Rong Zhenye's door is still closed.

She gently twisted the door lock, found that the door is not locked, pushed open a seam, squinting secretly look inside.

It's evening. The dusk is in the air. There is no light in the room. It's dark.

Rong Zhenye stands in front of the window, motionless, like a fossil. The night wind blows into the window and stirs the curtain around him, but it fails to arouse his half attention.

Although she could not see his face, she could imagine that the gloom on his face must be deeper and thicker than the dusk outside the window.

Quietly move away, she cut an orange, and then slip through the door.

"Xiao Ye, I'm back. Do you want to eat oranges?"

A man did not move his silk and turned a deaf ear.

"The oranges are so sweet and fresh this time." She spoke softly.

A man still should not, cold as ice.

"I'll give you face. I know you like it. People go to the orchard to buy it for you. It's so expensive. It's 12 yuan a catty." A woman is coquettish and cute, and takes the initiative to attack. She picks up a piece of orange and peels it off, and sends it to a man's mouth. When she sees that a man doesn't open his mouth, she forces him to put it in a little bit, completely ignoring his gloomy eyes. "I've seen it carefully with my eyes. I didn't buy it until I waxed it, dyed it, soaked it with preservatives."

A man helpless, a grasp of her small hand, thin lips a loose, orange petals fell down, "out!" He growled.

A woman's big black eyes rolled down, picked up the orange petals on the ground, sighed with regret, and sent them to her mouth.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and snatched it from her mouth. "If you're dirty, you're not afraid of diarrhea?"

"I punished myself. I lied to you today. I didn't go to the supermarket. I went to see Xia Yuhan." She hung her head like a child who did something wrong, waiting to be punished.

Rong Zhenye's cold eyes flickered, and there was a little temperature: "how many times have you fouled?"

She pouted: "I made a little mistake of lying to you, but I didn't break the rules. Now I just treat Xia Yuhan as a friend. He's going to get married, but I'm as beautiful as a flower. Everyone loves me and flowers bloom. It's impossible for me to devalue myself to be a junior. So, I'm going to empty my right ventricle to meet the new love

"Oh?" Rong Zhenye raises his eyebrows. The dark clouds on his face slowly disperse, and his depressed mood is much more comfortable. "When will the left ventricle be empty?"

Her thick eyelashes flashed, rippling a trace of mischievous color: "it depends on the ability of the people who chase me."

Rong Zhenye has a smile at the corner of his mouth. Well, he'll try. What he wants can never escape.

"Muddleheaded, plan our second mock date when you have time. Don't let me down."

"I see!" She made a face and was thinking hard about how to deal with him.

In the evening, Yixia began to race against the clock to make orders. Her new insect series is bold and avant-garde. It's very popular with customers, and it was ordered out in just one day.

looked at money in Alipay, and she was in a very happy mood.

Du Letian and Yi Pengfei arrived with their suitcases. Originally, they planned to go back tomorrow, but they changed their mind and decided to stay a few more days. Staying in the hotel for a long time was too expensive, so they moved in.

Rong Zhenye hurriedly goes to pack up his things and make room for them. Seeing that he is going to enter Yi Youxia's workroom, Du Letian stops: "Xiao Ye, move things to Xia Xia's room. No husband and wife can sleep in separate rooms all day long. Just overcome the sleeping posture problem and get used to it." Although the matter in the afternoon Yi Xia explained, but she was not at ease, decided to personally come to supervise, to ensure that the little couple live in harmony.

Yi again summer hears this words, two eyes a black, almost faints.

Is this your mother? To send my daughter to the tiger's mouth?

Rong Zhenye opened his arm around her: "wife, don't worry. I'm used to kicking at night. I can't sleep without kicking in the future." He had a sly smile on his mouth and a lion like light in his eyes, as if ready to swallow her lamb.

She's sweating to herself. I'm afraid it's more or less bad tonight.