A wave of emotion mixed with shock, despair and fury swept over Rong Zhenye mercilessly and cruelly.

"You divorce Youxia quickly and let their family get together." Du Letian did not forget to mend the knife.

Rong Zhenye's chest stirs fiercely, and his heavy breathing makes him like a wounded beast, struggling to death. "Yi Youxia, you are cruel enough!" He squeezed out a few words from his teeth, turned around and walked out.

Hearing the footsteps disappear outside the door, Yi Youxia falls to the ground feebly, "why do you want to cheat him, why?"

"Only in this way will he give up completely and divorce you." Du Letian said that her hatred for Ouyang huaixuan is increasing every day, and her son is also abhorrent to her. She will never allow her daughter to be with her son, and she will do anything to divorce them.

Yi Youxia looks up at her. She suddenly finds that the person in front of her is so strange. She only has hatred in her eyes. She is no longer the kind mother she knows. "I will divorce Rong Zhenye, but I want to be clear. I can't let him think I'm a rotten woman." She ran out crying. Her heart hurt. The moment Rong Zhenye went out, her whole world seemed to collapse.

Rong Zhenye is not in the office, in the villa or in Rong's house. His mobile phone is turned off and all his contact information is turned off. Even Mai Wenyan doesn't know where he has gone.

Yi Youxia's heart seems to be soaking in the Arctic Ocean. All day long, there is no sunshine, no temperature, only darkness and coldness. She was lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling in a daze with empty eyes, so she could stay all day.

"Sister, are you ill?" Xu Hongxi came over worried and touched her forehead.

"I'm fine." She opened the corner of her mouth weakly and wanted to smile at him, but the smile disappeared before it took shape. She was in good health, but she was sick of heart and couldn't smile any more.

"At dinner, my aunt called. Would you like to call her back?" Xu Hongxi asked.

She shook her head. She probably asked about the divorce again. She didn't want to talk about a word. Now as soon as she heard her mother's voice, she felt as if she was crushed by a heavy stone and couldn't breathe. She was so tired, so tired that she closed her eyes and didn't want to open them again.

"Sister, you haven't eaten all day today. Shall I ask Aunt Li to cook a bowl of noodles for you?" Xu Hongxi said with concern.

Noodles? Yi again summer lost the spirit of murmur a sentence, imperceptibly thought of Rong Zhenye's noodles. He is a young master who doesn't touch Yang Chunshui with ten fingers. When he made noodles for the first time, he was in a mess. He cut his finger and scalded his arm.

She thought about it, and then she laughed, and then she cried. Her tears were like the flood of the dike.

"Sister, don't cry, don't cry!" Xu Hongxi was a little at a loss.

"I'm fine, just a little sad." Yi Xia chokes again, her heart is very painful, very painful, just like ten million claws are scratching hard.

"Is it because of brother Zhenye?" Xu Hongxi stretched out his little hand and gently wiped the tears on her cheek, "aunt forced you to divorce him, right?"

Yi again summer didn't answer, the eyes are dim, don't have a ray of light, don't have a little hope.

"You love brother Zhenye, not brother Yuhan, right?" Xiaoxi asked again.

Yi Xia was shocked.

She loves Rong Zhenye?

Does she love Rong Zhenye?

She kept repeating this question, and then her heart twisted.

She loves Rong Zhenye! Yes, she loves Rong Zhenye!

She answered herself positively.

Maybe I fell in love with him a long time ago. That's why I care so much about his relationship with Qin Xuelu, his thoughts about myself and his position in his heart.

But she never realized it and didn't dare to admit it.

She was too scared to be cannon fodder, to be a substitute for Qin Xuelu, and to burn herself to death, so she closed her heart and forced him out.

Now, he has misunderstood and doesn't want to talk to her. What should she do? How to do it?

She is so uncomfortable and tangled, and the days are passing day by day in this endless self torture.

A week later, that long time did not think of the mobile phone, suddenly a text message came in.

When she opened it, it turned out to be Rong Zhenye's: see you at the Royal teahouse at three o'clock. A few short words, let her silent and desperate heart to regain life, he came back, finally came back!

She ran out of the office in ecstasy, jumped into the car and headed for the Royal teahouse.

Rong Zhenye is sitting by the window. She can see him at a glance.

She rushed into the teahouse and rushed in front of him. He didn't look much different, but he was much thinner, a little pale and haggard.

"You When did you come back? "He had no expression on his face, only indifference in his expression. He looked at her as if she was just a stranger. "I'm not here to talk to you about the past." His tone was colder, like a deep winter wind.

She knew that he was still angry. Today, she decided to tell him all about Mimi and Doudou. She took a sip of tea and pursed her lips. "In fact, Mimi and Doudou..."

Before she finished, a pile of documents came over, and the harsh words on the divorce agreement burned her eyes.

"I've signed it. You can handle the rest." He said indifferently.

"Rong Zhenye..." She finally got a ray of light heart, and was kicked into the cold and dark sea again. The strong bitterness blocked her throat and made her speechless.

"From now on, we have nothing to do with each other any more. Let's take care of ourselves." He stood up and went out coldly, as if he didn't want to spend more time with her.

A drop of tears fell from her eyes and broke the agreement in front of her. Then drop by drop, like a broken pearl, fell ceaselessly. The ink of his signature melted away in tears and became blurred.

Rong Zhenye did not leave the teahouse. He sat in the car, looking at her through the window and the French windows of the teahouse, and the tears streaming from her cheeks.

Yiyouxia, isn't that what you always want? I let go, complete you, give you freedom, you should be happy, why cry?

He clenched the steering wheel in his hand, and there was a daze in his eyes.

This week, he didn't know how he spent it. If Mai Wenyan didn't find him, he might have died in the agony of extreme despair.

In the past, because he loved her, he would not let go. Now, he gave up because he loved her.

Yi Xia sat for a long time before she came out. She stood at the gate of the teahouse and suddenly didn't know where to go. Without Rong Zhenye, it's like a bird lost its way and can't go home any more.

She is stiff in the same place, and Rong Zhenye looks at her deeply here.

All of a sudden, there is a flash of red dot on her eyebrow. I don't know where it is projected from. She doesn't notice it at all, but Rong Zhenye clearly sees it.

"You Xia, stay away!" Rong Zhenye pushes open the car door and runs towards her like a hurricane.

I don't know where a "bang" shot came from. Yi Youxia didn't know that the bullet was flying towards her. The only thing she knew was that a tall figure protected her and threw her to the ground.

"You It's all right Rong Zhenye asked in a low voice.

She shook her head. "I thought you were gone."

"It's time to I'll go. " He grinned bitterly, frowned slightly, and then fell to the ground.

"Rong Zhenye, what's the matter with you?" Yi Xia screams again. When he moves his hand away from his shoulder, he finds that it's full of blood.

This blood is not hers, it's his!

He's shot!

"Rong Zhenye -" she screamed in horror and went to dial the emergency call.

The ambulance came quickly.

She sat next to him, holding his hand tightly. She was so scared, so scared. Even if she was locked in the basement, she was never so scared as now. "Rong Zhenye, wake up and don't scare me, OK?" She cried, plucking his eyelids and kissing his hand. The killer is aimed at her. The person lying here should be her. He helped her as a bullet. Why should he help her block the bullet?

Perhaps she was called back to consciousness, he finally slowly opened his eyes, "confused fool, don't cry." Today, she has been crying for a long time. He doesn't want her to cry any more. His hand weakly covered her cheek and wiped away her tears, but he wiped away one drop and another fell down.

"Don't leave me, ice gourd, don't leave me." She sobbed and said repeatedly. She was trembling all over, afraid of losing him. Now, she finally understood that he was very important to her. Her heart and soul had already been given to him and could never be taken back.

There was a sad radian in the corner of his mouth. "Don't worry about me. If we get divorced, we won't have a relationship After that, you will live a good life with Xia Yuhan and forget everything between us I'll forget it, too... " His voice got lower and lower, and at last he could no longer be heard.

"Rong Zhenye!" See his eyes closed, no longer open, her heart like a knife cut a hole, pain almost suffocated, "Rong Zhenye, Mimi and Doudou are your children, not Xia Yuhan's children, you haven't seen them, you can't do anything, you hear me." She wailed, suddenly remembered the divorce agreement in the bag, took it out and tore it to pieces, "we don't divorce, I will be your wife all my life, I will pester you all my life, you are not allowed to retreat, you are not allowed to leave, do you hear me, you can hear me, right?"

Along the way, she kept talking and crying, trying to wake him up, but he was in a coma and never opened his eyes again.