May passed in a twinkling of an eye, and Jiang Jiu had been working in the street for nearly a month.

On the first day of June, as soon as he stepped into the office, he saw a small cat climbing frame behind it. The cat climbing frame is exquisitely made and full of children's interest. There is a Mickey balloon tied to the armrest on both sides.

More importantly, it was specially prepared for the lion dragon.

"What is this?" he said? Can't you put this in the office? "

Zhang Tianhang raised his standard face and said with a poker face: "today is June 1 children's day. This is a gift I prepared for clay. I've already asked the director for instructions. The director said it could be released. "

Jiang Shu???

What else can I do?

The lion dragon in the bag heard his name and got out of the bag quickly. The moment he saw the cat climbing frame, his golden and round cat eyes narrowed up and mewed happily. Then he rushed to the top of the cat climbing frame with his short legs and slid down the slide.

His whole cat was very happy. It was like discovering the new world, rushing up to the top and sliding down again. After repeated several times, he couldn't care about the messy fur rolling. He trotted to Jiang Shu's feet, raised his head and meowed a few times, indicating that Jiang Shu would release Jiaotu to play with him.

Jiang Jiu had to take Jiaotu out and let the two brothers stay on the cat climbing frame.

The lion dragon's small head is squeezed by the shell, and his throat purrs a few times. I don't know what the two brothers communicate with each other. The lion dragon pushes Jiaotu to the side of the slide with its claws. The four claws hold Jiaotu, and the two brothers rush down the slide together.

At the end of the day, lion dragon quickly gets up, looks at Jiang Jiu and Zhang Tianxing, and meows. Then put the map on.

Jiang Shu

Finally, the unprincipled cool brother put Jiaotu on the slide, and the lion dragon could not wait to shake his tail.

Other people gathered around to watch the excitement. Xiao Xiaoyu said with emotion, "sometimes I really feel that mud has become a smart spirit."

Xue Meng hehe thought that you could be more confident and get rid of the feeling.

Can my brother's cat be an ordinary one? That must be the essence.

Even uncle Zhou came to watch with a teacup in his hand and said with a smile, "is there a child in Jiang's family in our department? The director said that if there are children at home, they can leave early in the afternoon. "

"Where are the children in Jiang Shu's family?" Xue Meng glanced at Jiang Jiu suspiciously: "did you report the children of your eighth aunt's family?"

"I'm also a child, and I want to leave work early for June 1," he said

Xiao Xiaoyu rolled a huge white eye: "are you finally willing to admit that you are a giant baby in your twenties?"

Xue Meng snorted angrily: "you have the ability, but today."

Xiao Xiaoyu sneered: "I've already asked my little sister to eat hot pot. I'll leave after work."

Two people bicker Kung Fu, Zhang Tianxing has been holding lion dragon and Jiaotu play several times slide.

He asked Jiang GUI, "do you take mud out to play this afternoon?"

Jiang Jiu thought about it and said, "go ahead.".

Lion dragon is still a cub now. Although Jiaotu is a big demon, he has little contact with human society. He is simple and timid, and he is still a cub in Jiang Jiu's heart.

Jiang Jiu felt it necessary to take them to have a happy children's day.

After all, when they grow up to be their own age, they won't have a chance to celebrate children's day.

Hearing Jiang Jiu say that he is going to take lion dragon, Zhang Tianxing's paralyzed face makes a disappointed expression. After thinking about it, he perseveres and says, "I'll go with you."

Jiang Jiu looks at cool brother and his heartless brother. He feels that naoren has a little pain.


At 3 p.m., Jiang Jiu, who has cubs at home, leaves work early and is ready to take his brother to the festival.

Zhang Tianxing took the lead to pick up the lion dragon and followed him step by step.

Xue Meng stretched his head to the opposite office and screamed: "director, I want to report Zhang Tianxing leaving early."

Zhang Tianxing turned his head and looked at him coldly. He said, "a meal of fishing on the bottom of the sea."

Xue Meng: "OK, please go. I'll carry it for you

Zhang Tianxing followed Jiang Jiu with satisfaction.

Jiang Gu holds Jiaotu and asks him in a low voice if he wants to go to the amusement park. The amusement park must be very busy today, which also means a lot of people. Pepper figure hesitated for a while, or curiosity over timidity, he gently knocked on the shell, said want to go.

So before going to the amusement park, a few people went home first.

Zhang Tianxing came to Jiang Jiu's home for the first time, but he had little curiosity and sat upright on the sofa. It was not until the lion dragon came over with his toys and snacks and motioned him to choose at will that his expression became vivid.

Jiang Shu takes Jiaotu back to his bedroom to change clothes.

The facilities in the amusement park can't be played by pets. Of course, human form is more convenient.

They changed into the same casual clothes, and Jiang Jiu brought the lion dragon a small bow tie of the same color, so that the three brothers would all wear the same clothes.

Lion dragon proud to Yang Yang head, Zhang Tianxing look at him and then look at the human figure of pepper, expression becomes a bit at a loss: "mud can also change shape?"

Jiang Jiu shook his head: "he is still a cub and can't be transformed."

As a matter of fact, lion dragon has maintained its young form for many years. When it hatched from the dragon's eggs, it did not grow and could not transform.

But this obviously can't be said to Zhang Tianxing. Jiang Shu can only say it vaguely.

Zhang Tianxing was silent when he heard the speech. He frowned tightly and didn't know what he was thinking.

He had a paralyzed face that remained unchanged for thousands of years. Jiang Jiu couldn't see much expression on his face, so he could only say, "let's go."


Zhang Tianxing drives the car. Jiang Jiu and Jiaotu sit in the back row, while lion dragon squats in the driver's seat, holding the window and looking out with interest.

They started early and there was no traffic jam. At the gate of the amusement park, Jiang Gu whispers to Jiaotu about the precautions of the amusement park, and tells him to stay close to him later.

The amusement park they went to is called Shanhai amusement park, which is a very famous monster theme amusement park in Jiangcheng. The amusement park has a large scale and complete facilities. There is also a pet amusement park with a large area inside. It is also the only one in Jiangcheng that allows pets to enter.

Because today is June 1, the amusement park has a new monster theme, and you can see the staff wearing all kinds of monster doll clothes distributing balloons everywhere. There are also many special "goblins" who are obviously young but also wear doll clothes. It is said that they are all children of the staff's family. Because of the festival today, the amusement park specially prepared an alternative way for children.

A few people just brush tickets into the gate of the amusement park, there is a staff wearing fox doll clothes, leading the balloon to greet: "how many balloons do you want?"

He held a handful of lemon colored balloons in his hand, which looked bright and lively against the blue sky.

Jiang Jiu asked for two smiling face balloons and tied one to Jiaotu and lion dragon.

Lion dragon shook his wrist, and the floating balloon shook with him, and he gave a satisfied cry.

The voice of the staff in the fox doll suit was smiling: "have a good time."

Jiang said thanks to him, but he caught a glimpse of the fluffy fox tail behind the staff who turned and left. His eyes stopped and hesitated: "that Fox Tail... How does it seem to be true?"

Zhang Tianxing is not surprised: "one of the reasons why Shanhai amusement park is so popular is that some people say that you can meet real monsters in the amusement park."

In this world, there are always bold people with strong curiosity. Some people are afraid of unknown creatures, while others are full of curiosity. After Shanhai amusement park first heard the news that "there are real monsters in Shanhai amusement park", the business of the amusement park did not become as cold and depressed as the outside world speculated. On the contrary, it attracted a large number of Internet celebrities or bloggers to explore the amusement park.

Shanhai amusement park is based on Chinese myths and legends. The amusement facilities and staff dress up in Shanhai amusement park are related to the ghosts and ghosts in myths and legends. And the images of these monsters are designed to be very cute and pleasing, so not only adults who love monsters will come to play, but also many children like to play.

It is said that the first strange talk about monsters in the amusement park started when a tourist met a panda spirit.

The tourist was tired of playing and then took a rest in a small bamboo forest. As a result, he accidentally ran into several staff members who were also taking a rest and chatting in the small bamboo forest. The rest of these staff are still wearing heavy doll clothes, and the scene of talking together is very lovely. Tourists wanted to take a picture of them secretly with their mobile phones.

As a result, just as he pressed the shutter, a staff member in a panda doll suit suddenly took off his head cover.

In the instant freeze frame photo, the staff who took off the doll's head cover revealed a hairy panda's head.

At that time, the tourists were stunned and rushed into the tourist service center. They complained that there were real monsters in the amusement park. As a result, the staff didn't believe him at all and repeatedly said that he was wrong. Later, in a rage, the tourists posted the photos on Weibo, which attracted a lot of marketing numbers to forward. This was widely known.

However, the response of netizens was different from the expectation of tourists. A large number of netizens were clamoring to go to Shanhai amusement park to find Gungun.

That's a good idea! Live! National treasure!

What are you running for?

Since the panda spirit incident, tourists have been writing on the Internet that they have met monsters in Shanhai amusement park. Fox spirit, black bear demon, rabbit demon... There are many kinds of monsters. Some of the photos on the Internet look real, but some can be seen as PS at a glance.

But most people don't believe in things beyond common sense.

Only a small number of people firmly believe in this and come to Shanhai amusement park to find monsters.

Jiang Shu also came to the amusement park for the first time. He never thought that there was such a background in Shanhai amusement park. He took a look at the red fox's happy tail, and quietly chuckled.


Greedy: I'm a mature glutton, but it's children's day.

Long long: how can you miss me after June 1? Other children have parents to accompany them, so do the goblins.


The dragon is on the way!

Today is too laggy orz.

There's a second watch. It's up to date when it's finished, jomi.