Chapter 489

Name:War Lord Author:Chen Ran
"This is indeed a good way, and I have seen the shield of netherres. If we can build a super version of this purification position on the whole planet, it is equivalent to constructing an artificial ozone layer. In this way, it can replace the current radiation cloud to resist and filter all kinds of cosmic rays in outer space." agrandis hugged his hands and nodded in agreement.

Adimili said happily, "that's what Lord hamermes thought."

Then his face darkened and said, "unfortunately, it wasn't long before the information of netherres shield was learned by adventure businessmen in mankind and sold as intelligence. We learned about it later. When we wanted to intercept the intelligence, we found that the adventure businessmen who learned the secrets of our kingdom had been secretly killed."

As soon as the light curtain at the foot of zero changed, it changed from lvdugnia to a mountainous area. Corpses were lying everywhere in the mountains, the wreckage of several off-road vehicles was burning, and the bodies and guards dressed by businessmen were brutally killed. The corpses were discarded at random, and various mutant animals that ate rotten meat were attracted. A mermaid soldier carrying a Epee is investigating the scene. One of the soldiers is particularly tall and eye-catching.

The tall Mermaid warrior was dressed in a bright red cloak, which was painted with an altar like pattern. The soldiers wore dark red armor and carved Ivy patterns on the two shoulder armor.

"This is the red Archduke who is responsible for guarding the shield of neserres. He and the altar guard found the body of the adventure merchant and brought the information back to Lvdu." adimili said with a worried face: "It's obvious that the adventurous businessman has been silenced. We don't know who will be interested in a space purification device when the other party wants to swallow the news of the neserres shield alone. After all, even if the other party gets the neserres shield, it will only purify more space, even if it can bring great benefits to the owner. From the perspective of the whole planet, The advantages always outweigh the disadvantages. "

"However, after a series of discussions, Lord hamermes and the red Archduke finally agreed that the starting point for the other party to get the netherre shield was not simple. It might not be just for profit, but for some other things. At that time, our understanding of the netherre shield only remained in the field of space purification. Until the adventurous merchant was killed, The great hamamis ordered scholars to continue to study the device and find out its other possible functions. That's why we found that besides being a space purification device, the shield of netherres can also be a terrible weapon. "

They have celestial weapons. Zero, so we must destroy them!

The sea of zero brain suddenly flashed over tyre's words, and he was shocked. The reason why tyre knew that Lvdu had a celestial weapon was that he had sent troops for reconnaissance. Then how did the scouts know the existence of Lvdu and whether their sources were those killed adventurers?

If so, is tyre's purpose only to destroy celestial weapons?

Or he wants the shield of netherres!

"Zero seems to be aware of something." agradis showed a deep smile.

But zero said, "please go on, miss adimili."

Adimili nodded and continued: "As mentioned earlier, the shield of neserres was improved and applied from the technology excavated from the ruins of Quaternary civilization. To be honest, although we call this space purification device our own technology, we all know that we are just borrowing the shadow of the civilization of the last era. The energy circuit and generator of the purification equipment can be said to be directly extracted from Quaternary civilization is a semi-finished product of science and technology. Many principles are still mysteries that scholars can't solve up to now. Through in-depth research, scholars have found that if the whole device is reversed, then the shield of neserres will not purify the radiation in space, but will double the radiation in the designated area, so as to become a terrible weapon. "

"After scholars came to this possibility, Lord hamermes thought that this was probably the other party's real purpose!"

Zero is like a person groping forward in the dark. He has seen a little light in front from a distance. But when he approached, he became hesitant and doubted whether he could accept the truth under the light.

The scholars of Lvdu finally came to the conclusion that tyre's description of celestial weapons is so close. Is the purpose of the man who vowed to lay a second kingdom for asgat really so simple? Or is the war simply a conspiracy. Tyre's purpose is only to obtain the netherre shield of Lvdu?

But if so, why did tyre let them go to Lvdu to destroy the device.

I'm afraid there are some details I don't know. Zero thought.

"Soon after scholars came to this conclusion, we were attacked."

Light curtain regeneration changes.

It was a dark night. Under the cover of the shadow, several figures of different shapes swept towards a building similar to the altar like a dark tide. But when they appeared on the altar, the light suddenly shone from all directions, exposing these figures to the light. Among these figures, there were giants with four arms, clowns dressed like a circus, and heavily dressed A man in a cloak. The last one was a very tall man.

He turned his back to zero, but with his broad shoulder and wide back, he saw his heart sink straight.

Even if he didn't turn around, zero can be sure that this man is tyre!

"At that time, these outsiders wanted to rob the shield of netherres, but after the adventurer was killed, we strengthened our defense. Therefore, they were found when they appeared at the emerald altar with purification device. That night, the red Archduke led the altar guard to kill them. But none of these outsiders was weak, even if the red Archduke and the altar guard were our king The country's top combat power, but it was unable to repel them. It was not until Lord hamermes took action himself that they scared them away. "Adimili showed a sad expression:" but in this battle, Lord hamermes was also hurt and forced to go to deep sleep. During the sleep of adults, the human army quietly appeared, and finally the war broke out. "

Zero looked suspiciously at agradis, the seven true kings of prosius. Although zero had seen only Lilith. But Lilith, who was not good at fighting, also put zero in a desperate situation. Although tyre is a strong player of the ninth rank, it can be said that hamus, one of the seven true kings, will still be injured and even need to recover through deep sleep at his home. Does that not mean that tyre's power is almost the same even if it can't surpass the true king?

Agradis seemed to know the doubt in zero's heart. He shook his head and said, "not all real kings tend to be combat type. I haven't seen hamomis. But from adimili, it's not difficult to know that their family's life advocates nature and peace. Therefore, as real kings, hamomis may not be as powerful as Lilith's living corpse queen."

"Indeed, Lord hamermes does not pay attention to the cultivation of force. He pays more attention to will and spirit." adimili looked at zero: "That's why Lord hamermes wants to meet the son of the planet. Without force, I'm afraid we can't protect the integrity of the neserres shield, let alone stop the spread of war. Lord hamermes hopes that the son of the planet can make the right choice after understanding these situations. The neserres shield should be used to restore the vitality of the planet, not to accelerate the star The death of the ball! "

"To be honest, if he didn't show up, I'm afraid I couldn't believe you so soon. But since he came, I think everything you said is true. After all, no one wants to see his death accelerated, even the planet." at this time, I put the black rose away: "I'll meet your king if I can help. But you have to give me some time. After all, I have to convince my companions that they can't enjoy this VIP treatment. So I can't accept these facts as soon as I do. You know that in their cognition, you are still the enemy, and the guy who wants to rob the purification device is us now The supreme commander of the. "

Agradis then said, "well, adimili, I think zero has made the choice you want to see, so can you leave first? I have something to say to zero alone. As for the world, can you support us for a while?"

"Of course, adimili won't disturb you." after the fish man bowed deeply to agradis, he stepped back step by step. A moment later, her breath had disappeared in this strange world.

Agradis looked at zero and said, "things in the world are so wonderful, aren't they? An enemy becomes a friend, but a friend becomes an enemy."

"It doesn't matter to me." zero drew an arc at the corner of his mouth: "anyway, for me, from the moment you pulled me back from hell, I have been destined to be an enemy of the whole world. After all, my country is not what many people like to see."

"I'm glad you have such awareness. I can see that you have matured a lot. You've done a good job during this time. But I still want to remind you, zero, you must hurry up." agradis changed his dignified look: "My prison is becoming more and more fragile. Maybe three years, maybe ten years, or maybe tomorrow, protheus can break through the prison I set for it. Of course, I'm trying my best to remedy it and try to create more time for you. But you have to hold tight, your own circle of influence is good, and your own strength. Zero, you have to continue to improve and master the power of Huiyao knight as soon as possible Strength, with Longinus in hand, even if procius rushes out of prison, you still have the power of war. "

Zero didn't expect the situation to be so serious. He tried to find any relevant information on agradis's face. But the will of the planet must be the worst actor. It just copied zero's face, but there was little emotion, even if there was some panic in his voice.

"This time, I can meet you in this way only when adimiri supports the inner world and invites you to enter. You know, there are not many creatures on this planet whose will can be strong enough to accommodate my entry. Therefore, taking advantage of this rare opportunity, I would like to remind you of another thing." agradis said seriously: "Proteus' knight is moving, zero. Just as I chose you, proteus also chose a spokesman for himself. Maybe it's human, or some other life. But anyway, he or it is the knight chosen by Proteus. Proteus hid the knight from me to prevent me from noticing its movement. I can only feel that the threat comes from the East That's why I want you to improve your strength as soon as possible. Otherwise, in your current state, if you encounter the Knights of prosius, I'm afraid it will be very dangerous. "

"The knight of protheus?" zero remembered that he had a short contact with protheus's will when he killed Naga in the city of bidith. In that unpleasant contact, zero did hear protheus mention the word "Knight". But later, all kinds of affairs were involved, and zero had been forgotten. Until now it was mentioned by agradis, zero was surprised that the war between agradis and prosius seemed to have developed to such an intense stage.

From the advent of Proteus in the Fourth Era to the collapse of Atlantis. When Proteus was imprisoned, agradis won time for the planet to reproduce. With the advent of the day of Cataclysm, the battlefields of protheus and agradis shifted to the evolutionary competition of life. Then came the emergence of the true king and the capable, and finally agradis chose himself to become the inheritor of the will of the planet, while protheus created a knight of his own.

It can be said that the war has continued to the present and has entered a white hot stage. The knight of zero sum prosius is the spokesman of two kinds of will. Their encounter and battle will determine which will win the final war.

Agradis's figure gradually blurred: "I have to leave, zero. Adimili can't hold on for too long. I'm afraid its will will will collapse. I'm sorry that this was not your war, but it was dragged in by me willfully. But please believe that this is the only way I can't do!"

When agradis completely withdrew from the world of will, the spirit of zero also returned to the level of reality. He shook his head and sighed, "you don't have to apologize. After all, prosius is our common enemy, so I'm happy to kill it!"

Starry's voice brought zero back to reality from his memory. The former was nuzui in a certain direction: "look, some proud guy is back."

Zero smiled, when Ryan's voice sounded: "look, what have I got. The road map, hey, is provided by our dear green city friend. This is a good intelligence. I think the headquarters would be happy to get it. In that way, when we push towards the so-called green city one day, we can avoid some wrongs."