Rodry smell speech, some surprised looking at J, "why should erase all her memory? Is that what Mr. Su means? "

"You don't care who it means. In a word, if you don't want to die, erase all her memory for me."

When rodry saw J's fierce eyes, he had to reply, "OK, I I promise you, you take your gun away first, little Watch out for the fire. "

J did not take the gun away, but looked at him fiercely and ordered: "go down."

"OK, I'll do it. I'll do it." Rodry said, turning around under J's hold, back to the underground laboratory.

He just went up to cook medicine for Tang Qiao, but he didn't expect that J would wait for him in his room.

In the laboratory, don Qiao sees J holding rodry in. She looks slightly surprised and subconsciously steps back, "you What are you doing here? "

Rodry, who was shot to the back of his head, said, "he wants me to erase all your memories. Sit down, or he will kill me. "

"Erase all my memories?" Smell speech, Tang Qiao late facial expression vigilant of looked to j, "why?"

"Don't ask why, just sit down if you don't want to die." When J said this, the gun in his hand pointed at Tang Qiaowan.

Seeing this, Tang Qiaowan squeezed his hands tightly.

Rodry see J's eyes become fierce up, then look to Tang Qiaowan advised: "little girl, sit down quickly, he is not easy to provoke, he will really kill you."

Tang Qiaowan looked at the gun in J's hand and had to sit down.

J see her sit down, succeed of smile, then turn gun head to point to rodry again, urge a way: "hurry up to hypnotize her, hurry up."

Rodriguez walked slowly to don Joaquin, turned his head and said to j: "don't worry, I have to find the state, otherwise there is no way to let her enter the hypnotic state."

J saw rodry walking slowly, like delaying time. He put his index finger on the trigger of the pistol, looked at rodry coldly and threatened: "if you linger again, I'll break your leg first. Come on

"Don't you think I walk very fast?" With these words, rodry stepped to Tang Qiaowan.

He turned his head to look at the gun pointed at his j, then turned his head to look at Tang Qiaowan, said: "girl, don't blame me, I was forced, for us, you and me, as well as the safety of the two children in your stomach, you have to cooperate with me well, you can do what I say later."

After that, he turned his head and looked at J again, and said, "can you stop pointing your gun at the back of my head? If you do, I will be very afraid and nervous, so I can't calm down to hypnotize her, and she can't enter the hypnotic state because of tension. "

When J heard him say this, he looked at him and asked, "what do you want?"

"The first point of hypnosis is that both the performer and the target must relax. The surrounding environment is very important. You point a gun at us, which makes us feel dangerous. We can't relax. Old man, I'm so nervous and scared that I can't hypnotize her. "

J smelled speech, the eye took angry to see him one eye, then put the gun away, "now you are not nervous not afraid?"

Rodry frowned and said, "still a little scared."

"Do you want to die?" J language with anger said, the gun in his hand pointed to rodry, "you give me a quick, again dawdle, I shot."

Seeing this, rodry had to turn his head to look at Tang Qiaowan and said, "stretch out your left hand."

Wen Yan, Tang Qiaowan hesitated and didn't do it.

J is eyes cold stare at her, said: "do not want to die."

Hearing this, Tang Qiaowan had to do it and slowly stretched out his left hand.

As soon as she raised her left hand, rodry reached out and held her left hand. He looked into don Joaquin's eyes and said, "look at me, look at my eyes."

When Tang Qiaowan looks at him, he slowly raises her left hand without Tang Qiaowan noticing.

Rodry used the arm drop method of hypnosis.

When a person's arm is lifted up and kept in a posture for too long, the arm's fatigue will naturally cause the arm to droop.

And this natural decline, will make the hypnotized people slowly into deep relaxation.

Because the hypnotized person can't raise his hand, he will obey the hypnotist's suggestion until his arm is completely down.

In other words, when Tang Qiaowan's arm is completely down, it means that she has completely relaxed and entered a hypnotic state.

But there is a process to make the hypnotized person completely relaxed.

The hypnotist should observe the hypnotist's condition and raise or lower the hypnotist's arm from time to time. The distance of shaking is about three inches.

At this time, the hypnotized will feel heavy eyelids and want to sleep.

When seeing the hypnotized person blink or begin to close their eyes, the hypnotist should hold the opportunity and raise the hypnotized person's hand to enhance the feeling in this way.