Tang Qiaowan glances at the wine handed over by Zhang Qian. As soon as she drinks it, her mobile phone rings.

The bar was noisy and she had to wash her hands.

The phone is Zheng Fengping. As soon as she answers, Zheng Fengping's displeasure comes.

"Don Qiaowan, your wings are hard now, aren't you? I haven't answered your phone for a long time. Do you still have my second aunt in your eyes? Why is it so noisy over there? Where are you fooling around? "

"What's the matter?" Tang Qiaowan's voice is very insipid. She is used to her aunt's coldness and coldness.

Since her father Tang Jiantian died, she has been living in her uncle Tang Jianrong's home.

In the Tang family, Zheng Fengping is not less sarcastic to her, not less to her face.

After her father died, her uncle Tang Jianrong took over her father's company Tang's in the name of her minor. Now, Tang's shares have been transferred to his name.

She had to depend on others.

She needs their financial support to complete her studies. Moreover, her grandmother is still in a sanatorium, and the later treatment costs hundreds of thousands, so she can't leave.

She studied in the media College of star University and graduated soon.

After graduation, she can work hard and make money to cure her grandmother's illness, and get rid of the Tang family completely.

"Don Qiaowan, what's your tone and attitude? Don't forget, your father died early, and your shameless mother ran away with others. If it wasn't for me and your uncle to give you a meal, you would have starved to death on the street, and your grandmother, who was lying in the sanatorium like the living dead, who gave you the medical expenses? And... " Zheng Fengping began to scold again with sarcasm.

Zheng Fengping has said these words for many times. Tang Qiaowan's ears are beginning to cocoon, but she has never answered.

After several years of training, her endurance is surprisingly good.

She took the mobile phone away from her ear, and had no mind to listen to Zheng Fengping's scolding, because at the moment she felt dizzy, and her body began to heat up and feel uncomfortable.

This kind of uncomfortable feeling is very strange, the body is like insects and ants hissing, and the lower abdomen is more like a fire burning there.

As soon as she entered the bathroom, she felt something wrong with her body. This kind of discomfort became more and more intense.

"I'll be right back. I have something important to tell you." Over there, Zheng Fengping dropped the sentence and hung up.

Tang Qiaowan put away her mobile phone and patted her face with cold water. Standing in front of the lavatory, she looked up at herself in the mirror and was stunned.

Her original white face is now dripping red, and her peach pink lips are as gorgeous as red roses.

What happened to her?

Why is her face so red, her body so hot, so uncomfortable?

Shuer, her eyes flashed, thinking of the glass of wine Zhang Qian handed her, she immediately understood that she had been drugged.

And that person must be Zhang Qian.

But she didn't understand why Zhang Qian did that. They were classmates and didn't have any holidays.

The body is more and more uncomfortable. Tang Qiaowan leans back against the wall. The cold porcelain behind her stimulates her to keep rational.

But she knew that this was not the way to go on.

She has to get out of here first.

She washed her face with cold water again and tried to stay awake before she opened the bathroom door and went out.

Because dizzy, did not walk a few steps, she ran into a man full of wine.

"Who the hell doesn't walk with eyes?" the man yelled

Hearing the curse, Tang Qiaowan looked up at each other. A man in his forties, with a big beer belly and a suit, looked like a boss.

After all, he bumped into someone first. Tang Qiaowan looked at him and apologized, "sorry."

The middle-aged man wanted to swear, but seeing that Tang Qiaowan's face was ruddy, his facial features were delicate, his face was pretty and tender, especially his light brown apricot eyes were charming and charming, he immediately changed.

The middle-aged man's face was full of dirty and excited smile, his eyes shining, "yo! What a nice girl! Come on, let uncle kiss one. "

The middle-aged man said drunk and rushed to Tang Qiaowan.