Wutong road villa, Xu early to find Du Letian, she is going to buy a villa in the suburbs, let Du Letian to give her reference.

Driving through a deserted forest path, two vans came from the other end of the road, blocking their way.

Several masked people jumped out of the van with guns in their hands and pointed at them: "get out of the car!" One of them growled.

Du Letian's face turned pale with fright: "don't open the door in your spare time."

"Mom, they have guns." Xu Chuhui shivered and pushed the door open. "Do you know who I am? If you move me, you can't think about it! "

"It's Miss Xu. It's you who find it." A tall masked man sneered and put a gun against her head.

"Don't touch my daughter, catch me if you want!" Du Letian jumped out of the car, rushed to the masked man and pushed him away.

"Damn, don't you want to live?" The masked man swore, slapped her with his backhand and knocked her to the ground.

"Mom -" Xu ChuChu rushed over and protected her, "don't hurt my mom, we'll just follow you."

She helped Du Letian up, and they carried her to the car with a gun. The masked man tied their hands with a rope, took up the black hood, covered their heads, and drove away.

In Hengyuan's office, Yi Youxia is dealing with the CBD development case when the phone rings and the caller ID is a strange number.

"Your mother and sister are in my hands, take 20 million cash to redeem them, or you will wait for the corpse." In the microphone, a cold voice came.

Yi again Xia mercilessly vibrated next, the hand that holds a telephone suddenly tightened: "how do I make sure they are in your hand?" She tried to keep her voice calm.

There was a moment's silence in the microphone, and then Xu Chuhui's trembling voice came: "Youxia, my mother and I have been kidnapped, you come to save us!"

A violent spasm ran over Yi Youxia's body: "sister, are you OK with your mother?"

In the microphone, a cold male voice said, "if you don't come here, you'll have something to do. I'll give you an hour to raise money and then come to warehouse 7 in Toutuo village. You are only allowed to call the police and tell Rong Zhenye, or they will both die. "

Yiyouxia leaned back on the chair for a moment and didn't know what to do. Rong Zhenye is her mainstay, no matter what happens, as long as he is there, she will not be afraid. But this time, she was very confused and contradictory. The kidnappers specially stressed that they were not allowed to tell him. If she did, what would they do if they really killed their mother and sister?

However, if she went alone, and instead of saving them, she let herself fall into the hands of the kidnappers, what should she do?

She went to the French window, the sun shining from the window on her pale face, her plump lips tightly into a line, seems to have made up her mind.

she opened the drawer and took out her pistol and lipstick anesthetic gun from inside. She can't risk her mother's and sister's lives. She can only gamble.

Toutuo village is a very remote village on the outskirts of Longcheng.

Warehouse 7 has been abandoned for a long time, and there is no one around.

Although Yi Youxia tries to keep calm, she is still very nervous. Pushing open the old door of the warehouse, a disgusting musty smell came.

The light inside is very dim.

"I've brought the money. Where are my mother and sister?" Yi Xia roared again, and there was a constant echo in the open warehouse.

A treacherous figure came out of the darkness, with a skull mask on his face, looking gloomy and terrifying.

"Where are my mother and sister?" Yi Xia repeated again, the whole body's defense value instantly increased to 999 +.

The man didn't speak. He raised his hand and waved it in the air. Suddenly, there was a faint fragrance. Yi and summer surprised feel not good, hurriedly cover nose, but it is too late, her body gradually softened, and then in front of a black, fell on the ground.

The man took off the mask and looked at her coldly on the ground. The corner of his mouth behind the mask raised a very gloomy smile

In the dark container.

Xu chuleisure moved to Du Letian's side, "Mom, are you ok?"

Du Letian nodded. She had forgotten her own safety. She was very worried about Yi Youxia. She didn't want to come. She must not come.

Xu chuleisure put his mouth to her ear: "Mom, when I came out of the car, I secretly hid a small fruit knife in my pocket, but the kidnapper didn't find it. You try to take it out, cut the rope, and we'll get out. "

"Good." Du Letian leaned against her, put his hand into her pocket and took out a knife from inside. Then they pulled the knife apart with their teeth and threw it to the ground.

Xu Chuhui picked up the knife with his hand tied behind him, and back to back with Du Letian, began to cut her rope.

After a while, the rope was finally cut. Du Letian's hand was released. She quickly cut the rope on her feet, and then cut the rope for Xu Chuxu.

Xu chuleisure went to the container door, gently pushed the door, found that the door is not locked, it is estimated that they are afraid of suffocating in it."Mom, let's go." She picked up Du Letian, and they gently opened the door and escaped.

It's dark outside. There is no one. The kidnappers should be asleep.

They ran out not far and saw a red Porsche parked by the side of the road.

"Mom, isn't that summer's car?" Xu chuleisure exclaimed in amazement.

Du Letian looked at it carefully and nodded: "yes, it's Youxia's car. Is it xialai again? Let's go and have a look. "

They ran past and found a woman lying in the driver's seat. She closed her eyes and seemed to be unconscious.

Moonlight in the window, reflecting her face, Du lotian surprised, is the daughter.

"You Xia, wake up, wake up!" She wanted to open the door, but it was locked, so she could only beat the window desperately, but the people inside didn't move.

"In your spare time, find a stone to break the window." She cried anxiously.

Xu Chuhui nodded and was about to turn around to look for the stone. Suddenly, he was shocked, and his eyes focused on Yi Youxia.

"Mom, there's a bomb, and Xia is bound with a bomb." She screamed in horror.

"Then what? The cell phones were taken away by the kidnappers. Let's smash out the window and get her out. " Du Letian trembled nervously.

Xu ChuChu looked at the number above, only 30 seconds left.

"It's too late, mom. It's going to explode in 30 seconds. Let's go." She holds Du Letian.

"No, I want to save Youxia. Save Youxia quickly!" Du Letian screams and cries. It doesn't matter if she dies. As long as she can save her daughter, she doesn't care about anything.

"Go, Ma!" Xu ChuChu grabbed her by force and ran forward as hard as he could.

Behind her, an earth shaking sound came. She protected Du Letian and fell to the ground.

Behind the blaze, Porsche has become a huge ball of fire.

"Another summer --" Du Letian cried and fainted.

Rong Zhenye almost came with the police. He couldn't believe that the charred body that the bailiff carried out of the car was his beloved confused fool.

He sent out an army to search Longcheng and several surrounding cities, hoping to find her trace.

Unfortunately, nothing.

He was dizzy, his internal organs were twisted into a ball, the pain of tearing spread from the depths of his soul to his limbs, suffocated him, made him collapse, and wanted to let go of his voice and cry wildly.

But he did not make a sound, a burst of blood gushed out of his chest, splashed on the ground in a dazzling red, he covered his chest, his whole body in sharp pain in severe spasm. He was staring at the body on the stretcher, and another mouthful of blood gushed out. Then he growled in a very hoarse voice: "put her down, no one is allowed to touch her!"

He like a tornado swept past, and protected the stretcher. He wanted to pick her up and hold her tightly in his arms, but the body had been completely charred, like black charcoal. If it was not handled properly, it would be fragmented. He did not dare to touch it, so he could only protect the stretcher carefully.

"Get out of here, all of you. I'll be with my wife." With a hoarse roar, he ordered his men to carry the stretcher away. He would not allow her to lie in the cold forensic identification room. He would accompany her. No one could take her away from him.

The Rong family ordered to block the news, and sent people to secretly escort the children abroad, not let them know the news of the mother's accident.

In the villa by the lake, Rong Zhenye has been locked up for three days without eating, drinking or sleeping. He has only the coke like corpse beside him.

"Don't be afraid, silly. I'll come to you soon. You should remember that you can't drink Mengpo soup, or you will forget me. " Tears burst in his eyes and soaked his face. She was born, he was born, she died, he would never live alone in this world. After the revenge, he would go to heaven to join her, and no one would want to separate them.

In the evening, the door of the villa is kicked open, and Mai Wenyan brings people to break in. He can't allow the boss to be depressed any more.

"Go away." Rong Zhenye spews out a word in a low voice.

Mai Wenyan winks at Xiao Qi and asks him to go to the body to distract Rong Zhenye's attention. Then, when he's not prepared, he raises his knife and cuts him down the neck.

Rong Zhenye snorts and falls down.

He was in a coma for a long time and didn't want to wake up and face the world without her. He has been completely disillusioned, in addition to revenge, is revenge!

Xiao Qi came over and looked at Mai Wenyan standing by the bed to guard him. He sighed with a low sigh: "boss and his wife are not easy to get together again. How can this happen?"

A little sad color from Mai Wenyan's face across: "forensic there is news?"

"The body was too charred to extract DNA." Xiao Qi shakes his head, pauses and whispers, "do you think the people in the car are really Madame?"

Mai Wenyan didn't answer, and he hoped not, but Xu ChuChu and Mrs. Yi saw the people in the car and the explosion. Yi Youxia's assistant also confirmed that she took 20 million yuan to warehouse 7 to exchange hostages, and told her not to tell anyone, so