Not far away, the water began to spread white foam, and soon began to recede.

Fang Yifan in the solution of pajamas, eyes Piao to the window, unconsciously saw, hard surprised.

"Xiaokang, look outside. Isn't it time for the sea to rise? Why did it suddenly retreat? "

Xu Wenkang looked out and said, "Damn it!" He cursed from his throat and jumped out of bed. "Fanfan, put on your clothes quickly. We're going to leave here."

"What's the matter?" Fang Yifan asked confusedly.

"It could be a tsunami. We have to get out of here." Xu Wenkang said while quickly put on the clothes.

He ran to the storage room and brought a life jacket for Fang Yifan. Because it was spare, only one life jacket was prepared.

"What about you? What do you do?" Fang Yifan asked anxiously.

"I can swim. It doesn't matter if I'm washed into the sea." Xu Wenkang threw her a relaxed smile, and then took her to run high outside.

The huge waves came faster than expected, just like mountains and rivers rushing towards the island.

The whistling sound was like the call of the devil from hell.

The torrential waves, with the tendency of destroying and decaying, cross the coastline, the sand beach and the fields, madly attack the houses and villages on the shore, and instantly devour all the objects.

Xu Wenkang and Fang Yifan have run to the highest part of the island, but they still can't escape the invasion of huge waves. Looking at the stormy waves towards them, Fang Yifan's fear flashed through his heart.

Xu Wenkang put her in his arms: "Fanfan, don't be afraid. Listen to me. When you are involved in the sea, don't move or struggle. You will float to the sea automatically if you wear a life jacket. If there's a board or something around, grab it as much as you can. Keep your strength and wait for the rescuers to come

Fang Yifan nodded, "Xiaokang, you don't have a life jacket. What should you do?"

"I can swim. I'm not afraid." Xu Wenkang deeply kisses her lips, "Fanfan, I love you, no matter in the sky or the sea, I will always love you."

"Xiaokang, I love you too. Even if we die, we should not be separated. We are all together." Fang Yifan hugs him tightly and leans on his warm arms. Suddenly, she is no longer afraid. With her favorite him by her side, why not die?

When the big wave came, they held each other tightly.

"Xiaokang, I love you!"

"I love you too, Fanfan, you must live, you must live, even without me, you must live well!"

"No, live together and die together!"

The endless darkness engulfed them, as if the dawn would never come.


In the early morning, before dawn, Rong Zhenye and Yi Youxia are woken up by a mobile phone ring.

It's Xu zhekai.

There was a tsunami in M country, and the famous tourist island was engulfed by huge waves. Xu Wenkang and Fang Yifan are on that island, and now they have lost contact with them.

Yi and Xia jumped out of bed and said, "ice gourd, let's go to m country."

Xu zhekai and Wang Yanni have already taken people to the airport first.

And someone got on a private plane that arrived in country m long before them.

After the tsunami, the island was in a mess. All the houses and buildings were destroyed by the torrential waves. There were broken wood, broken boards and the bodies of people and animals everywhere.

The survivors are looking around for their relatives. Rescue workers from the nearest place came to help resettle the refugees and rescue the injured survivors.

Jing Haoyang takes the photos of Fang Yifan and Xu Wenkang and asks everyone along the road. The men he came with were responsible for searching for bodies on the beach.

He was so anxious that he felt his blood coagulating.

Fang Yifan, you have nothing to do. You have nothing to do.

If this damned sea dares to take away his third enemy, he will drain it and fill it up!

On the other side of the beach, the Xu family and Rong Zhenye are anxiously searching for Fang Yifan and Xu Wenkang.

Yi and Xia lie on Rong Zhenye's chest and wail: "what should I do? If I can't find Yifan, I can't find elder brother. What should I do?"

"Lucky people have their own way. They will be fine. They will be fine." Rong Zhenye comforts in a low voice.

They soon met with Jing Haoyang.

Rong Zhenye is slightly surprised, "Yang, why are you here?"

"Did you find Chaotianjiao and Xu Wenkang?" Jing Haoyang is not in the mood to answer this question, but anxiously asks.

Rong Zhenye shakes his head. "Not yet."

"Damn it Jing Haoyang angrily cursed, this damned sea, this damned Tsunami!

Just then, a cry came from the shore, "come on, there's a woman alive here."

Jinghaoyang a listen, rushed to the past. Rong Zhenye and Yi Youxia also follow quickly."Chaotianjiao!" Jing Haoyang pushed away the crowd and ran to the woman who survived. When he saw the dark face, his eyes darkened. It was not her or his face!

"Fang Yifan, you come out for me, you roll out for me, where have you gone?" He hit the beach hard, hugged his head and roared in pain.

He just wanted her to be good and happy. Why did such a disaster happen?

"Haoyang, calm down. There is a village ahead. Let's go and have a look. Maybe she was saved in that village." Rong Zhenye said quickly.

When Jing Haoyang heard this, he jumped up and ran to the village in front of him.

The village was also seriously affected, but because most of the residents were local fishermen, there were not many tourists, the water quality was good, and the death toll was not so much.

In front of the notice board, a woman was wearing a blanket and writing something on it.

That wipe thin, familiar figure, Jing Haoyang recognized at a glance.

"Fang Yifan --" he yelled, ran like a lightning bolt, put his arms around her, "you're OK, great, you're OK."

Fang Yifan turned her head. Her face was full of tears and her eyes were red and swollen. "Jingtianzha, Xiaokang is gone. I have been looking for him for a long time, but I can't find him. Please help me find it quickly. Wu..." She leaned on his shoulder and burst into tears.

When the big wave came, she was in pain and soon lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself floating on the sea. Xu Wenkang was no longer around him. Several fishermen rescued her ashore and brought her here. She looked for Xu Wenkang everywhere, but couldn't find her.

"Don't worry. Let's look for it again. He's good at water. He must be OK." Jing Haoyang hugs her tightly, like a lost and recovered treasure.

But now she is full of Xu Wenkang in her heart and mind. She is so scared that she is afraid that she will not find Xu Wenkang and that she will lose him. To live and die together, she didn't want to live alone in the world.

Rong Zhenye and Yi Youxia also rush over, "Yifan, you're OK. I'm worried about you and big brother." Seeing her, Yi and Xia's tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Where's big brother?" Rong Zhenye asked.

"Xiaokang is gone, Wu I'm so scared, shrimp. I'm so scared. " Fang Yifan cried as he spoke.

Rong Zhenye asks Jing Haoyang to stay and take care of Fang Yifan. He and Yi Youxia continue to look for Xu Wenkang.

Unfortunately, they searched the island and the surrounding areas, and found no trace of Xu Wenkang.

In the event of a natural disaster such as a tsunami, many people may be swept to the bottom of the sea, with no bones left.

Xu zhekai had planned to arrange for them to live in the capital of M country, but Fang Yifan refused and insisted on staying on the island waiting for Xu Wenkang to come back. For the first time, she lost her appetite and couldn't eat anything.

"You devil, you bastard, give me back my Xiaokang, give me back my Xiaokang!" She lay on the beach, crying and swearing.

Why does god treat them like this and torture them?

They can be very happy, very happy!

"Yifan." Yiyouxia is crying with her. This is probably called deep love. God is so jealous of the people in love, do not let them live, also let them die.

Rong Zhenye sighed heavily: "there must be a big epidemic after the disaster. This island is not suitable to stay for a long time. Leave a group of people here to continue to look for Wen Kang's whereabouts, and the others should leave first. "

Jing Haoyang nodded.

On hearing that he was going to leave the island, Fang Yifan was very excited. "You go well. I'll stay here and wait for Xiao Kangkang. He will come back. He will come back. If I can't wait for Xiaokang, I'll die! "

Jing Haoyang had no choice but to hold him down and let the doctor give her an injection of tranquilizer.

When they went to the capital of M country and lived in Xu Wenkang's villa, Xu zhekai and Wang Yanni looked sad. At the Xu family manor in Longcheng, when she heard that her grandson had an accident, Mrs. Xu immediately cried and fainted. Now she is still lying in the hospital.

Fang Yifan has been in a state of collapse, sometimes sober, sometimes confused. She couldn't eat, and her whole body wilted.

"Chaotianjiao, I made your favorite pasta with meat sauce. Have some." Jing Haoyang is distressed, but helpless.

Fang Yifan didn't seem to hear him. He leaned against the wall and said to himself, "I'm with Xiaokang. Why is he gone as soon as I wake up? He left me his only life jacket. He shouldn't have left it for me. "

"Xu Wenkang, he must hope you live well. If you torture yourself like this, he will be sad." Jing Haoyang held her shoulder.

"Jingtianzha, I don't think I can live any more. Without Xiaokang, I can't live any more." Fang Yifan looks dejected, her eyes are open, empty pupil seems to have lost the brilliance and vitality of hope."If you want to live, you must live well for me!" Jinghaoyang's brow frowned, he can't let her down like this again, "Chaotianjiao, look at me, I thought Jingqiu was dead, and I was depressed like this, but I didn't survive the same."

"I'm not you. You can love other women, but I won't. I only love Xiaokang, and I won't love others any more. Without Xiaokang, I'm like a walking corpse. I have no soul, no heart, no love, nothing Fang Yifan covered his chest and cried bitterly.