Before she knew it, he had done so many things.

Her eyes moved to look at him, "Yuchen, you protect me well, how can you be so good?"

He found out who her biological parents were when she was not sad, which really moved her.

He always let her see his love for her, this man, really let her love to the bone.

Long Yuchen saw that the corners of her eyes were moist again. He raised his hand again to gently wipe the corners of her eyes. With a smile on his lips, he said, "I'm so good. I think you love me more and will never be willing to leave me. Even if one day you meet a better man than me, you won't be moved."

After listening to his words, Tang Qiao moved to his arms.

Her eyes are full of crystal clear tears, but her lips are full of extremely happy smile, "I will never be moved, because no one in this world is better than you, no one loves me more than you, and no one is better than you to me."

Long Yuchen embraces her, lowers his head and kisses her forehead. He says in a soft voice: "eat, eat and have a good sleep."

Hearing him say sleep, Tang Qiaowan looked up at him and said, "Why sleep?"

"I think for you, sleeping is the best way to adjust your mood and stress."

He knew that she knew too much truth today, and he must feel bad.

He wanted to let her sleep. Maybe she would feel better and accept what she knew today.

Tang Qiaowan looked at him and nodded his head, then lowered his head to eat.

She really hasn't fully accepted what happened today.

Also did not accept that Yao Jingyi is not her mother, Lin Momo and Ling Hanye are her biological parents.

Her mood is very chaotic and bad. What Yao Jingyi said to Ling Jiawan made her sad. Ling Hanye, Lin Momo and old lady Ling loved Ling Jiawan so much before. When she learned that they were her biological parents and grandmother, she felt a little sad.

After eating, she lay down.

Long Yuchen told her not to think about anything and to close her eyes and have a good sleep.

After she closed her eyes, she tried not to think about what happened today, but still couldn't sleep.

Seeing this, long Yuchen also lay down in bed, then took her into his arms and said, "with me by your side, you don't need to think about anything. Now you just need to have a good sleep."

Tang Qiao nodded later and closed his eyes again.

And as soon as she closed her eyes, she thought of everything that happened today.

Her eyes gradually moistened again.

After long Yuchen noticed, he didn't say anything, just hugged her quietly.

After a long time, she fell asleep in long Yuchen's arms.

She slept until nine in the evening.

When she woke up, the bedroom was so dark that she could hardly see her fingers.

She opened her eyes, sat up behind her and tried to turn on the light, only to find that there was a power failure.

At this time, her mobile phone suddenly rang, is the alarm.

When she put down her mobile phone, she found a piece of paper at the head of the bed.

The note was written by long Yuchen. It mainly tells Tang Qiaowan that there is something wrong with the company. He went to the company and may come back very late.

After putting the note down, she frowned and got out of bed.

Because there is no light and there is no lighting tool in the bedroom, she can only use her mobile phone as a flashlight.