At more than eight o'clock, Weiwei was carried away by her colleagues in a drunken frenzy.

Xiaoqing left to settle the account, and then shakily helped the wall out of the door. She didn't eat anything all night, so she stayed with her and was filled with spirits. Now her mind doesn't seem so clear

"Xiaoqing?" it was quiet all the way. She walked back to her apartment and was about to turn into the corridor. Someone stopped her.

Liang Zhuo Qian leaned against the wall. Most of his body was hidden in the shadow. I don't know how long he stood here? The ground was littered with cigarette butts... Seeing her coming out, he pressed out the cigarette in his hand and took the initiative to come over: "I'll take you up."

"Boss?" Xiaoqing squinted for two seconds and frowned, "why don't you go and see Weiwei..."

"It's impossible for her and me. I can't give her hope." Liang Zhuoqian smiled and took off his coat to put it on her. "Drank a lot? I'll send you up first. I'll make it clear to Weiwei about our business."

Xiaoqing stepped back to avoid him.

As he said: the impossible cannot give any hope.

"Boss, nothing happened between us." Xiao Qingleng corrected, "and nothing will happen in the future."

The atmosphere stagnated for a second.

"So, don't you even give me a chance to get along? How bad am I......" Liang Zhuoqian smiled bitterly and stepped forward to button her shoulder. "Xiaoqing, what do you think in your heart, can you tell me?"

He was very close. From a distance, he almost reached her forehead

you bet.

All this is really dazzling in the eyes of someone who looks at it from a distance.

She really had a "colorful" life in C City!

Li Beichen pursed unhappily, and the air in the car became dry and stuffy with his mood. After a brief standoff, he pushed open the door, stood in the cold night, and then walked slowly in that direction

"What do you think in your heart? Can you tell me?" Liang Zhuoqian's questioning caught Xiaoqing too unprepared. His persistent gaze also made her flustered and agitated.

So she pushed him away completely out of instinct.

"Xiaoqing?" Liang Zhuo Qian was stunned by her big reaction.

"You go back..." Xiaoqing took a deep breath to avoid implicating someone's mood, and responded coldly and faintly, "I'm going to go to bed."

With that, she turned and left, stumbled into the corridor.

I don't know if drinking has affected her thinking. Xiaoqing just feels dizzy and hurts badly when she thinks about things - what does she think in her heart? She doesn't know! She thought about this question for six years, but she still couldn't find the answer

At night, he drinks spirits. At this time, the wine comes up. Xiaoqing squints but can't see the door number.

She lives on the sixth floor, but what floor is it?

Xiaoqing grabbed the door, put her foot on it and looked at the door number - she was so tired and sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. She had to try her best to get closer and closer

Still can't see clearly!

She frowned angrily and jumped up hard once. This time, she saw the house number clearly, but she forgot that she was wearing high heels. At the moment of landing, her center of gravity was unstable, and she stumbled and fell to the side


The expected pain of landing didn't come. Instead, there was a pain in her arm. She was dragged back and bumped heavily into a low and cool embrace - his coat was still cold, but it was the clear and clean smell she knew and unfamiliar

How to be familiar with it? Her head can't think of it at this time!

Just suddenly I felt that I had found the big bed and could close my eyes and sleep at ease

Li Beichen was not as "interested" as she was, and his eyebrows were still frowning unhappily. He began to shake the man in his arms, looking secure: "where's the key? Open the door!"

The low, cold and dark voice surprised Xiaoqing half drunk and half awake.

The sound is

"Xiaoqing." he called her name again. The familiar feeling made Xiaoqing tremble reflexively, suddenly stand firm and open his eyes. Most of the wine woke up in an instant.

She looked up in disbelief. In the quiet night, she could clearly hear her accelerating heartbeat. Finally, she saw him clearly, with only a blank head, trembling and murmuring: "Li Beichen?"

After six years, he finally came to the door.

He was wearing a dark coat and his figure was still so tall and rebellious. By the dim yellow stair light, she could only see the perfect outline of his handsome face, and could not distinguish his expression at the moment... Only vaguely, she felt the cold breath in her dark eyes

Xiaoqing involuntarily clenched her fists and was stiff all over.

She also imagined the picture of "Reunion"——

She may grow up, surpass him in force, and give him a good slap; She may also succeed in business, suppress him in the mall and make him suffer heavy losses... All the pictures are revenge!

She thought they wouldn't meet, so she had this wild imagination.

But this kind of self hypnosis is so sad compared with reality!

Just like now, Xiaoqing has to admit that nothing has changed! Like six years ago, he belongs to the strong and she belongs to the weak. His sense of oppression is still there, and so is her cowardice.

"What are you doing?" after a long stalemate, Xiaoqing took the lead in opening her mouth. She clenched her fist and tried to keep her voice cold and calm.

Li Beichen obviously didn't mean to talk here.

He stepped forward, raised his hand and covered the door with one palm. His white knuckles tapped on it a few times to signal: "open the door!" in a neutral tone, he made an indisputable decision.

Xiaoqing inexplicably rejected!

"This is my home." she reminded in a bad tone. Seeing that Li Beichen was still unmoved, she took a deep breath and continued, "you are not welcome in my home!"

She made her words clear, but what she got was a sneer from Li Beichen: "do I need your welcome?"

At the same time, he had withdrawn his hand on the door, turned to her, and directed towards her waist

"What are you doing?" the sharp sense of crisis made Xiaoqing cry out, and her body instinctively shrank back. But Li Beichen's movement was faster than her. With a long leg, he easily trapped her between her arm and the wall.

"Li Beichen, what do you want?" Xiaoqing's face was whiter, and he could only increase his voice to cover up his panic.

She doesn't want to try his strength again, not at all.

"The key." he repeated without delay. Compared with Xiaoqing's panic, he didn't seem to have any mood fluctuations, but the compulsion in his tone didn't decrease. "Do you take it out by yourself or do I search it?"

Implication: he has entered the house today!