Originally thought it would rain today, the weather is right! Can leave Si Xiaobao, but did not expect that the person does not agree, was destroyed by the ancient wing!

CR As soon as Chao Pao drove out of the castle area, Si Xiaobao asked Jiang Yan, "how did Gu Yi know I was here? And why did he let you drive this car? "

Jiang Yan restrained a smile, looked at the front and told her, "these questions, if you ask the ancient Dean, wouldn't it be better?" President Gu will definitely explain it in more detail! It's better than him telling her that he's been following her for three days!

Si Xiaobao pulls his lips and takes out his mobile phone to call Gu Yi.

"Hey! Big wings! Good evening Si Xiaobao acted as if nothing had happened.

But there was silence, not a word for a long time.

Si Xiaobao looked at his mobile phone and said, "can't you hear me?"

"I can hear you."

"... why don't you talk when you hear me!"

"I'm thinking about a problem."

"What's the problem?" She looked out of the window as if it was beginning to rain.

I've never been used to watching the weather forecast, and I don't know it's raining today.

"My place in your heart."

"..." Si Xiaobao leaned to the window with embarrassment, and then whispered, "is that still necessary?"

"Needless to say, is there no place?" The male voice over there is suddenly very sad, so sad that Si Xiaobao has the feeling of recognizing the wrong person!

"Dare to go out with other men while I'm away and wait for me to deal with you!"

This hat is too high, isn't it! And green hat“ I didn't! Who told you I'll go out with Li Shaofeng again? Is it Jiang Yan? "

Si Xiaobao finally figured it out. It must be Jiang Yan! Gu Yi must have let Jiang Yan watch her!

When Jiang Yan heard that Si Xiaobao mentioned his name, he immediately called out, "wronged! I'm just acting as your bodyguard for the time being! I never said that you and Mr. Li would date again! "

He... Just told Gu Yi that Si Xiaobao was picked up by Li Shaofeng and received a private castle in the suburb, that's all.

When Gu Yi heard Jiang Yan's voice, he thought of a fact: "are you in the same car with Jiang Yan? Is there anyone else? "

"No one else! Didn't you ask him to pick me up? " Si Xiaobao drew circles on the bulletproof car window with his index finger.

What a mistake he made“ From now on, don't say a word to Jiang Yan. "

"What's the situation?" Si Xiaobao was confused by his words.

"Jiang Yan is also a man! Let's do it! I think about finding a female assistant in the future... "No, he hates women approaching him.

Next, he cut himself off. Just as Si Xiaobao heard the three words of the female assistant, he immediately protested, "I object! I'm against it

"No objection!"

"Gu Yi, I ignore you!" She's very angry, very angry!

The man over there recognized the anger in her voice and said with a smile, "OK, darling, I'm teasing you!"

That's about the same! Si Xiaobao spat out his tongue, "when will you come back?" She really miss him, why three days pass so slowly, Gu Yi sure is not on a business trip for three years?

"Normally, the day after tomorrow morning."

"All right!" She'll have to wait another day or two

Three days! Three days! For Si Xiaobao, who has been used to Gu Yi, she doesn't know how she came over these three days! I miss him when I eat and I miss him when I sleep! I miss him when I work... Anyway, Gu Yi can't go away from her mind at any time.

When Gu Yi arrived at oujing apartment, it was more than three o'clock in the morning. He flew back from the United States all night for a little woman!

At three o'clock, the alarm clock rang on time. Si Xiaobao, who was sleeping, got up from the bed. She was sleepless when she thought of meeting Gu Yi.

Then wrapped in a nightgown, Si Xiaobao hurriedly opened the door of the apartment and went downstairs.

Jiang Yan said that Gu Yi's private plane will land at the private airport next to oujing apartment community.

Wearing slippers, kicking to the airport, waiting for about three minutes, a white private plane slowly landed on the vacant lot of oujing apartment.

Si Xiaobao immediately widened his eyes, watched the cabin door open and sped to the side of the plane.

When the plane landed slowly, Gu Yi pinched his tired brow and let himself wake up for a while before he got up from the sofa and went to the cabin door.The night is a little bit dark, vaguely, Gu Yi sees a fuzzy pink shadow running in front of him.

As the pink shadow gets closer and closer, his pupil suddenly enlarges. The next second, he immediately reaches out his arms to catch the woman and hugs her tightly.

"Big wings! Big wings At the moment when Gu Yi held her, Si Xiaobao wrapped his legs around his waist and hung on him like a koala.

"Well, I'm back!" His affectionate voice is especially sexy in the dark.

Si Xiaobao gave him a heavy kiss on the face. "I miss you so much!"

Gu Yi, holding her body in one hand and carrying a briefcase in the other hand, went to the apartment, "why didn't you go to bed so late?" Only Jiang Yan knows when he arrives at oujing apartment. Therefore, Si Xiaobao will know when he arrives. Jiang Yan must have told her.

"I went to bed, but I ordered an alarm clock. I woke up at three o'clock!" She is proud of holding his neck, as if to tell him, see! I didn't miss your time to get off the plane!

Gu Yi smiles and kisses her red lips. "Since I'm so enthusiastic, I can't let you down!"

"Well?" She suddenly a Zheng, what failed her?

Back in the apartment, Si Xiaobao, who was pressed on the bed, knew what he meant. She put her hands against his chest and said, "you must be very tired when you come back so late. Another day!"

"It's better to run into the sun than to choose a day. Today is the best day!"

"No, I'll let you save people tomorrow! Have a good rest tonight Ren Xi's business, Si Xiaobao put all his hopes on Gu Yi!

Gu Yi smelled her own familiar smell, "since let me save people, then you have to bribe me well!"

"Good, good, bribery you absolutely no problem, and Bao Jun satisfaction! However! Not tonight! " Si Xiaobao patted his chest and assured him, then pushed him aside, "take a rest quickly. When you are not tired, let it go with you! How about it? "

Gu Yi took a breath, then turned up again and held her hands on her head. "But I feel that if I don't give you some welfare, I will let you down on my enthusiasm!"

"It's OK, it's OK. Let's save this welfare first and pay it back later." What Si Xiaobao said was serious. At the same time, he twisted his body uneasily.

She found a problem that a man who drives meat is like a hungry wolf every day