Chapter 89

Name:War Lord Author:Chen Ran
The skin suddenly sent a sense of acupuncture, so that zero immediately bounced up from the floor. The twin guns under the pillow have come into hand and pose as if they can shoot at any time.

But the hotel room was quiet. Moni and Lala slept together on the bed and breathed evenly. Outside the window, faint cheers and curses continued to come from the direction of the central square. It seemed that camper's performance was quite popular.

When I came to the window, there was a dangerous smell in the air. He frowned and thought hard, but he couldn't figure out where the feeling came from.

But zero believed in his intuition, so he pushed the sniper bullet into Colt's gun. After thinking about it, he withdrew the bullet again. The pocket hand held the bullet and the palm showed a faint red light. The red water flowed like water and then poured into the bullets. The sniper bullet has a red light pattern, and the light pattern flashes away. However, if the bullet hits the target for a moment, it will cause the explosion of fire element.

Explosive incendiary bomb, an alternative use of zero first order fire element mastery, is the only way he has found to use this element ability at present. Although the power of explosion is less than one-third of that of fragment grenade, the performance of re explosion after hitting the target can double the power of ordinary sniper shells.

Zero pressed this special bullet into the gun chamber, then sat at the window edge, watching the ancient style city flowing under artificial lighting, silently waiting for the danger to come.

Camper is happy.

Anyone who earns nearly a thousand dollars a night will be as happy as camper. Moreover, camper doesn't need to sell any goods for this money. The only consumption is the physical strength of behemoth.

The performance held in the central square is actually a display of behemoth. The beast was put into a wider cage, which was enough for behemoth to move freely. The soldiers of the Arctic Fox beat the cage with an electric whip. Through the conductivity of the cage, behemoth in the cage was subjected to constant electric shock. However, the current whip did not release high-voltage current, so behemoth's function was not paralyzed.

However, the beast was successfully angered. With its roar and buzzing electric claws, it shows its wild nature to the residents of Titan city.

Tonight's visitors are all male adult residents of the city. Women and children are not allowed to participate in such gatherings. So now the central square has become a sea of men and beer.

Of course, camper will not miss this opportunity to make money. After charging a fee for watching behemoth's performance, camper added another program. That is to challenge behemoth. The challenger has to pay a fee. If the Challenger knocks down behemoth, camper will pay more than ten times the bonus.

The people of Titan city were strong, and Campbell's reward stimulated the eyes of these men. Men who advocate Spartan education are almost scrambling to challenge behemoth.

Among these, there are many mutants in the ability domain. Although their abilities hover around the second and third levels, most of their transformed images are wild animals such as bears and leopards. But without exception, in addition to increasing camper's income, they can only earn countless scars from behemoth's electric claw. But even so, men still enjoy it.

It was a crazy night, and the scorching sound of the central square made the soldiers of Titan City itch. The boiling blood in their bodies made the soldiers want to challenge the mutant beast they had never seen before. Therefore, they were too excited to realize that their officers were a little strange tonight.

Cobo is the captain of the city guard team responsible for the defense of Titan city. He usually likes wine, cigarettes and women. It's no different from other Spartan men in Titan City, but tonight, since he and his adjutant mad dog came back from a cigarette in the wilderness, it's much quieter than usual.

The first thing Kobo did when he came back was to give the soldiers a holiday. In addition to leaving three personnel responsible for operating the lifting platform at the entrance of the base, the soldiers of other garrison teams were given precious time to rest all night. This made the soldiers jump and cheer, and no one found that Cobb's eyes were much darker than usual.

When the soldiers left, Cobb suddenly said to one of his subordinates, "open the entrance?"

The soldier thought he had heard wrong and asked, "head, what are you talking about?"

"I said open the entrance," Cobb repeated.

The three soldiers looked at each other, and the named soldier said, "head, what are you doing opening the entrance now?"

"There's so much nonsense." Cobb suddenly walked up and put his hand on the subordinate's shoulder.

So the soldier suddenly heard a low voice in his mind: "now do as I say, open the entrance!"

The soldier's eyes immediately became cloudy like Cobb, and he began to operate mechanically. Watching the soldier input a series of instructions meant that something was wrong and the other two soldiers stood up.

Kobo suddenly fired two shots at a distance of less than three meters. The bullet hit the young soldier's body. They didn't even start their best mutation ability, so they lay down in doubt.

However, the soldiers operating the platform turned a blind eye. Under his operation, the elevator at the entrance and exit of Titan city slowly opened, and a strange team of people entered the city. If the soldier is still sane, he will find that these people are the notorious wolf thieves in the wilderness.

The wolf thief drove the off-road vehicle and modified locomotive out of the elevator, and the red wolf was among them. The leader of the wolf thief squinted at the direction of the central square and said loudly, "listen, we will create chaos there to attract the eyes of the city sheriff and soldiers. And ghost fox, you have 20 minutes. During this time, give me as many little ghosts of Titan city as possible."

"I see, head."

The ghost fox made an "OK" gesture, followed by whispering "chain soul hint is really not human work". As he spoke, the ghost fox walked into the elevator. There was a thin man beside the elevator gate. He was wearing the uniform of the Titan city garrison. Damn it, the fox came and the man licked his tongue excitedly.

The ghost fox smiled and threw a bag of money to the man and said, "go away, mad dog. You'd better run away. Otherwise, let the people of Titan know that you betrayed them. Be careful that they pull your skin."

This man is a mad dog. He cheated Cobb into the wilderness, and then the ghost fox hinted at Cobb, so he transferred the soldiers and let the wolf thief in. The red wolf has coveted Titan's children with mutation potential for a long time. Such children can be sold to black market businessmen. They will be trained to be good soldiers, and such soldiers are needed in the kingdom of Daxia or the holy kingdom of Xizhou.

China is not the only continent in the world where wars occur all the time, and the other two continents are also in constant civil war for many years. Children like Titan city can become good soldiers, which also means they can sell at a good price. And even children without potential can be sold as slaves or servitude. For red wolf, this is a sure business.

But Titan city is not a wilderness, not a wolf thief. After nearly half a year of planning, the wolf thief opened a gap in Titan city like an iron bucket through the mad dog. Therefore, the red wolf decided to do a big job tonight!