Chapter 948

Name:War Lord Author:Chen Ran
"Energy transfer?" zero head said, "it's really a great ability, but in this way, I can't make money from you."

Constantine's smile was stiff and he immediately understood the meaning of zero. If he is only another ability, zero can capture him alive by the suppression of the borrow level, but he has the special ability of energy transfer. This means that zero either let him go, or beat him with all his strength, or even kill him. The former is absolutely impossible, and the latter does not sound feasible. After all, if there is only one level difference, Constantine can use this ability to weaken the zero attack by 30%, or even 50%. In this way, the attacks of the 11th order strong are not irresistible.

Zero didn't think about what he was thinking at all. The energy flame came out of his body and formed a golden flame. In this golden flame, from time to time, there are darker energy vortices that crack and explode from time to time. Every shock explosion is the result of energy hedging, and what hedging produces is a more powerful force!

Constantine's face became solemn. It was obvious that he was going all out. It was no joke. Even if the power of zero can be weakened to a certain extent by energy transfer, if the absolute power of zero is strong enough, it makes no sense to weaken or not.

Take oglock as an example, if the speaker of the dark parliament tries his best. Constantine asked himself that even if he could reduce his power by half, he could not afford the remaining energy equivalent. Fortunately, zero is only eleven steps, and Constantine is still a little sure.

On zero toes, people came towards him like sliding on ice. At the same time, his right hand was raised, and the fist front pulled out a dense shadow and hit him on the chest. When the fist moves, it screams. In Constantine's perception, the world seems to have changed because of the fist of zero. The projection of space towards the front of the fist was like an average balloon. It seemed insignificant, but it fell into Constantine's eyes, which made his soul scream.

It is impossible for the space to be concave or convex. Having this feeling can only show that the energy of the space is driven by the zero fist potential, so that the energy originally evenly distributed is gathered at one point. Equal zero concentrated the energy of himself and the surrounding space and gave Constantine such a punch. Constantine may be able to transfer zero energy, but it is difficult to transfer the energy of space, especially now they are used by zero!

What Constantine didn't know was that the skill of attack superposition was also used in the hit of zero. It's not the superposition of several fists, but the complete death puncture! It's a killing move that integrates armor breaking and explosion. Now, with the use of the eleventh level power, it has attracted the energy of the surrounding space. Its power of one punch can even be said to be the peak work since the Jin level.

His hands met with a silver halo. Constantine was ready when he parried. But he didn't find his prediction wrong until he put his hands on the zero front! Constantine thought he would usher in a mountain, but he was wrong. His zero fist was like a blazing comet falling from outer space!

Under the destructive energy enough to burn the soul, what energy transfer will only be a joke. Moreover, zero energy is moving in a spiral shape. This highly concentrated mode of movement has the characteristics of armor breaking, but it is also difficult to transfer it. So Constantine saw that his hands were shaken open by the zero fist front, and then his fists overlapped with the remnants of the back in his chest.

As soon as the fist front was bright, Constantine only felt a burning energy coming through the body, and the whole person became empty, just like the soul was blasted out of the body by the zero fist. He suddenly remembered that ten years ago, when he was promoted to level 10 and had the ability of energy transfer, Leo once told him not to rely too much on this ability.

"That ability will make you slack, friend," Leo once said.

Constantine didn't listen at all. After all, this ability is too powerful. With this power, the strong man of the same level is not his opponent, and even beat a strong man of the eleventh level with this ability. In the endless praise, Constantine had forgotten what Leo had said. He called it God's gift.

Until today, now. He suddenly realized that Leo was right. The reason why he was defeated was that he didn't meet an opponent who could concentrate his energy highly and couldn't be transferred. In the days of relying on energy transfer, he no longer had the sense of urgency before Jin Jie. Compared with improving strength, Constantine began to pay attention to his appearance and quality of life, so energy was gradually used by him to maintain cell activity and women's stomach.

But now, it's too late to regret.

He finally gave out a roar that startled the world and wanted to fight hard, but he saw the Yu Guangli in the corner of his eyes, which seemed to have a special taste.

That's pathetic.

Constantine doesn't need pity! He exhaled and hit the chest with his fist, but found that the fist was weak and even had no energy. He was stunned, and then the rest of his strength seemed to draw light for the punch. Constantine finally lay powerlessly on the ground and looked up at the constant radiation cloud for many years. His eyes gradually lost their focus and finally became dim.

Until his death, he didn't find a gap in his chest. The gap runs through the body and is located on this side of the chest. The wound is only the size of a fist. On Constantine's back, however, the wound expanded several times. As for behind him, there was a charred trace on the ground, and there were still wisps of fire on the dark surface.

The fire path extends straight for hundreds of meters and is three meters wide. On the track of the fire path, there is a blank passage for the parliamentary army. Because in this passage, soldiers, capable people and chariots are annihilated by energy in an instant and belong to nothingness!

Constantine's death was definitely a heavy blow to the parliament, which made the corners of general DUS's mouth twitch in the rear. The veteran of the parliament finally couldn't help but roared with his staff: "attack, all-round attack!"

However, when the remaining troops of the Parliament and the bloody knights were ready to attack, a team of main battle tanks and missile combat vehicles quietly appeared 3 kilometers away from the army, but these combat vehicles were not the reinforcements of the parliament, because the symbol of dawn city was clearly printed on their armor!

When the muzzle of the tank was aimed at the rear of the parliamentary army, and the missile chariot locked its attack position, the cannon began to roar. With the roar of the missile, bright lights broke through the air, and immediately burst into the enemy's camp, setting off a continuous fireball. A large fire wave engulfed the parliament's army, and the shock wave of the explosion directly lifted the soldiers outside the explosion center. The sudden bombing made general DUS look bitter. Now he knows why half of the chariots in Phoenix didn't meet the enemy until the previous second, because they have quietly circled behind.

This is not only the general attack of Parliament, but also the general attack of Phoenix!

On the battlefield, the parliamentary soldiers suddenly heard the sound of vibrating wings in the air. They raised their heads and flashed flying figures in their eyes. Drake flew in droves from Phoenix. These aliens carried one or two shells over the enemy, and then threw them down to act as bombers. For a time, the explosion appeared in the middle army of the parliamentary army, and mobilek also joined the attack sequence. These ten elite directly released a faint yellow melt inflammation in the air. When fireballs with dark yellow luster fell into the enemy, they would explode silently and turn into a pouring fire stream sweeping around.

Where the fire flow drowns, the human body and chariot melt silently. Even those with ability must wrestle with the fire flow with their own energy. Once defeated, the end is no different from that of ordinary soldiers.

The sudden emergence of air units forced the parliamentary army to disperse part of its fire into the air. With the bright line of fire of anti-aircraft machine guns cutting in the sky, some unfortunate Drake shot fell to the ground one after another. But these aliens are very fierce. As long as they don't die immediately, they will form bone blades, and then crash into infantry for a burst of killing. They don't really stop until they are blown to pieces by countless bullets.

When the war spread into the air, the earth began to shake. General DUS grabbed the telescope and looked at the source of the vibration. The first thing that jumped into his eyes was the red ferocious heavy armor on orgrima. The golden lines on the heavy armor even burned the general's eyes. Immediately behind these red giants is a mixed team of Ogma giants and dawn soldiers.

Orgrima acts as a striker. These ten level giants wave their huge soldiers to sweep the battlefield. Even the chariot will be provoked by their axe. As for the human body, it is like nothing in front of these ferocious biological weapons. The dark blue giants in the back are scattered on both sides to act as side forwards and guards. While further expanding the achievements created by the orgrimas, they also protect the ordinary soldiers in the middle array.

As for the dawn soldiers who stay in the giant protection line, they have only one thing to do, that is to press the bullet into the body of the Council soldiers! Suddenly, the team composed of only heterogeneous and soldiers plunged directly into the side of the parliament army like a sharp long knife. Outside, the blood waves rolled and cut off the parliament army!

The soldiers of the parliament found that the war came from the ground, air, front, back, left and right, and there was no safe corner on the battlefield. From the air, it is not difficult to see that the parliament's army began to appear chaos. Under the attack from heaven and earth, front and back, the parliament's army was gradually divided and annihilated one by one. Although general DUS tried hard to gather the troops, the situation was out of control.

The striker rushed too far and couldn't retract at all. The Chinese Army disturbed the cutting of giants and bat people and became chaotic. As for the rear of the army, the enemy's artillery fire has not stopped for a moment. So far, it is impossible to count how many people have been swallowed up by artillery fire.

A staff officer shouted at the top of his voice, "general, retreat. If you don't hurry up, everyone can't go back!"

General DUS's face was as gray as death. After a moment, he nodded sadly.