On the first day, she decided that as long as he came back, she would make his favorite stewed yellow beef with white radish every day.

The next day, she told herself that he could laugh at her and tease her, and she would not be angry.

On the third day, she sighed dejectedly. Later, he was not happy. She was willing to be a vent, a trash can and let him vent.

However, three days later, Rong Zhenye never appeared.

It's boring without him.

Eat alone, watch TV alone, go shopping alone It's like she's the only one left in the world.

Time is like a snail, so slow, so slow.

A day is as long as a century.

Lying on the sofa, she was in a daze and couldn't get excited when she connected to the order.

Where did he go?

Do you have a good hand? Does the Qi disappear?

Why don't you come back?

The house is his, and she should be the one to go.

She's here. It's like a bird's nest.

But he didn't have the key. She was leaving and he couldn't get in.

She sighed heavily, picked up the mobile phone to call him, but thought that he might have nothing, just in Qin Xuelu that, and her love, linger, just don't want to come back, fingers retracted.

The fourth day.

Xia Yuhan was discharged from the hospital.

He seems to be greedy for gentleness, and did not go to the company immediately. He spent the whole day with her, enriching and filling her lonely time.

For several days, they watched the sunrise and sunset, talked about the latest fashion trends, and had a romantic candlelight dinner together.

Yi Xia's melancholy heart flies again. As for Rong Zhenye, he doesn't think about it for the moment.

He belongs to another woman, and Xia Yuhan belongs to her.

Today, he will take her out to see the sunset.

Into the yacht, he held out a gift box.

"It's for you. Open it. Do you like it?"

She was slightly stunned and opened it. Inside was a very beautiful dress.

"Yuhan, did you design it yourself?" She opened her eyes wide, and a small flame was burning in them.

He nodded with a smile, so she just like a peony, blooming. Her beautiful face is tinged with light red glow, and her mouth is brimming with happy smile. The whole person is like a shining star, bright, dazzling and brilliant.

It's her dream for many years to wear the clothes designed by this talented designer, the youngest winner of mango Fashion Award in the world, and now it has come true.

She almost jumped into the room and put on the dress.

The light and transparent cape is like a dream, which sets off her charming fragrant shoulders hazily; the bamboo leaf flower case full of Oriental mystery is like a poem and a picture, which is most in line with her pure and beautiful temperament, and he embroidered it by hand; the elegant skirt is like a lake, which hides her slender legs inside, but when walking, it looms and lingers The pipa half covers the face, which is extremely provocative.

Yi Youxia stepped on the deck, just like a mermaid princess coming out of the sea. She was so beautiful.

Xia Yuhan's eyes stagnated. For a long time, she said in a low voice, "the day after tomorrow, it's the opening ceremony of Oriental fashion week. You wear this skirt and go with me!"

"Can I?" she said with a slight shock After all, he and Yang Xiaorui still have an engagement. If he takes another woman to attend, it is bound to lead to gossip.

"She's in France. Don't worry. She'll have to hurt you. She can only be my schoolgirl." There was a comforting smile in the corner of his charming mouth. After dancing the little apple in Century Square, Yang Xiaorui hid in France for fear that Mai Wenyan would trouble her again.

Yi summer relaxed again, she can understand his difficulty, no matter what identity is indifferent.

He gently kisses her forehead and gracefully reaches out his hand: "beautiful princess, can I ask you to dance?"

She smiles and puts her hand on the back of his hand.

The music reminds me of their light dancing on the deck.

Sunlight on the sea, as if countless golden butterfly wings to fly.

The sea breeze is blowing, her black hair and elegant skirt are flying together.

When a familiar music appeared, she couldn't help thinking of dancing with Rong Zhenye on the rooftop. His strong desire for control and overbearing arrogant temperament, even in the dance can also show. The rhythm of his dance steps is like the night wind blowing through the wilderness, silent, but the place where he passes is full of sand and rocks, and the fallen leaves are colorful.

Xia Yuhan's dancing steps are gentle, soft and lingering, full of romantic flavor.

However, she could not tell which one she preferred.

It was evening when I came back.

He took her downstairs to the apartment.

Out of the car, he reluctantly watched her enter the apartment building. Suddenly, he rushed forward, took her hand and pulled her into his arms."Yu Han!" She gave a low, soft voice like the night wind through her hair. His heart and soul rippling, eyes flashing burning flame, bent down his head, kissing her lips.

In the distance, under the ancient banyan trees, there is a tall figure hidden.

He didn't know how long he had been standing there. He didn't move. It seemed that he had become one with the night.

The fine branches and leaves of the banyan tree leave ferocious shadows on his beautiful face. His eyes are deeper than the night, like an ancient pool frozen by the Arctic cold current, only hopeless and cold.

She had a good life, moist, comfortable and sweet.

She really didn't have his place in her heart, half of it.

It's time for him to calm down.

For more than two months, whether it's emotional investment or sugar coated bullets, his only purpose is to let her willingly go back to help him block his marriage.

However, it seems that the situation is beyond his control. He can't tell whether he is acting or really devoted. His mood will always be affected by her uncontrollably, influenced by her, and fluctuated with her happiness, anger, smile and anger.

He hated the passive feeling very much, but he couldn't help it and couldn't stop the car.

Xu Wanling's affairs, he has to face, can't always be negative processing, since can't let this confused fool willingly, then he doesn't care to use forced means.

If she wants to be free, she can block his marriage first and get rid of Xu Wanling.

Downstairs, Xia Yuhan reluctantly let go of the people in her arms: "the day after tomorrow fashion week opening ceremony, I'll pick you up."

Yi again summer smiles to nod, walked in.

Xia Yuhan gets on the car, just about to start the engine, and receives a call from the hospital.

Fang Yu had a heart attack and needed surgery.

He was so anxious that he rushed to the hospital.

Fang Yu is lying on the bed, waiting for her son. These days, he and Yi are tired of being together again. She knows very well that she can't let him go on like this any more. She must take a hard medicine to completely cut off this evil relationship.