Chapter 261

Name:War Lord Author:Chen Ran
After reading the diary, zero quickly turned over other documents in the cabinet. He even pulled off the code locks of other filing cabinets next to him. In a moment, there were seven or eight metal cabinets that exposed the secret of Cossacks to zero. At that time, the military base coincided with the day of great disaster. The meteorite rain attack came very suddenly, and the personnel in the base were unprepared. Therefore, these confidential documents were not transferred, otherwise they would not be cheap now.

It's just that zero is strange. Even they can break in here. On that day, why didn't Cario take these important documents away, but now he has no time to pay attention to them. He mobilized all his computing power, recorded the files in his brain at an inhuman speed, and stored them in categories.

In these materials, there are no more words about Dr. Harson, and even the artificial God project has not been mentioned. Even the archival records handled by willoster are the same, and there are more references to it in the records. It can be seen from the records that willoster named it pioneer, representing a new life form. From those difficult technical terms, it is not difficult to see that the pioneer is completely different from the natural life on earth. It is more like a biological machine. With almost perfect settings, if all the ideas mentioned by willoster are realized, the pioneers do have the power to compete with God.

All the research projects of Cossacks underground base are related to the construction of pioneers. In one of the base diary abstracts found at zero, it is mentioned that the pioneers have proliferated the basic form before the arrival of the catastrophe. As long as it matures and various power plug-ins are implanted, the most basic conditions for awakening can be achieved. When the pioneer completed the construction of the base form, it had been secretly transported out of the Cossacks military base. Originally, the base was going to invest in the research of another project, but the arrival of the day of the great catastrophe set the base forever one day 50 years ago.

Where the pioneer went is not mentioned in the record. It is conceivable that there should be more than one base for such secret research. Moreover, the power plug-in of the pioneer mentioned in the record also needs to be upgraded and maintained in the later stage, and its conditions are not available in the base of Cossacks. Therefore, larger and better bases should exist elsewhere, and it is unknown whether they have been damaged.

After reading through these materials, zero can roughly understand what kind of existence the pioneer is. Rather than calling it a new life, it is a biological weapon designed for combat. From the fragmentary elements such as weapon matching and power plug-ins mentioned in the data, the pioneer was not created for the benefit of mankind anyway. It is more like being born for destruction. The reason why willoster calls it a new life is undoubtedly that the doctor has unrealistic illusions about his works.

Obviously, this level of research can not be supported by Dr. willoster. Without the support of the state, neither individuals nor chaebols can support such research projects, regardless of research funds or various resources required for experiments. For those in power in the country, the role of new life is more inclined to the battlefield, just as the meaning of nuclear weapons to the country.

But from now on, the pioneer's plan should be stranded. Perhaps the prototype of the pioneer is still sleeping somewhere in the dark.

But one day it will wake up!

Suddenly, such a sentence came out of zero's mind.

Zero shook his head and threw this sentence out of his mind. It's not his turn to worry about this. Judging from the current situation, the vanguard led by kario entered the Cossacks base for the information of the pioneers. If asgat gets such biological weapons, even if there are only basic data here, asgat's technology may be able to cultivate a complete version of pioneers, so as to shake the dark Parliament and even gain the status of overlord on the mainland.

On the surface, this task is to obtain the experimental diary, but in essence, it still points to the pioneer. Zero thought of this possibility, his face suddenly cold. The turbulent age is the age of the jungle. It is not a shame for the weak to speak for the strong, but zero is unwilling to let asgat get the relevant information of the pioneer. He can imagine that when the pioneer can mass produce, it will definitely be a disaster for all life.

So he found all the information in the metal cabinet and stacked it together. Finally, he took out a time-delay bomb from his carrying gear. After a 5-second delay of the zero set bomb, the speed of the fifth order agile explosion makes zero pull out the afterimage of the road, and has swept to the exit in 2 seconds. Zero does not stop, and the body rushes to the exit. But when stepping out of the gate, the broken hair in the helmet suddenly floated and stood upright!

The unparalleled sense of crisis was like a sledgehammer hitting zero's chest, and zero's heart jumped heavily. He couldn't think about it. His hands crossed in front of his head and chest. As soon as he made this defensive move, the violent impact immediately hit his arms. With great strength, he pushed his hands back and pressed them heavily on his chest. He snorted and spewed out a blood mist, and the whole man flew out in an instant.

Zero has just been shot away, and the bomb in the archives detonated instantly. Just listen to a huge muffled sound from the archives, the visible annular shock wave rushes out of the door, and the walls of the archives immediately drum out. Follow the orange flame and rush out of the door. In the fire, a meat beard as thick as a bucket is clearly illuminated. The surface of the meat whisker bulges countless particles, each of which is the size of a fist. Inside the particles, there is a faint light blue halo. Each meatball is not only a bioenergy reservoir, but also a force node. It's just a meat whisker, which is covered with hundreds of such particles. In other words, zero just suffered a huge impact from thousands of force nodes.

Zero flew out, fell, and fell into the cold sewage. The terrible impact force made his helmet smash on the way to be hit and fly, and there were subtle cracks in the bones of his hands, and the cracks were still expanding. The huge force of nearly ten tons directly stunned zero earthquake. He slowly sank into the water with his eyes closed.

But when he was about to touch the ground, zero suddenly opened his eyes. In the right eye, there was a strong golden flame, and even the water was illuminated by the golden awn in the right eye. A very light but already dignified momentum emerged on zero. At the same time, zero suddenly bounced out of the water. A simple step, but across the distance of nearly ten meters. Scattered on the left wall, and then used both hands and feet. Like a primitive beast, it ran on the vertical wall at an almost miraculous speed and went away in an instant.

The afterglow of the explosion in the archives gradually disappeared, and all the records about the Pioneer have been destroyed, except for a diary he put in his carrying equipment. In the diary, the relevant data about the pioneer were also torn up, and the rest was just Dr. willoster's words to express his feelings. These things don't matter.

But after the fire in the archives went out, an invisible wave quickly swept through every corner from the depths of the base. The whole base was shaking at a frequency difficult to detect by the naked eye. There were faint waves in the still calm waters, and the strange fish swimming around collectively stopped all their actions. When the wave disappeared, the strange fish scrambled to flee. They went into all kinds of hiding places and lost their fierce flame. They only knew how to shiver in the dark.

The strange fish were afraid, because in that wave, they clearly understood the anger of the mother!

Zero passed a 90 degree turning angle, and the agility raised to level 7 in the state of violent walking made him run with conical fluctuations. The conical wave breaks through the air, reduces the friction and resistance to zero, and makes the speed of zero break through the speed of sound. Every time he passed a place, there was a burst after a moment. With the air flow lifted, it hit the wall and water, causing some air shocks one after another, which could not be subsided for a long time.

The thick flesh tentacle, if there is no accident, should belong to the Crypt Lord. EVA said that this huge alien lives in the base on the sixth floor underground. Now the fifth floor base has become a playground for the descendants of the Crypt Lord. Obviously, the fifth floor base has been transformed by the Lord. It is precisely because of its strong existence that the human face moth has to leave its old nest to compete with the goddess of vengeance.

Now, I don't know why it angered the Crypt Lord, so that it suddenly attacked zero.

However, in just a few seconds, zero has been far away from the archives. But there were bursts of explosions in the back. I looked back in my busy schedule and saw a few meat whiskers coming out of the rear passage, the nearby testing room and the ventilation pipe on the ceiling. There are thousands of power nodes on each meat whisker, which constitute the special muscle tissue of the Crypt Lord. With this instant burst of tens of tons of power, it will destroy any obstacles in front of these meat whiskers.

Zero's bones were in pain and wanted to crack. Just now he stopped one of the flesh whiskers from attacking, he almost broke his arm bones and ribs. If his body had not been strengthened by second-order defense, ordinary people's body would have been directly shocked to death. But now, the number of meat whiskers has increased from one to three, and the impact force has increased three times. Three times the force of the meat beard is at least 30 tons. Coupled with the kinetic energy bonus of the sprint, the force must only be high.

The impact of more than 30 tons of force is not zero. This pair of body can bear it. Zero quickly made a calculation in his mind and got that if he was hit, his bones and internal organs would be crushed to death!

He grunted and sped up on the vertical wall. But just then, there was a roar ahead, and a thick line hit out of the left wall and swept on the zero running wall. Then it swept towards zero, exploding countless connecting plates and cables on the walls all the way, sweeping to the ground with a momentum of thousands!