Before the South China Sea project was launched, Yixia Tongrong Zhenye went to C island to inspect the construction of the base on the island.

Instead of taking the same plane, they arranged their own itineraries. Rong Zhenye arrived in the morning, and Yi Youxia arrived at noon, as if to avoid suspicion.

Yi Youxia is no longer as naive and ignorant as he was in Haicheng last time. This time, she has done enough preparation work, because she has no one to rely on and can only rely on herself.

Throughout the afternoon, except for two formulaic business dialogues, Rong Zhenye hardly spoke to her. In his eyes, she didn't seem to have any sense of existence.

She wanted to force herself to adapt to his indifference and indifference, but her heart refused to listen, constantly wringing, twitching, and even wanted to strike, so that she fell to the ground and died.

Now she is like a drug addict in detoxification, uncomfortable, sleep and food. She remembers the last time when she was lovelorn, she didn't feel so bad. She had a fight with the devil every day, and almost didn't think much about Xia Yuhan.

Why is it so hard this time? Even with Xia Yuhan by her side, it can't ease her painful mood.

After dinner, she walked alone on the beach, away from the noise of the city, where the night was very quiet, with only the howling of the waves and the roaring of the sea breeze beside her ears.

She climbed onto a rock and looked down at the rough waves under her feet. A big wave rolled in, and the huge impact caused the spray to splash and fall on the rock. The edge of her skirt was wet, but instead of retreating, she came closer.

A pair of big hands stretched out from the darkness, grabbed her arm, "and then fell forward."

There was a warning in her low voice, but the voice was familiar to her. Her eyes suddenly became moist. Fortunately, the dark night smeared on her face, hiding her emotional waves.

"Why are you here?" She asked in a low voice.

"This kind of bird does not shit place, even the network has not been built, in addition to walking on the beach, what else can you do?" He said faintly. At present, the base is still under construction, and the satellite network has not been completed. They came here to monitor the construction process.

"In fact, you don't have to come here in person. Just send a vice president or director to come here." She murmured, in a low voice, as if to herself.

Rong Zhenye's beautiful eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. If he didn't know that she was a stupid woman and would come here in person, he would not bother to run this trip.

"What are you doing when a woman comes here again? Is there no man in Xu's family?" Before the base was built, this place was not suitable for women at all.

"This is the southernmost island of our country, which is equivalent to the end of the earth. I just want to come and have a look." She faltered and said that in fact, she just wanted to escape from Longcheng and find a sparsely populated place to relax. This is the most suitable place. Just did not expect, make her upset enemy also followed.

"It's really a wooden fish brain. Don't you know when it's finished?" Rong Zhenye sniffs.

"Yes, Yi Youxia is a fool. He's boring when people see him. Xu Chuzhen is smart and loved when people see him." She didn't stare at him angrily. As soon as she spoke, she thought it was funny. What kind of comparison is this? Isn't it all her?

"It's good to have self-knowledge. Let Yi Youxia go and give my sister back." Rong Zhenye snorts.

"She can't come back. Since she left the Xu family when she was seven years old, she was doomed to never come back." Yi Youxia is watching the surging waves at her feet. The moonlight casts her long shadow on the rocks, like a slanting thick ink.

"Why?" Rong Zhenye's low voice is like breathing through her hair. A touch of sad color gradually emerges from her face. "Her home has been occupied, her fiance has made a new girlfriend, and now she is married to this woman. What else can she do when she has lost all she had before?"

Rong Zhenye's mouth slightly twitched, "if you choose to give up, don't come back."

"Yes, it's good now." Yi Xia sat down again and put her chin on her knee, with a bit of anger on her face. What can she do if she doesn't give up? He has already married someone else. Can she be an immoral junior to destroy his marriage? There are also the grudges of the previous generation. His mother is her enemy. How can she recognize a thief as a mother to hurt her mother's heart?

"Do you really want to marry Xia Yuhan?" His teeth clenched, and there was anger shining in his dark eyes. Her indifference and negative compromise almost drove him crazy. He really wanted to get into her head and see what the hell was in it? And her heart, how small is the space? Why can't Xia Yuhan accommodate him?

Yi Youxia's eyes misty with a layer of mist, she tried to endure, do not let it into tears flow out, "the wedding date has been set, after I finished the injection of antidote the next day. Marriage is one of the most important things in life. You can't make fun of it. " Her voice is very light, but with a certain degree of determination, since there is no possibility with him, of course, she has to plan for her life."Do you love him that much?" The cells of his whole body seemed to twist up, so that he could no longer maintain an indifferent expression.

She didn't answer and turned to look at the sea under the rocks. The tide came rushing towards the rocks and crashed into pieces, turning into innumerable white bubbles, falling back, and coming again again and again.

No, I love you, now only you!

She said firmly and persistently in her heart that her love was just like the tide, endless, until the end of her life. But she would not tell him, would not let him know, since he had never loved her, why would she have to insult herself?

"He is very kind to me. My mother likes him very much. Everyone is happy to marry him." She didn't answer the question. She seemed to be avoiding his question. He was very dissatisfied, squatting down, a grasp of his shoulder, "I asked is, do you really love him?" He wanted an answer, an answer that would save him or save him.

She bit her lip and spat out a word, "yes." At the same time, tears in the eyes can no longer control the slide down.

Rong Zhenye's fingers tightened, but the simplest word stuck into his soul like a soul killing needle, which made him feel like he was going to die.

Thick clouds covered the light of the moon. On the beach, he could hardly see his fingers. He could not see the tears on her face, and she could not see his twisted facial features.

He released his hand and stepped back to avoid crushing her shoulder. "Good, good. I wish you all the best." He said that.

"I also wish you and Qin Xuelu a long life together." Tears burst on her face. She knew that the night was too dark for him to see, so she didn't resist them and let them flood. But unexpectedly, the thick cloud was soon dispersed by the wind, and the moonlight shone on her face when she had no time to cover up, shining her tears.

His reaction was much faster than her. He put away all his emotions in an instant, leaving only a cold ice face. His deep ice eyes were deeper than the night, and there was a little shimmer in them.

The moment he saw her tears again, his lost soul suddenly gathered back, "what are you crying for?" He asked, his throat burning with pain and hoarseness.

"I didn't. The Sand blew into my eyes." She quickly went to wipe her face, here is the beach, sand everywhere, this excuse should work?

But he had a thick eyebrow and didn't seem to believe her at all, "did he?" He slowly vomited two words.

"I I have a pain in my eye. I'll go back first. " She jumped off the rock and tried to escape. He wouldn't let her go. His heart is at the critical moment of life and death, she can decide his life and death in a word, and he will never let her go without making it clear.

"Don't you love Xia Yuhan very much? Aren't you going to marry him? Then why are you crying? You should laugh. " He took her by the arm and pressed her as if the judge were interrogating the criminal.

She had no way to explain. She was so flustered that she felt that she was about to collapse. She swung her arm, trying to break free, but the weak strength seemed to scratch the surface, and it didn't work at all.

"I'm tired. I've been flying for hours. Now I'm sleepy. I'm going back to sleep." She can only plead.

"Well, I'll let you go when I'm clear." His attitude is overbearing and tough, and he has no intention of giving in.

"What do you want me to say?" She was so guilty that she was caught on the spot when a thief was stealing.

"Are you crying for me? Are you sorry? Are you reluctant to leave me He a series of questions like machine gun shot in her ear, let the heart beat faster, shortness of breath, she put aside her eyes, almost no courage to see him.

"I I'm not. When I was in a coma, you abandoned me, married someone else, and didn't give me any alimony, which made me a laughing stock in the ladies' circle. They all regarded me as a negative teaching material and secretly said that I was a fool. It's all you who put me in such a terrible shame. Leave you, I eat well every day, sleep well, refreshing, happy mood, why should I cry for you? I want to marry Yu Han. I'm happy and I cry with joy. "

Her black eyes are rolling in her eyes. Rong Zhenye has a good view of this little action. After spending so much time with her, he knew her micro expressions like the back of his hand. As long as in the time of duplicity, her two big black eyes will be erratic rotation.

The corner of his mouth has a slightly upward victory curve, "Yi Youxia, do you know what's the most annoying part of you?"

"What?" She glared at him viciously. In his eyes, she seemed to have shortcomings from head to toe, and there was no pleasing place from inside to outside.