"I know, but now the more anxious we are, the more those people know that we are bound to win. The price can't be kept down like this. "

Compared with these, Gong Shangxi is indeed more experienced“ What can we do? What are you going to do? "

"Wait and see first. As long as we don't take our hands and stare closely, no one will ignore our existence."

"I see. Don't mention it. Your method is good. It's better than if I just follow the original way. "

"I wish you knew."

Gong Shangxi handed over all these problematic documents to Duanmu, and the difficulty of their work dropped sharply.

"Excuse me, excuse me!"

Ling duo'er rushes to the company to punch in. When she passes by the door, she doesn't know what happened to them, but all of them lie at the door of their company.

It's not easy to squeeze in. After punching the card, putting down the bag and sitting down, Ling duo'er realizes that these people won't come to see the excitement, will they?

"What are they doing? It's hard for us to get in and out of the gate like this. "

"No, but it wasn't like this when I first came in. There were few of them. But dor, I think they're coming for you. "

"Me? Why? "

Ling duo son accepted stuffy, this after all is by what, why to rush oneself to come?

"It's all because of gossip. Otherwise, what else can they do? But to be honest, I can fully understand. Now you are the most popular person in our whole company. The whole floor should know about it. "

She doesn't want to be like this at all. If it's really because of herself, it's better to say it's because of Gong Shangxi!

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's just pure envy. I'll leave later."

Ling duo Er sighed, now she just wants to go out, it's not a simple matter.

When the fat sister came in, it was hard to squeeze, but there was no way. These people didn't want to let them. No one could help them.

"What do you want? I've been waiting here for such a long time. What are you going to do? "

Finally, she couldn't help it!

Seeing that she was injured and the things she was carrying were going to be broken, fat sister was really a little angry.

"We don't have anything to do with you here. Who are you?"

"Who am I? I have to ask you, what are you doing? If I don't leave, I'll have to call security. "

"It's great to call security. We didn't do anything. How about that?"

Some of them are not the staff here, but specially come to find Ling duo'er.

The reason to find Ling duo'er is not that they thought they were watching or curious at first. They are Shen Yue's friends, and some of them are Shen Yue's little followers. Now in order to do something for their idol, so excited has become a very common thing.

"What are you doing here? We're in the company. We're going to work. "


After several people look at each other and leave, Ling duo'er feels that those people are different from those who are watching.

"Really, watching the crowd will also cause trouble for others, OK?"

"Fat sister, I'm sorry for the trouble."

"Oh, DOR, I'm not talking about you. I think those people are too annoying. You don't know, they are blocking our door, which will make us unable to work normally. "

Yes, Ling duo'er didn't notice it before. How can things develop to this point? It's really a little scary.

"Dor, they've gone."

"Well, I see it."

Ling duo'er doesn't know how to stay here now. It seems that her own business has brought us a lot of trouble.

She felt that if she continued to stay here, she might not only not be able to help everyone, but also let them be implicated by herself.

Sure enough, from the beginning, she was right.

Because now others know their relationship with Gong Shangxi, curiosity is on the one hand, want to gossip is on the other hand.

If it goes on like this, it's ok if it's only temporary. But if it is

It's long-term. What can we do?

"What are you thinking, DOR? The computer has been shut down automatically

If the computer doesn't work for a long time, it will automatically go black.

Ling duo'er is in a daze with the mouse in her hand. Almost now she has forgotten what she wants to do.

"Ah? Oh... It's OK. I'll just open it. "

"Oh, what are you opening? It's already noon. It's time to eat. "

"Yes, it's time."

Ling duo'er sees that time is already this time. It's already this time unconsciously.

"Yes, it's time for lunch."

"Let's go together. I know that when I'm depressed, eating delicious food is the best way. Do you know?"

Fat elder sister's words, let Ling duo son feel that he absolutely can't ignore that problem“ Fat sister, I feel that if I continue to stay, it seems... It's not a good thing. "

"What do you mean?"

"Those people, I think, don't just come to watch the fun. If they go on like this, they still don't know what will happen in the future."

"Dor, why do I think you're going to say something extraordinary? You'd better tell me honestly, what are you thinking? "

"Fat sister, I think if I continue to stay, I will make trouble. Isn't this a good example today?"

"You... How can you have such an idea? You are wrong."

Ling duo'er shakes her head and is sure of what she thinks.

"I know that if I continue to stay, I will give you trouble. Those people seem to be very persistent."

"Do you want to know what those people do? If you want to resign, I think you are saving yourself trouble. "

Fat sister hands ring chest, deliberately said so“ No, I am... "

"Don't tell me, dor. I just think you're saving trouble."

"Sister Pang, I think that if I continue to stay like this, isn't it adding trouble to everyone?"

"Is that what you think?"

Ling duo'er is a little depressed. Isn't it like this?

"Dor, I know what you think now, but I think if you leave now, you think there are only a few people in our department. The new people don't understand very well and can't start right away. If you leave, what shall I do? Don't you want me to vomit blood? "

"I didn't mean that!"

"What do you mean? I think that's what you mean. Dor, DOR, how can you do that? If I'm tired of vomiting blood, you're missing a friend. "

How can she possibly have this meaning, but what fat sister said seems to have a little truth.

"Well, after this period of time, when all the new people can take charge of their own affairs, I will..."

"That won't do either!"


"Because... Because if you go, you're deserting!"


Ling duo'er can't understand this. What does it mean?

"Do you think things are not so serious at all?"

"Yes, when did I become a deserter?"

"Dor, you can't change your way of life just because of what others have done. Think about it. If you can't solve such problems in a positive way. So, what's the difference between you and deserters? Dor, you'd better take back your thoughts. I don't think at least we have been disturbed. "

Fat elder sister's view, let Ling duo er at least really think a little better.

"Yes, you're right. I can't change my own way of life just because other people do these things. "

"You think I'm right? In other words, you won't run away and quit? "

"Yes, you're right. I don't have to sacrifice my own way of life because of other people's affairs."

She was really talked about, because during this period, what she thought was considered from the position of others.

Now, she doesn't want to.

Fat sister put a mouthful of vegetables into her mouth, and then, with a deliberate look, sat on a table around them.

"That dor... Our colleague seems to be watching us all the time."

That's the person Ling song sent to protect himself. Ling duo'er is used to it“ Yeah, looking at us. "

"That's right. You're used to this. It seems that there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Fat sister, don't worry, it's not a bad person."

"How do you know? Bad guys can't write those two words on their faces, can they

"It's really not a bad person. It's... Well, I'll talk to you alone. It was sent by another friend of mine to protect me. "


This kind of operation is OK!

Fat sister was surprised, because it was too scary!

"Is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true. When did I cheat you?"

Ling duo'er is really not a person who can say such a lie, so fat sister chooses to believe it.

"Dor, I really envy you! Your friends are good to you! It's great to have done such a thing! "

She smiled and looked at fat sister envious“ Yes, my friends are very kind to me. Fat sister, you are also very kind to me

"Oh, what am I?" Fat sister has been said a little bit not very interesting“ However, this is also very good, at least if you have something, your friends will immediately know it! "

She agreed with this, so she accepted her fate later.

"Well? Dor, is this arranged by your friend? I didn't know before, but now you say, "is it the general manager of the palace?"

"Not him."

"Who is that?"