Si Jin Heng hears speech, the corner of the mouth rises, how can she be so childish? Do you think you can get custody back by suing him? So naive

"I'll be waiting any time!"

Two people separated unhappily, Li qianluo rubbed the sore temple, do not know how things can evolve to this point.

She knew it. She told Si Jinheng that it was the biggest joke of a country!

But for the sake of her daughter, she has to fight.

When I think of Shao Mian, the international gold medal lawyer I met in sijinheng's office before, it seems that he is sijinheng's brother and partner. Can I count on him?

Anyway, she needs to try.

C Guoshaomian law firm

The towering office building stands not far from SL group. At this moment, Si Jinheng, holding his newly wakened daughter, suddenly comes to Shao Mian's office.

Shao Mian rubbed his eyes. It was Si Jinheng!

I haven't seen you for such a long time. I'm holding a baby girl in my arms. Whose child is it?

By the way, he seems to have heard that Si Jinheng often takes care of a child recently, but he didn't pay attention to it and didn't expect it to be true.

Some time ago, they were not allowed to go to the wedding ceremony. I heard that it was cancelled in the middle of the wedding. Just as he wanted to ask what it was, he came to the door.

"Big boss, where's the baby?" Shao Mian took off his eyes, put them on his desk, and walked this way.

Si Jin Heng took a look at him and looked at Wen Nuan with a smile. "Honey, it's called dry Baba."

Dry Baba... Shao Mian's face turned black, and he was still wet!

... no! Several of their brothers once said that future children would recognize each other as Godfathers! Is this Jin Heng's

Shao Mian's mouth is wide open. He can plug an egg.

How can such a big and lovely daughter come out of sijinheng?

"Dry Baba!" Warm smile looking at very surprised Shao Mian, this uncle is very interesting, mouth open so big.

Shao Mian closed his mouth for a long time. Si Jinheng's father and daughter were already sitting on the sofa, making tea for themselves.

"Little baby, tell Uncle, are you cheated by this man?" Shao Mian also smiles to sit beside Si wennuan and teases her.

Si wennuan shook his head and said solemnly, "dry Baba, I'm my father!" Baba is good to her!

Shao Mian just moved to the opposite of Si Jinheng and looked at him seriously, "did your ex-wife give birth to you?" There's only one possibility!

Pouring boiling water into the covered bowl, Si Jin Heng glanced at him. "It's very smart."

... Shao Mian thought of their news last time, "that time you and Li qianluo took you out to play with your own daughter?" I don't know what these people are doing.

Not to mention it, Si Jin Heng was in a good mood. Now he heard it and remembered that the woman had cheated him and put the kettle on the tea table heavily.

Shao Mian was startled, but he was also used to the strange temper of Jin Heng.

"I'm here for this today. If Li qianluo calls you and asks you to be her lawyer." Si Jin Heng shakes his head. Shao Mian knows that they are going to fight for the custody of their children.

However, isn't ah Heng in love with his ex-wife? How can we get to the point of a lawsuit? Shao Mian's words haven't come out yet, Si wennuan looks at Si Jinheng curiously and asks, "Baba, why don't you let dry Baba sit as a numb lawyer?"

She tilted her head and looked at Baba beside her. The world of adults is so complicated!

Si Jin Heng smiles lovingly to his daughter, "because Baba doesn't want to leave Nuan Nuan, and you don't agree. What do you say to do?"

Si wennuan doesn't want to leave Baba, but she also wants Ma Ma, "then let Ma Ma come and stay with us!"

Si Jin Heng nodded, so, "dry Baba can't be your numb lawyer." No matter which lawyer Li qianluo went to, she had no chance of winning.

Si wennuan nodded, and then Shao Mian's mobile phone rang. He picked up his cell phone from his desk and connected it.

It took Li qianluo a long time to call Shao Mian, so he called him immediately.

"Hello! Lawyer Shao Hearing this voice, Shao Mian winked at Si Jinheng. He immediately knew who it was.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Shao Mian cleared his throat and said hello to her formally.Li qianluo was a little surprised. How did he know it was himself? Anyway, there's something more important to find him now.

"Lawyer Shao, how about a lawsuit? You can open the price at will."

Shao Mian wants to take over the case of opening the price casually. The key is that the God is still staring at his mobile phone, and he can't help it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li. The case in my hand has been scheduled to June next year. I have no time to take the case again."

His determination, let Li shallow Luo a heart sink to the bottom of the valley, should have thought of not?

"Lawyer Shao, do you have the heart to watch a woman lose her child?" She can't give up, for the sake of warmth.

Shao Mian thought about it and looked at the father and daughter drinking tea. "Who does Li always want to sue?" Turn her down in another way.

"Si Jin Heng!" Li qianluo gnashed his teeth and spat out a name.

Shao Mian held back his laughter and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li. I've just accepted the case of the defendant Si Jinheng."

Throw the ball back to them, and he won't take the trouble. What's more, how can they meet in court?

When Li qianluo heard his words, he immediately understood what he meant. I can only blame myself for being so stupid that I insist on calling Shao Mian. I know he's from Si Jinheng.

"I'll double the price for how much he gives you!" She still won't give up! Of course, there are other top lawyers in the legal field, but which one can compare with Shao Mian, an international gold medal lawyer!

Shao Mian covers the phone, lowers his voice, and deliberately asks Si Jinheng, "she's offering you double the price!"

Si Jin Heng sniffed at the speech, glanced at him, took a sip of Tie Guanyin in the cup and said, "tell her I've paid 10 billion."

Shao Mian looked at the calm man speechless. If only he could give him ten billion yuan, it would not be difficult for Si Jinheng!

"Mr. Li, the total price of Mr. Si is 10 billion. If you can offer 20 billion, I can consider it."

10 billion! Of course, she believed that the great plutocrat, sijinheng, would spend so much money! But Li qianluo is not a fool, also instantly understand the situation of shaomian there.

It must be the stinky man si Jin Heng who bribed Shao Mian and refused to take her case.

If so, what else can she say“ Tell Si Jinheng that if he has the ability, he will bribe all the lawyers, and I will continue to find other lawyers! "