71 The wrath of Black Priestshood

"You dare to kill the disciples of Black Priesthood!!!!" And dare I say, that we were truly fucked. This oppressive force was ten fold than the one released earlier by those two sick bastards. I was too preoccupied by my emotion and a trip to memory lane that I didn't put it in account that they were more of them. True, I had some traps lying around the place but I doubt our enemy would just walk on it and caught in it.

The man in shrouded by black robe drop on the ground with a thud, and raised his hand, blasting Nagi away first. He cough blood and it splattered messily on the ground. Oddly, he kept on looking at me with a worried look. He crawl to my direction and stay in front of me, trying to shield me. That just didn't sit well with me, not because of my ego but simply because it feels wrong to be protected by someone who had gotten hurt..

The enemy in black robe glance at the side and saw the old man and his face turn thunderous.

"You!!!!! So you were here all along. Where is the red-" then he stopped and then snapped his head back to my direction. He raised his finger and point at my direction.

"You have what I want. Give it to me"

I was dumbfounded.

What?? I don't remember stealing anything from them. All I have with me were my possession and mine alone.

The old man eyes widened, and he quickly went to me,another one trying to block my view of the man.

"Go back to your place! The treasure is not yours"

The man laughed without a mirth. It was cold and empty, someone who was capable of killing without mercy. I was tongue tied, maybe because the oppressive force earlier still had numb my nerves or maybe it simply because I was scared enough.

"That treasure is not for a weakling guardian to keep nor a weakling keeper to take."

"And its not for someone like you to even look!" the moment the old man speak, in a blink of an eyes he swell and explode right in front of me.

I was looking at the pile of red mess on the ground and lift my eyes toward the black priesthood. He had his fist up, and it took me a minute to process what just happened. The boy scream and rammed right to the black priesthood, like a raging bull. With a flick of his wrist, the boy was thrown upward and he landed right on one of the tree branch, in a weird angle.

"I grow tired of this. Give it to me"

Nagi stood and before he even got to land a strike on the man, he too, was thrown like a useless piece of rag to the sideway.

He step in front of me and grab my neck. Raising me up, and cutting of my breath.. it was then all the blood rushed into my brain and everything turn to red.


Nagi POV

"One" that single word coming out from his mistress mouth sounded like those of fairies. Twinkling with mirth and dangerous warning.

And the man elbow broke upward,.

"Two" and next... the view was gory to be explained words by words and it was then he witness the power of his mistress that he had feared long time ago.

Remembering the time where he let that woman sweet talk to him.. no, no matter what he had long since rooted a single thought the moment he heard a newborn will be welcomed in the heaven. A dangerous being that shouldn't ever exist.. so he listened to the request of that woman and brought the being to another place and while sealing her power. A being attracted to mayhem and chaos. Where all hell break loose, and she will stand tall ontop of it. It shouldn't stay in heaven or it will become the second hell of this world.

This was the situation that he had feared happened. Though... of all the time, why now? He thought her power was still sealed away by that woman..

Her eyes slightly averted to him, another shivered went down, and for a second there, he thought that she remembered him. He swear all his internal organ wrinkled when her gaze landed on him. That one for sure, can make dying million times better than surviving few seconds of her torture.. whatever torture she can dish out, it will be magnified thousand folds.

She point at him, and slowly beacon him. Cold sweat broke from his skin and with heavy heart, he moved forward, bowing.

"Eat" a single order that made him happy to oblige. The pressure earlier had wreck some injury within and eating does make him happy. He 'ate' taking everything till she ordered to stop. The man was on verge on dying, his face had grown sunken, mouth open wide,and his whole body trembling.. for a moment there, he could feel the incredulity he felt.. hundred of years training and honning his skills and martial arts, was swiped away in a blink of an eye.

As he stopped, the once thin like branch man become full again and his mistress ordered him to eat him again.

He had no pity left for the man, since he had since how many he had killed to gain what he had today. From the blood, it sings a different tunes each and everytime. His blood particularly sang about the blood of cruel man that had sacrifice innocent people without a second thought.

His mistress left to see the old man and touch his neck. She sigh and shock her head before walking toward the tree, where the boy hung like somebody laundry on a line.

The body of the young teenage boy suddenly levitate and went infront of her. Even he could see the weak breathing from the movement of his chest. His mistress touch the young boy's body before it glows slightly. He could feel warmth radiated to their surrounding, reaching where he was standing. From the look of it, the boy had cheat death once more. The door to the after-life had closed and his breathing had stabilized.

Unlike him.

He had grown tired to keep on 'eating' but dared not to stop. He was already full, to be honest but had to keep on 'eating'. The enemy had this haunted look in his eyes, painfully wishing for the cycle to end.

Then he heard his mistress laughed. It sounded like a chimming bell.

"You can stop now"