Is that thing hiding in the ground again?

Looking down at the ground, Qin zhe frowned slightly.

At this moment, Shu Wenhan and Catherine both appeared behind him.

Seeing the vast and beautiful mysterious garden with rich aura, Catherine couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's a beautiful place. It's suitable for the elderly."

"It's really a good place to practice. It's rich in aura, which is comparable to the spiritual pulse. It's very good to practice here."

Shu Wenhan can not deny to make an evaluation, looked up at the tower standing in the center of the garden, asked Qin zhedou.

"That tower is where you found the ancient Sutra?"


Qin covered the road.

"The existence that I woke up earlier seems to be sleeping underground again. Do you want to find a way to wake it up?"

"No, we are here for the" seal "mentioned in Catherine's Oracle revelation. It's important to seize the time to find the seal."

Shu Wenhan shook his head and said.

"There is a great difference between the time and velocity in the tower and the outside world. We should seize the time."


Qin Zha nodded and said.

"There is no entrance to the next floor in the garden. Let's go to the terrace first. I didn't have time to look at it last time, but there was something missing. "

Voice did not fall, "roar" a beast roar sounded, the ground began to shake at the foot.