Speaking of this, Meng Xi stopped, looked at Meng Fen with tears in her eyes, cried and roared: "I hate you, I hate you I hate you... "

After yelling "I hate you", Mengxi pushes mengfen away and runs away crying.

Seeing this, Meng Fen called out in a hurry: "Sisi Sissy... "

Meng Fen shouts and chases, but because Meng Xi runs fast, she can't catch up at all.

Munchie didn't stop until she ran to the main road.

She is walking in the street with endless flow of people. When people passing by her see her, they almost stop and take out their mobile phones to see her.

Those who pass by her will look at Meng Xi's scornful expression after watching her mobile phone.

At first, Meng Xi didn't notice the abnormality of passers-by until four or five Chinese people passed by her and stopped to talk about her.

"She looks like that Munchie who messed with her adoptive father!"

"It's like, it's her."

"She's disgusting. She's vicious."

"No! For the sake of the Zhu family's property, she and her mother joined hands to design her adoptive father and played a fairy dance. How disgusting... "


When Meng Xi heard this, she looked at the woman who said she was playing Fairy Dance with red eyes and asked angrily, "you What do you mean? What Fairy Dance

The woman who said she was playing Fairy Dance dared to answer her question. She looked at her with disdain on her face. Then she said in a teasing voice, "Oh, Miss Meng, don't you know what Fairy Dance is? You get your adoptive father drunk, climb into his bed, and then ask your mother to catch the traitor, and then you two mothers and daughters force your adoptive father to give you shares and property. What is this not playing Fairy Dance? "

"Miss Meng, for the sake of money, you even dare to go to your adoptive father's bed. You are disgusting."

Another woman looked at Mengxi with disdain and said, "her mother is as disgusting as she is. Her mother can even design her husband for money."

"I said her mother is a wonderful flower. If a woman can stand her husband sleeping with another woman, her mother can stand it. Their family has changed my outlook. "


The words of several women attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

Everyone was surprised to see Meng Xi's face. They took out their mobile phone and looked at it. Then they looked at Meng Xi's face again, as if they were comparing something.

After comparison, they will show scorn, disdain, sarcastic expression, and then point at Mengxi, scold Mengxi shameless, disgusting and so on.

Everyone will be like this because the video of Meng Xi and Zhu Chang's cheating has been blown out.

All over the UK, anyone with a smartphone has received the news that Meng Xi designed her adoptive father with her own mother for money.

What was exploded was not only the indecent video of her and Zhu Chang, but also the recording that Zhu Chang was forced to give them property and shares.

The video recording of Meng Xi, Meng Fen, and Jing Xuan's discussion about giving Zhu Chang an injection of expired drugs or poisons has also been revealed.

This kind of video has been exploded, and AoHong's planning has been seriously affected.

The company has been in a mess for a long time.

Not long after the video and recording burst out, the police went to AoHong to plan for the arrest of Jingxuan.

The police suspect that Zhu Chang's sudden fall was related to Jingxuan, so they went to arrest Jingxuan.