Seeing this, Luo Yi quickly moves back a step, and the little throwing knife falls on the position where he just stood.

After staring at the knife for a few seconds, he looked up to the opposite side and was about to ask who threw it. Gu Zihan made a sound.

"Why are you all here?"

"Chief brother..."

At this time, Luo BEI'ER, Long Yi Tang, Ling Yanxi and others came in.

Seeing them, Gu Zihan, who had always been expressionless, was also surprised.

The man wearing the mask beside him is long Yuchen.

Similarly, when he saw that not only Luo Yi but also his eldest brother, Ling Yanxi and Gong FeiMo were coming, a look of shock flashed in his cold eyes.

"Big brother You Who asked you all to come? " When he said this, his heart was shocked, moved, angry, but very worried.

Seeing that his younger brother is safe and sound, Long Yi Tang is relieved, and his hanging heart is finally put down.

Then he looked closely at long Yuchen and said, "the elder brother should have protected his younger brother. You are in danger. How can I not come?"

Luo Yi also looked at him with red eyes and said, "president, we've been living and dying for so many years. Which big action is less than us? The dark demon Legion is not your enemy, but also our enemy, so we can't let you deal with it alone with your brothers. Share happiness and difficulties together, rush together when there is danger, and kill together when there is enemy. Anyway, no one wants to leave anyone behind, and no one can leave anyone behind. There are no cowards. "

With these words, Luo BEI'ER, who was also red eyed, looked at long Yuchen and said, "brother chief, you're right. We are not cowards. We can't retreat when we are in danger."

Protect in long Yuchen body side of white Sha toward them gave a thumbs up, "said well, but how do you find here?"

Baisha, a senior elite from Gaj, is one of the top ten hunters of LR like Cohen and qiute.

Now she is under the command of long Yuchen, and her skills and those of nine other people are among the top ten in the whole killer world.

MR is a very special and huge organization, which has friendly cooperation with governments and Gaj.

And like Gaj, it is very secretive. The outside world doesn't know its existence and can't find its headquarters.

But it is the nemesis of some villains, such as the black devils.

Therefore, some illegal organizations headed by the black magic legion, as well as organizations that are unfavorable to the people, all try their best to destroy Mr.

The reason why long Yuchen came to mount Scher to deal with the black magic Legion himself is that this time the black magic Legion threatened not only the whole Mr, but also the lives of his relatives, brothers and the women he loved and cared about most.

The elimination of the black magic Legion not only improves Mr's prestige, but also frightens other illegal organizations, making them dare not fight Mr.

When Luo Yi and others hear Bai Sha's question, they can't help thinking of Tang Qiaowan, who was taken away by the mysterious man in order to help them get the map and mechanism layout.

Several people's expressions have become very complicated.

You look at me and I look at you. After a moment's silence, Luo Yi took the lead.

He looked at long Yuchen with guilt in his eyes, and then said, "as for us, we are from the maze. I will tell you how to get here later."

Because there are traps in the room where they are, long Yuchen is trapped in the opposite.

They have been trapped in this maze for almost two days, because there are too many traps and mechanisms. They can persist until now and walk to this room in exchange for the blood of others.

After Luo Yi looks at them and says that, he takes out the layout plan of the mechanism. It says which room has which mechanism, and what to do so as not to touch the mechanism.

At this time, they are in the room in addition to machine gun fire and arrow rain, there are other organs.

For example, if you step on the wrong foot, all the stone arches around will be closed, blocking the escape Road, spraying toxic gas from the room, and falling huge stones from the ceiling.

The floor tiles in this room are all bluish black, but the patterns carved on them are different.

However, the difference is not big. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell.

There are eight patterns in this floor tile. If you step on the other seven, you can touch the mechanism. Only one is very safe.

So as long as you only step on the floor tiles with this pattern, it's OK.

There is a picture of the safety floor on the mechanism layout. After reading it, Luo Yi turns to see where they are standing, and can't help raising her hand to pat her chest.

Fortunately, they all stood in the safe position of this room, otherwise it would be miserable.

If he takes two more steps, he'll be in danger.